Main > Buy/Sell/Trade - non-retail
[ US / AR / Horseshoe Lake ] For sale: Ms Pacman w/ speedup board-set
Long time member, haven't posted in a while. I figure I'll try here before Ebay.
Like the title says, For sale: Ms Pacman w/ speedup board-set. I assume this is working but have no way to test. Before I disassembled the cabinet, it played blind with a monitor that was squashed horizontally and vertically.
Seemed to play properly but without a monitor I cant guarantee that it is working.
Willing to ship to US address only. I also have the monitor if you are local.
$175 shipped? This seems to be less than the going prices. Make offer if this is not a fair price.
Also I dont always get notifications from this site, if I dont respond feel free to email at jnewell (`90`909` gibberish to prevent spam 1901901)
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