I'm not sure how old this thread is (I already starting posting so I don't feel like going back to check the dates

), but a lot of professional sites actually use
cafeshops.com for their merchandise. Ever hear of
Digital Blasphemy? They
use it and they say on their main page that they've had "good luck" with them in the past. You should check them out; you can open a store and sell as little or as much of any of the products they offer as you want. Again, sorry if this is too late

I'd just like to add, that you may be thinking of another way to product your T-Shirts to a:) make more profit (since i'm assuming you are buying in bulk), and b:) selling them for your own price (in case you think their prices are too expensive). But you could also use cafeshops on the side, for the rare customers that would like a BYOAC Clock, Mouse Pad, Hat, Coffee Mug etc. But whatever, suggestions are only suggestions!

edit #2: (sorry its nearly 5am and I have nothing better to do, well, than sleep

you could alsoooo use it to have backup designs. like 10 other designs, so the customer gets to choose which one they like best. remember, cafeshops has equipment set up that creates the products on a per order basis, sso you don't have to pay any start-up fees or anything like that. and NO i am not affiliated with cafeshops.com, and there may be sites 100x better out there for all i know. I just like to input ideas.
that original logo with the button for the 'O',
very cool

Also the original cartoony style logo. (sorry I don't remember the names of the creators).
I'm a newb, I know it, flame me all you want if there's anything you don't like, and congrats for reading all of this jibberish!