I own a couple Skeeball Machines Model S. The CPUs are getting really hard to find and very costly to repair. Mine currently work but looking ahead what will I do if/when they stop?
I'm recovering from back surgery and going crazy watching TV etc so I started working on coding an Arduino Uno to use as a controller. I'm curious if anyone else has interest in this project?
I plan to make it function like the original game, it will drive 3 5" 7-Segments for the score and a 3" - 7-segment for the ball count. I want to have it drive the original displays too but that requires a bit of reverse engineering to understand the signature of the serial data sent to the displays. The plan is to use the original wiring in the machine so rewiring is not needed. It will also control the ticket dispenser. Since I plan to use original wiring, it will of course use the wire switches for scoring and ball count. If there is interest in this, I can tweak the program to use the Adafruit 3mm beam sensors.
Most likely I'll use a microSD card to save settings and highscore.
The lights, top flasher and solenoid will be driven by a SainSmart 8-ch solid state relay board. Using solidstate relays as they are silent compared to regular mechanical relays.
Speaker will be drive by Adafruit Mp3 Shield.
https://www.adafruit.com/product/1788Here is picture of the little prototype setup for testing out the code.