I collect food recopies from YouTube videos and instructions. how hard would it be to have the Pi Zero W catalog my MP4 recordings of cooking and text files into a digital cook book?
That depends on how fancy you want your cookbook to be.

The easy way would be to set up some flavor of Linux or Raspbian with a desktop environment then make a folder on the desktop and dump in your text files (Maybe convert to PDFs or other format for easier reading?) and MP4s.
There are a variety of media players and document/PDF readers/editors to choose from.
If you want to get fancy, see if you can find a video jukebox program and convert the text files to MP4s.
Since you have a W (wireless) model you can use a bluetooth, wireless, or wired keyboard with touchpad to control the whole thing, or would a touchscreen be more to your liking for day-to-day operation?
What size/type of screen do you plan to use?
- Where will you place/mount it?
- Fixed location or do you need it to be mobile?
How/where do you want to mount the Pi Zero W?
How do you want to power the Pi?