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Search for software MAME jukebox with dual screen
Rebel Oz 69:
Hi Brian,
I haven't tackled the full randomisation of the media list as yet, but right from the beginning, I've had the option available to either sort it (by artist, album, or track title), or not. Unsorted, we just read in the SongPaths in the order they're specified in jukebox.ini, and don't apply any further manipulation, which may or may not resemble a dog's breakfast... :)
I can't remember ever walking up to a Jukebox and thinking, "Wow, someone went to the effort of sorting this out!", but then, I also can't remember every walking up to a Jukebox and thinking, "Wow, there must be 12495 songs in this thing!" :)
I will (once the dust settles) add the capability to 'shuffle' the sorting, to either random singles (ie, dual tracks by same artist), or album. I am also giving thought to a proper 'singles' mode, where if a second track by the same artist isn't available for inclusion, we'll just leave the second spot on a dual-title strip empty, instead of cramming in the next track by a different artist. That, however, is more complex than you might think... :)
Rebel Oz 69:
Ok, well, I had a few spare minutes, so I gave that dogs breakfast a bit of a stir... ;)
The result is, if "SongSort = Random", we'll now shuffle up the track list. This results in a completely different track order layout every time you start 'er up. :)
Way to go! Seriously. It really can seem much more of a true experience in walking into the bar and seeing what is on the jukebox, even when you own all the tracks.
I'm glad you were able to add that functionality.
Rebel Oz 69:
Thanks mate, glad you like it, but seriously, that was the 'low hanging fruit'; easy pickings, and literally only a few minutes work. :)
Much harder will be album or artist randomisation (ie, all songs by a particular artist grouped together, but randomly sort the collection by artist name). I have a few ideas on the chalk board about how I plan to tackle that, but it won't be today, and it probably won't be quick at system startup time... ;)
Did you ever release this software? I've just stumbled on this via a google search for some video jukebox software and it looks brilliant. Thanks.
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