Main > Lightguns
What Light Gun To Get
I have seen a few light guns and would like to know which one is considered to be the best to get for use with MAME as well as PC games. :-\ Below are listed the three I have found so far.
Act Labs PC Light Gun:
Bio Gun:
3rd Party Virtual Gun:
Now I was unable to locate the manufacturer's website for either the Bio Gun nor the #rd Part Virtual Gun which bothers me a bit. I want to be able to get support if it is needed and not being able to find these websites may mean that support is very limited, then again maybe I just wasn't looking hard enough.
Any feedback on this would be great! Also if anyone has the URL for the manufacturer's websites please post them here as well.
Search the messages here and you will find that this is the consensus-
The only gun supported by mame and the manufacture to work with mame is the current USB act-labs gun for PC monitors and the soon to be released act-labs gun for tv's.
The other guns are older and didn't even work well with the games they came with. If you search the message board you will see several guys have offered their old guns for the cost of shipping them. That should tell you how well they work.
Dr. J:
Agreed. I have a pc virtual gun that is useless. Right now the only thing worth your time is a single actlabs gun. It works pretty well though. I completed a game of police trainer with it. We just went through this recently, so try searching for some other posts and you'll find lots of discussion that will probably answer most of your questions. If not then ask away.
Bottom Line:
Just go out and buy a "Big Game Hunter" cab if you want to play a light-gun game. BTW, how come BGH and all those other "hunting" games aren't available in MAME?
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