I would presume the arcade version of Outrun 2006 simply links two players, where Howard's amazing frontend doesn't have the LAN mode option yet, so you have to go through the menus? And in LAN the player positions might show up correctly on the arcade version, where the PC is pretty glitchy, and someone coming second can often be declared to win? So for a linked arcade cab, the Arcade version might be best. Also, aren't the graphics nicer and more colourful on the arcade version, even with the bloom mod enabled for PC? Or was that Outrun Online i'm thinking of?
EDIT: so, as a simple Autohotkey script for SR3 track swapping, i'm going to start with the following.
SR3 script.ahk
FileMoveDir, C:\games\Sega Rally 3\Rally\main_release\tracks orig, C:\games\Sega Rally 3\Rally\main_release\tracks, R
sleep 500
Run "C:\games\teknoparrot_1.41\SR3.bat
winwaitactive, Rally.exe
send, esc
process, close, rally.exe
process, close, racing.exe
process, close, racing
process, close, parrotloader.exe
sleep 2000
FileMoveDir, C:\games\Sega Rally 3\Rally\main_release\tracks, C:\games\Sega Rally 3\Rally\main_release\tracks orig, R
sleep 2000
@echo off
start C:\games\Teknoparrot_1.41\TeknoParrotUi.exe --profile=sr3.xml
I'd advise ignoring/removing my "process, close" commands unless you need them. I was having trouble getting joytokey to deliver the Esc key to exit teknoparrot, and then problems with AttractMode frontend not coming back up, and these commands help that.
This works without a folder named "tracks" in the main_release directory to begin with, and a folder named "tracks orig" instead which contains a full set of tracks, not just any altered ones. It then takes the folder named "tracks orig" and names it "tracks", then loads the game via the bat file and waits for the exit command (mine is the "x" key). On detecting the exit command it kills all processes to do with SR3, and swaps the folder names back again. To use in a frontend, all you would need to do is make a text file, change the extension to .ahk, copy in the above, changing details as needed, and select this file in the autohotkey compiler to make an exe. For different combinations of tracks, copy the ahk file, alter the directory it's renaming to "tracks" and back again, and compile another exe.
I have now tested the script, and as above it works fine. The sleep commands may not be required, i cannot confirm, but they don't hurt. Do *not* use quotation marks in or around any of the lines that rename folders.
This method means each folder of tracks, "tracks 2", "tracks 3" or whatever, needs a full set of tracks, not just the swapped ones. It also means your frontend will have as many entires for SR3 as you have track variations. I'm going to look into some sort of interface or message window that will allow a user command to select which trackset, but negative1's batch file idea might be best for that.
* By a full set of tracks i mean including stadium4, viewer1 etc folders. You do not need every single possible track, just a set to get the game working.
EDIT: Thus far all tracks i have subbed in work, apart from Alpine2, Alpine 3 and Arctic 3 (i think). I have tested most of the tracks, but not all of them.