This has long been my goto site for Arcade Building. But doing the math, our collective response rate (replies/views) is only 0.3% (for "Normal Topics".) This based on page 1 data for "Normal Topics", with a total of 126443 VIEWS and only 452 REPLIES.
Are we just seeing a flood of automated/BOT "VIEWS", which skews the response rate? Wondering if maybe this community here isn't nearly as large as the VIEWS would imply.
Are there lots of bots crawling this site? Yes. That's true of every site and will increase for the forseeable future.
- Some are good like the ones for search engines and Looks like the 11th view of this thread was by a search engine.
- Some are not good like the data scrapers used by spammers.
- IMHO it's safe to assume that Saint isn't hiring bot farms to artificially drive up views for revenue or engagement.
There are also lots of lurkers who read posts but either don't feel the need to reply
or they don't want to deal with blowback from some of the cranky old farts.
- There are already lots of thorough answers in the over 1.7 million posts on the site.
- I lurked here for 16-18 months before creating an account and posting.
Then there are the spammers.
- A site like this is very attractive to them.
- More than half of the new accounts being created are by spammers.
I see a significant number of people asking questions, or looking to start a discussion, with a very (very) small likelihood of ANY response. And I find that odd.
Maybe it's just me; maybe no one here ever posts anything of interest, and/or every post is someone who knows "nothing about whatever topic". But I find it odd at the rarity of ANYONE to respond to anybody.
Let's take a sample of current data from page 1 of the Main forum.
41 non-sticky threads. 7 have no reply yet. The two thread move notifications don't count.
- Request for an marquee file that was just posted two hours ago.
- Request for comparison of features on a "Zero Lag" (Zero Delay?) vs. IPac encoders.
- Driving game demo release announcement.
- Request for Gauntlet paint color codes.
- Request for Gorf panel measurements.
- A very specific lightgun conversion. Any respondent would have to be familiar with both the original gun and the new guts.
- Question about reprogramming a second GRS super joystick for Ikari Warriors. (encoder firmware or reprograming software issue?)
The only unusual thing with that list is that nobody has replied to your "Zero Lag" post yet. I'll try to get to that soon.
Bottom line: Your "rarity of ANYONE to respond to anybody" opinion is not well-supported by objective facts.
EDIT: Forgot to attach the image showing that this thread was already indexed by the search engine DuckDuckGo.