How was the handling/gameplay?
That's what makes or breaks a game. Supposedly it's one of the reasons 90's Arcade Racer never got released.
I'd love to see the Antonis' artwork from that find worthy mechanics.
Really? I'd be keen to take a look at the source, if you can remember where you heard that. The trailers made that game look sooooo good. Was Antoni/Pelikan even working on the project at the end? I thought Nicalis took over...
Nicalis demo'd the game at some show a few years ago and everyone who played it said the handling and AI were horrible. I remember reading comments from a few random people. Don't remember a defiitive source.
This unnecessarily long, but thorough video mentions it at the 32 minute mark (probably worth watching from the 31 minute mark)
If it were anywhere near releasable, I think they would have dumped it on steam in an unfinished state to recoup a few bucks.
I backed at a high enough level to get the BYOAC logo featured on a track. Never spotted it in any of the released footage.
EDIT: I also want to mention that I'm always afraid of people bashing arcade racers for unrealistic mechanics. Realistic mechanics aren't fun. Go play Desert Bus if you want realism.
I vaguely remember people saying the game was shown in an arcade cabinet at these shows in 2019, but this is the only picture I could find. (from Nicalis twitter 2019) I thought I remembered a picture of a more proper cabinet, but cannot find any other pics.