So I have an old Berzerk cab in my basement.
Had it forever.
It was gutted and converted to the wiz at some point and then gutted again and given to me.
didn't know it was Berzerk.
The community helped me identify it.
I like the game.
Was going to restore it's appearance then mame it with a CRT TV and an RPI with the 240p output.
Keep berzerk and frenzy only.
Over the yrs, picked up a marquee, had some vinyl printed for the bezel to match a 20" CRT, and picked up a steel repro control panel.
blah blah blah crap happens and I never got to it.
Anyways i'm drinking and trolling ebay.
Find a complete board set for berzerk with extra boards and I think, I got the wiring harness, powersupply, and other stuff still in the cab.
Board sets were few and far between on ebay and cost more than I cared to pay.
i make an offer or two for a price I like for an untested set and I guess it's coming.

My plan is to hope the board set works or doesn't need too much work to get working and do an RGB mod on one of the many 19 or 20" crt tv's I have to use with it.
Worst case a JROK board to convert rgb to component and use a 20" flat crt.
I may still get a JROK board just so I can see what's going on when I hook the board's up and apply power since an actual arcade monitor probably won't happen unless i find one on Facebook marketplace or craigs list.
They occasionally pop up but i haven't needed one so I disregarded.
I've downloaded the Berzerk service manual and the pull out board everything mounts to will make it easy to put together on the dining room table as opposed to my basement.
Here are some pics.

lot's of parts left inside.
harness is little butchered but I can run new wires if need be.

At one point tried to clean the paint off to get to the robots but not even that citra stuff works so i guess i'm painting it black then stenciling.

only thing I need is to figure out joystick and if I want to go with the bat handle.
Current joystick is a leaf switch.
From what I can tell it was the replacement when the optical sticks started failing.
I'm planing on a 3d printer this winter so may try to make my own.
$125 for a repro handle is not going to happen.
That's insane for something I could make close enough from a wooden dowel with my sander.