So here's an intro in the next stage of this lunacy...
Picked this up for $15 QMK LQQK mint and CIB

Problem is that Sega used the physical cartridge shape as a region lockout. I had hoped that Sega would have given up on that given this was a custom shell, but there's that damned Megadrive notch.

They also used a software region lock on this. Thanks, Sega. (note to some of you - see that I am wearing both pants and a shirt in that reflection, this is how it should be done)
A simple Game Genie code (RYBA-E61G) will bypass both the physical size issue and software lock, but where's the fun in that

Step 1 is a mod I first did back in the 90s. This time I routed the region switch out of the back of the unit. There's already a perfectly sized hole for my toggle switch. Genesis Model 1 also has this hole... maybe from the molding process? Whatever, it fits.

I opted to cut a trace and scrap off some solder mask rather than lift a leg on that chip. All the mod does is toggle between grounding that pin out (Japan) or pulling it to 5V (USA). There's no need for PAL support in my life so I didn't bother with that mod.
That takes care of the region lock, now you have to make the genesis slot a rectangular shaped hole.
So, you get PL1 to print you some replacement cartridge slot doors. Then you take a dremel cutting wheel to it, and then you realize the spinning shaft is etching your case, so you go back to old reliable of using your soldering iron to rough cut the plastic, a sharp pocket knife to whittle it, and then a file. Not perfect but actually fairly pleased with this:

Looks even better with a cartridge stuck in there:

So, there's obviously no point in stopping here so I've got some Megadrive shells in the mail. I'm sure I could get a cardboard box full of games in Japan for nothing but they're actually fairly expensive on Ebay. Since the PCBs are the same, I figure I'll just burn the ROMs myself.