Sounds like I need an encoder. Is the I-PAC 4 still the best option?
If you insist on building a 4-player panel, it is a great option for 4/8-way joysticks and buttons.
- Remember to heed the wise words, "Green is good. Red is bad."
If you want a spinner or trackball, you'll also need an optical (mouse) encoder because the IPac4 doesn't have any optical inputs.
Before you start ordering parts, you may want to carefully work through the design process covered in the "What type of build meets my needs?" section of the FAQ. nice hardware option is the Neutrik NAUSB-W-B USB feedthru.
- You can reverse the center barrel so the "B" side is on the outside. (2nd pic) That allows you to connect your control panel box to the PC using one commonly-available USB A-B cable. Remove that cable for storage or transport.
- If you plan on having a spinner/trackball and an IPac4 in your panel, connect both of them to the Neutrik feedthru using an unpowered 4 port USB hub.