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Author Topic: I-Pac_Ultimate Ground Wire  (Read 2212 times)

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I-Pac_Ultimate Ground Wire
« on: October 29, 2022, 03:35:32 pm »
Hey there I'm almost done wiring up my I-Pac-Ultimate but I have a question. I have a few rgb leds for my main buttons but for my coin up buttons I have some cheaper ones with 3 pins, one for the led one for the switch and a common ground. Where would you guys suggest I solder the common ground to, or a better question are all the grounds on the I-Pac connected? Thanks in advance!


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Re: I-Pac_Ultimate Ground Wire
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2022, 05:33:18 pm »
I'm almost done wiring up my I-Pac-Ultimate but I have a question. I have a few rgb leds for my main buttons but for my coin up buttons I have some cheaper ones with 3 pins, one for the led one for the switch and a common ground. Where would you guys suggest I solder the common ground to,
Which type of buttons do you have? (both of these use a 3-pin harness)

Are they 4-tab ones like this . . .

. . . or 3-pin ones like this? (related threads here and here)

or a better question are all the grounds on the I-Pac connected?
The input grounds are all connected to each other, but the LED grounds are controlled separately.

If you look at the labels for LED pins 1-48 (lower left), you see "+ R G B"
- + is operating voltage for the LED
- R, G, and B are the controllable Red, Green, and Blue channel grounds.  (more details here)
- The "+" pins don't count for numbering. The first row is pins 1-3 -- + (not numbered), R (pin 1), G (pin 2), and B. (pin 3)
