After a big move and work stuff, I am slowly getting back on this forum
Saw this non-working bartop Megatouch XL Platimum for 50 euros and couldn't resist. It's not working and sold by some guy who gave up on it. The original symptoms were nothing on screen and a repeating popping sound from the speaker. I did spot some cables being loose but nothing stopped the pops.
By moving and pushing around the cards and cables around I did get it to boot partly on some occasions. That was hopeful. So I set out to disassemble thing thing and OH MY GAWD THESE BOLTS ARE ON TIGHT and non-metric. After lots of angry cussing I broke a decoupling cap on the audio codec. The values are in the codec's datasheet so that should be a quick fix. For now i just cut it out.
Not giving up though, I cleaned it all up. That was a mess. Got rid of all the dust, cleaned all edge connectors with IPA and put fresh thermal paste on the CPU.
That leaves me with a Megatouch XL that boots to the security dongle check reliably, but somehow enters a black screen right after the sequence shown below..
So now to the questions... Does anyone know why the program freezes at this point? I tried the megatouch XL 6000 emulation in mame and the game starts up there right after the key screen.
Maybe the software is bad? I did order a CF to IDE module. Now if someone can point me to that keyless titanium image...