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MAME Compiler 64 v2.0.197

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Nice little app. Hopefully, this will please the people that would have benefited from the *cough* binary *cough*.

I added the white box/decoding/decrypting/updating/etc. removal to the hicore diff. There's a new one posted as hi_119u2, it actually can be used in place of the hi_117u3 (for versions 117u3 - present) but was generated and only tested with 119u2.


--- Quote from: MKChamp on September 30, 2007, 01:34:33 am ---Nice little app. Hopefully, this will please the people that would have benefited from the *cough* binary *cough*.

I added the white box/decoding/decrypting/updating/etc. removal to the hicore diff. There's a new one posted as hi_119u2, it actually can be used in place of the hi_117u3 (for versions 117u3 - present) but was generated and only tested with 119u2.

--- End quote ---

The hi_119.diff included in the Mame Compiler archive had to get created manually. I tried applying hi_117u3.diff to 119 then adding the disclaimer skips manually. It produced a really strange diff file. So I went through modifying it manually using the hi_117u3.diff in a text editor. The resulting diff looked right this time (20 KB instead of 100 KB +).

I also had to add a -w switch to diff for removing whitespace. So the command I was using is

--- Code: ---diff -w -r -c -N old src >hi_119.diff
--- End code ---

Not sure why I had to add that switch while you didn't. Are you using the Unix version of diff or something?

The reason the diff that it created was so huge was because when a patch is applied to a version that had 'little' changes here and there from the version the diff was created from (117u3) what it does is create a "~" copy of the file it patched. So, then when you diff the new source, it sees new files (the ~ ones) and creates them in the diff. Since those files aren't called in the make file, they don't affect the compile.


--- Quote from: MKChamp on September 30, 2007, 02:00:18 am ---The reason the diff that it created was so huge was because when a patch is applied to a version that had 'little' changes here and there from the version the diff was created from (117u3) what it does is create a "~" copy of the file it patched. So, then when you diff the new source, it sees new files (the ~ ones) and creates them in the diff. Since those files aren't called in the make file, they don't affect the compile.
--- End quote ---

Ahhh okay, I getcha, mystery solved then!


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