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Favorite Front End
This poll is setup in order to have one definitive poll that offers several benefits over some of the other "What's your favorite front end" poll.
1. Users may change their vote at any time. For example, anyone using an older FE that decides to use a new front end can change their vote at any time.
2. All FEs from the wiki are included. When new FEs become available, I'll update the poll to reflect what's new.
3. Saint has agreed to sticky the poll so that it's readily available to everyone without having to use the search feature.
I am including all Front Ends listed in the Wiki for several reasons. This will get closer to being a comprehensive poll of all offerings, including some that haven't been updated in awhile. It may also attract some members who haven't been very active recently, yet who may be content running their FE. The more votes we get, the better the poll should be. It may also include FEs that some aren't familiar with and inspire them to research some more. Finally, if someone points out that a FE hasn't been included, it can then be added to the Wiki. In the words of Michael Scott, win-win-win.
Obviously, post any comments regarding your favorite. Let me know if another FE needs added. And I do realize that command line isn't necessarily a front end. However, several of the more/most helpful members here use it and I think it's valid to include it. :)
good stuff, ill give it a week til someone posts it again without looking through the stickies :P
Mala first ive tried no reason to change. :cheers:
Sweet thanks Hoopz!!! Your not such the A*s Bag I thought your were! hahaha. Where is Maximo G+ on the list kid? :laugh2:
I used to use GameLauncher but development ground to a halt. I was cool for it's day. ;)
But now days it 24/7 MaLa. :P
I still use command line for testing (well it is in the list) ;)
I really like the work that has gone into the development of most of the other FE's though. There are some talented dev's out there. :cheers:
Don't forget the cool guys who make MAME and FE utilities / plug-ins. They Rock :cheers:
Am I getting off track again? Nurse another pill please!!! :dizzy:
+ 1 for Maximo G+
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