Note that the "twist the legs off" method does come with the risk of lifting off the pads. If you're okay with that, cool, but I think you'll have to do some (de)soldering anyway, unless Mike or someone does it for you. It's not really that daunting.
You'll have to desolder the RF module to get at the caps regardless; I've seen videos where people try to desolder the big cap first and then shake the rest out of the hole; that, truthfully, that seems even harder to me. Especially trying to put the new caps back in through that hole.
Anyway, a 15W iron should be hot enough to do this (you might need to spend extra time on the RF mdule case), and you don't need a solder sucker if you have some solder wick already. It might help to have an extra tube of flux, but I suppose you could probably get by without it.
There are plenty of videos and stuff demonstrating the process; here's one:
He shows use of both a desoldering iron and solder wick, as well as what happens when you lift a pad and have to fix it.
Good luck!