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Computer monitor taking video input ??
Hi all:
I'm planning to build a cabinet for Mame, but I would also like to play console games (like ps2, dc, xbox, ...etc). Before, I was debating whether I should buy a tv with s-video in, or use my old 17" computer monitor... but over last weekend, this is settled. Because my cousin gave me a 21" used monitor to me for free !!! (can't get better than that.... ;D)
So, for Mame, there is no problem...
but if I want to play console game... how can I display it on a computer monitor ?? My co-worker showed me a "redant video converter" (or something like that) on the web... that thing is not even selling in US currency...
I also saw some "upscan converter"... but can't really find any place that sells them and they're VERY expensive.... (the ones I see are like US$200+)
is there a cheaper way to get a general adaptor of some sort that takes composite (yellow, red, white) and output to computer monitor ?? or take s-video as input and output to computer monitor ?? Maybe I'm out of my mind, but if I'm going to spend 200+ on an adaptor, I might as well get a separate tv.....
any advises/comments/pointers is appreciated...
- Henry.
You could get a tv card with vid-in. I use an old Hauppauge WinTV card.
I'm sure there's other companies out there too.
That's the cheapest way I can think of anyway.
I know several folks using the 'cheesebox' (VD-660) to hook their Atari's to VGA monitors. I have only heard good reports about the unit. It looks like AVToolbox has other options also.
I have to cast my vote for a Hauppage Win TV card. Play my PS1 through it and it looks great on my monitor. Lately there have been some sell off prices on the old PCI version of the card. Fits inside your PC so it is compact and takes up no extra space in the cab.
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I would also like to play console games (like ps2, dc, xbox, ...etc).
but if I want to play console game... how can I display it on a computer monitor
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The DC is designed to display on a VGA monitor with a cheap ($10-$15) adapter. Real VGA too: the image is much sharper than on a TV (then again, my TV is bigger, so unless the someone is watching a TV show, I play my DC on the TV)
I think the PS2 needs what the others are saying, and this was one of DC lovers main "PS2 sucks" arguements. Don't know about the X-box or GameCube, but I'm pretty sure the ps1 and everything before are like the PS2.
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