Randy, stop being a wet blanket and go into detail about how far your took your project. I’ve got $6 in hand for video of you being thrown out of it.
I sold a fully functioning Miata for $2,000. I don’t think any arcade experience is going to top that, but if you’re differently abled then do whatever you have to do… I’m a waddling barrel and I could still maneuver it.
My post shows pretty much the extent of where my project sits currently. Honestly, I'm lucky I had the time to get it that far. It's functional, but I wouldn't call it "safe".
Trust me, the $6 is nowhere near enough for me to show you the pain that thing is capable of inflicting. Whiplash is a real thing, and the forces are enough for it to destroy itself. The right malfunction or a misconfigured application is all it takes to put a non-trivial hurt on the machine or me. This is from experience, whether you believe it or not. Each of the actuators I designed are theoretically capable of flinging ~250kg (~500lbs) close to 10"/second, based on similar designs, and there are four of them on the machine. In other words, with a good platform, there's more than a small chance that the 4 units could lift your Miata 10" off the ground in not much more than a second.
God help you if something goes wrong and you aren't able to shut it down, as was once the case when I stupidly tried configuring an untested roller coaster whilst in the seat of the thing. It was throwing me around so bad, it took a good 10 seconds for me to hit the escape key to stop it...on the keyboard that was on my lap! That 10 seconds felt like 10 minutes. The machine had thrown itself off it's floor pads because it was violent enough to only have 2 of the 4 actuators in contact with them at certain points during the ordeal, and it felt like it was close to flipping on it's side. My neck ached for a week afterward. That reminds me, I really need to get that industrial slam kill-switch installed.
I'm not trying to dissuade anyone. But the hard truth is that (almost) anyone can build an arcade cabinet that won't fall over and hurt you. But not everyone can design something with enough power to move in near real-time with a person attached, and do it
safely. Driving a Miata is not the same as designing one, and if one average person engineered it, you would be foolish to drive it.
If you aren't an experienced engineer/builder (or at the very minimum, so inclined), and have a limited budget, just go
here. It's about as cheap as these things get and you still have to assemble it, but at least the hard work is done and you will be unlikely to hurt yourself or loved ones.