I've read the Driving Guide. Have G29 combined brake and pedals. Please help. I've been trying to get Cruisin' USA to work. I have combined the brake and accelerator and nothing seems to work. When I try and register for Pedal 2, nothing shows up when I repeatedly press on the brake pedal. For accelerator, I'm able to switch from Accelerator, Accelerator+ and -. In Windows config, both the combined brake and accelerator show up fine and work properly.
What am I doing wrong? I've spent the past 2 hours trying to get this to work, but absolutely nothing. The documentation pinned at the top doesn't really talk about this at all. Any help would be appreciated.
The ONLY time I got something to work is when I SEPERATED the brake and pedals in the G29 GHub interface, but for other games - that stopped working. Nothing of this seems to make sense:
1. Should we combine pedals or not? Nothing is clear on that
2. IF we do need to combine - sometimes brake works, sometimes aceelartor works, often both doesn't.
I'm about to pull out my hair - what am I missing?
Thank you