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Author Topic: RGBCommander not working on RPi4  (Read 8682 times)

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RGBCommander not working on RPi4
« on: December 17, 2020, 06:08:47 am »
Hello everyone,

I used RGBCommander on my RPI 3 without any problems.
After migrating to RPI 4 RGBCommander stopped working.
I tried to solve this problem but don't get any further.
I guess it is because RGBCommander is not recognizing the different emulators used in the RPI 4 Setup.

Attached the log files for the working and non working setup.
Processes for RPI 3 working:
Code: [Select]
ps aux | grep 1942
pi        2024  0.0  0.0   1900   404 tty1     S+   15:17   0:00 sh -c /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        2025  0.0  0.6   5152  3244 tty1     S+   15:17   0:00 bash /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        2130 41.6  7.0 199236 35904 tty1     Rl+  15:17   0:37 /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-mame2003/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/ --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg

Extract from the rgbcmdd.log:
Code: [Select]
16/12/20 15:16:38  _____ _____ _____                               _         
16/12/20 15:16:38 | __  |   __| __  |___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ___ _| |___ ___
16/12/20 15:16:38 |    -|  |  | __ -|  _| . |     |     | .'|   | . | -_|  _|
16/12/20 15:16:38 |__|__|_____|_____|___|___|_|_|_|_|_|_|__,|_|_|___|___|_|
16/12/20 15:16:38 Copyright 2015-2018 Gijsbrecht De Waegeneer
16/12/20 15:16:38 RGBcommander linux
16/12/20 15:16:38 a *nix arcade cabinet led and joystick driver
16/12/20 15:16:38 
16/12/20 15:16:38 compilation date Dec 23 2017 18:53:06
16/12/20 15:16:38 
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] installation directory -> /usr/sbin/rgbcommander/
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] daemon binary -> rgbcmdd
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] working directory set to -> /usr/sbin/rgbcommander/
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] minimame binary build source -> 0.187 (mame0187) -> processed 38098 structures
16/12/20 15:16:38 [DEBUG] [Hardware] constructed ULTIMATEIO_1 hwthrottle -> 417
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] processed 31 buttons
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] processed LedBoard ULTIMATEIO_1
16/12/20 15:16:38 [DEBUG] [Hardware] constructed SERVOSTIK hwthrottle -> 0
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] processed Joystick SERVOSTIK
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] daemon listening port number 2724
16/12/20 15:16:38 [INFO] [Init] blinking mame led mappings : led 0 -> P1_START led 1 -> P2_START led 2 -> P1_BUTTON1
16/12/20 15:16:38 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> bombjac2 -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:39 [INFO] [Init] joystick way override insertion for rom entry arcade -> gngt -> 4
16/12/20 15:16:39 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> machridr -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:39 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> mightybj -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:40 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> platoon -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] static maps defined -> true
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] # defined emulators in data structure -> 7
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> megadrive
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> n64
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> psx
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> snes
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] # defined process to watch -> 2
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> advmame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] # emulators defined as retropie (retroarch cores and/or normal processes) -> 7
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> megadrive
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> snes
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> n64
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> psx
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] # emulators defined as arcade (mame derivates) -> 3
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] # retropie folder to process mappings -> 7
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] arcade -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] mame-advmame -> advmame
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] megadrive -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] mame -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] snes -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] n64 -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] psx -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:16:43 [INFO] [Init] processed 3 flash animations
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [Init] processed 80 animations
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [Init] total Init processing time -> 5.46969s
16/12/20 15:16:44 [DEBUG] [ControlPanel] constructed ControlPanel
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [main] successfully created ControlPanel abstraction
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [mamefifo] starting sdlmame monitoring thread
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] starting rgbcmdd message queue thread
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [mameNetworkCommunicator] mameNetworkCommunicator started
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [processMonitor] awaiting FrontEnd (emulationstatio) start...
16/12/20 15:16:44 [DEBUG] [processMonitorWorker] starting processMonitorWorker
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [startListening] selectserver: listening on IP, socket 16
16/12/20 15:16:44 [WARNING] [startListening] selectserver: bind failed, error: 98
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [RGBAstart]random animation chosen -> 3backsweep_64
16/12/20 15:16:44 [ERROR] [connect] failed to claim interface nr 3 -> LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM
16/12/20 15:16:44 [WARNING] [connect] assuming UIO non gamepad enabled firmware - retrying
16/12/20 15:16:44 [WARNING] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> FAILURE
16/12/20 15:16:44 [WARNING] [setOff] setting ULTIMATEIO_1 -> fadeSpeed(0) -> failed
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [setRGBAspeed] RGBA 3backsweep_64 speed set to 100
16/12/20 15:16:44 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba 3backsweep_64 play back start at speed 100
16/12/20 15:17:43 [DEBUG] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] msg from rgbparse -> emu -> arcade -> rom -> 1942
16/12/20 15:17:43 [INFO] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] waiting for process retroarch to appear...
16/12/20 15:17:48 [INFO] [RGBAstop] awaiting animation stop...
16/12/20 15:17:48 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba 3backsweep_64 playback stop -> anim runtime ->  64.7387s
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [RGBAstop] animation stop -> success ...
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [processMonitor] retroarch is running
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] setting state for arcade 1942
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu friendly name MAME core
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu default active colour Orange r 255 g 128 b 0
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu default inactive colour Black r 27 g 27 b 27
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu default joyway 8
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu default rgba RANDOM at speed 100
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] emu default monitor rotation -> horizontal
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] 1942 known in minimame
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] joyway set according to rom data -> 8
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] rom monitor rotation is vertical
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] 1942 -> preconfiguration data available -> appending to state
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] appending ULTIMATEIO_1 button name P1_BUTTON1 button colour Red r 255 g 0 b 0
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] appending ULTIMATEIO_1 button name P1_BUTTON2 button colour White r 255 g 255 b 255
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P1_COIN not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P1_JOYSTICK not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P1_START not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] appending ULTIMATEIO_1 button name P2_BUTTON1 button colour Red r 255 g 0 b 0
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] appending ULTIMATEIO_1 button name P2_BUTTON2 button colour White r 255 g 255 b 255
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P2_COIN not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P2_JOYSTICK not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] skipping P2_START not present in control panel configuration
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] preparing blinking led2 active colour Red r 255 g 0 b 0
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] preparing blinking led2 inactive colour Black r 27 g 27 b 27
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] committing state to led hardware -> ULTIMATEIO_1
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setStick] committing state to joystick hardware -> SERVOSTIK
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setWay] setting SERVOSTIK to 8 success
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [setState] total setState processing time -> 0.667039s
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"  'arcade' '1942'
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] arcade 1942 started -> setState -> success
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [processMonitor] retroarch is no longer running
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [setStick] committing state to joystick hardware -> SERVOSTIK
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [setWay]SERVOSTIK already in position 8
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"  'retroarch'
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [RGBAstart]random animation chosen -> Pattern35_32
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [setRGBAspeed] RGBA Pattern35_32 speed set to 100
16/12/20 15:21:08 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba Pattern35_32 play back start at speed 100

Processes for RPI 4 not working:
Code: [Select]
ps aux| grep 1942
pi        3305  0.0  0.0   1940   376 tty1     S+   15:33   0:00 sh -c /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        3306  1.0  0.2   8464  3700 tty1     S+   15:33   0:00 bash /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        3953 22.2  8.5 328276 136340 tty1    SLl+ 15:33   0:04 /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fbalpha2012/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/ --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg

Extract from the rgbcmdd.log:
Code: [Select]
16/12/20 15:30:38  _____ _____ _____                               _         
16/12/20 15:30:38 | __  |   __| __  |___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ___ _| |___ ___
16/12/20 15:30:38 |    -|  |  | __ -|  _| . |     |     | .'|   | . | -_|  _|
16/12/20 15:30:38 |__|__|_____|_____|___|___|_|_|_|_|_|_|__,|_|_|___|___|_|
16/12/20 15:30:38 Copyright 2015-2018 Gijsbrecht De Waegeneer
16/12/20 15:30:38 RGBcommander linux
16/12/20 15:30:38 a *nix arcade cabinet led and joystick driver
16/12/20 15:30:38 
16/12/20 15:30:38 compilation date Dec 23 2017 18:53:06
16/12/20 15:30:38 
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] installation directory -> /usr/sbin/rgbcommander/
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] daemon binary -> rgbcmdd
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] working directory set to -> /usr/sbin/rgbcommander/
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] minimame binary build source -> 0.187 (mame0187) -> processed 38098 structures
16/12/20 15:30:38 [DEBUG] [Hardware] constructed ULTIMATEIO_1 hwthrottle -> 417
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] processed 31 buttons
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] processed LedBoard ULTIMATEIO_1
16/12/20 15:30:38 [DEBUG] [Hardware] constructed SERVOSTIK hwthrottle -> 0
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] processed Joystick SERVOSTIK
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] daemon listening port number 2724
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] blinking mame led mappings : led 0 -> P1_START led 1 -> P2_START led 2 -> P1_BUTTON1
16/12/20 15:30:38 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> bombjac2 -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:38 [INFO] [Init] joystick way override insertion for rom entry arcade -> gngt -> 4
16/12/20 15:30:39 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> machridr -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:39 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> mightybj -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:39 [WARNING] [Init] likely incorrect rom name detected -> platoon -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] static maps defined -> true
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] # defined emulators in data structure -> 7
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> megadrive
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> n64
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> psx
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> snes
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] # defined process to watch -> 2
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> advmame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] # emulators defined as retropie (retroarch cores and/or normal processes) -> 7
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> megadrive
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> snes
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> n64
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> psx
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] # emulators defined as arcade (mame derivates) -> 3
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame-advmame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> mame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] -> arcade
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] # retropie folder to process mappings -> 7
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] arcade -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] mame-advmame -> advmame
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] megadrive -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] mame -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] snes -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] n64 -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] psx -> retroarch
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] processed 3 flash animations
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] processed 80 animations
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [Init] total Init processing time -> 2.64575s
16/12/20 15:30:41 [DEBUG] [ControlPanel] constructed ControlPanel
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [main] successfully created ControlPanel abstraction
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [mamefifo] starting sdlmame monitoring thread
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] starting rgbcmdd message queue thread
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [processMonitor] awaiting FrontEnd (emulationstatio) start...
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [mameNetworkCommunicator] mameNetworkCommunicator started
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [startListening] selectserver: listening on IP, socket 14
16/12/20 15:30:41 [WARNING] [startListening] selectserver: bind failed, error: 98
16/12/20 15:30:41 [DEBUG] [processMonitorWorker] starting processMonitorWorker
16/12/20 15:30:41 [INFO] [RGBAstart]random animation chosen -> Pattern45_32
16/12/20 15:30:41 [ERROR] [connect] failed to claim interface nr 3 -> LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM
16/12/20 15:30:41 [WARNING] [connect] assuming UIO non gamepad enabled firmware - retrying
16/12/20 15:30:41 [WARNING] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> FAILURE
16/12/20 15:30:41 [WARNING] [setOff] setting ULTIMATEIO_1 -> fadeSpeed(0) -> failed
16/12/20 15:30:42 [INFO] [setRGBAspeed] RGBA Pattern45_32 speed set to 100
16/12/20 15:30:42 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba Pattern45_32 play back start at speed 100
16/12/20 15:31:03 [INFO] [RGBAstop] awaiting animation stop...
16/12/20 15:31:03 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:31:03 [INFO] [RGBAstop] awaiting animation stop...
16/12/20 15:31:03 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba Pattern45_32 playback stop -> anim runtime ->  22.3199s
16/12/20 15:31:04 [INFO] [RGBAstop] animation stop -> success ...
16/12/20 15:31:04 [INFO] [processMonitor] retroarch is running
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [processMonitor] retroarch is no longer running
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [setStick] committing state to joystick hardware -> SERVOSTIK
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [setWay] setting SERVOSTIK to 8 success
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"  'retroarch'
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [RGBAstart]random animation chosen -> Pattern05_32
16/12/20 15:31:31 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:31:32 [INFO] [setRGBAspeed] RGBA Pattern05_32 speed set to 100
16/12/20 15:31:32 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba Pattern05_32 play back start at speed 100
16/12/20 15:31:51 [INFO] [RGBAstop] awaiting animation stop...
16/12/20 15:31:52 [INFO] [fadeSpeed] ULTIMATEIO_1 fadespeed set to  0 -> SUCCESS
16/12/20 15:31:52 [INFO] [RGBAstop] awaiting animation stop...
16/12/20 15:31:52 [INFO] [RGBAthread] rgba Pattern05_32 playback stop -> anim runtime ->  20.3576s

In the non working rgbcmdd.log the following I guess important things are missing:
Code: [Select]
16/12/20 15:17:43 [DEBUG] [rgbcmddMsgQueue] msg from rgbparse -> emu -> arcade -> rom -> 1942
16/12/20 15:17:49 [INFO] [execOutputHook] exec hook -> "/usr/sbin/rgbcommander/scripts/"  'arcade' '1942'

I guess I need to add or adjust some configuration in the emulators section of the rgbcmdd.xml (attached) , but I am not able to figure out the correct config.

Any help is much apreciated.
CU, Stefan
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 03:36:30 am by StefanV »


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Re: RGBCommander not working
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2020, 02:40:52 pm »
I did some further investigation.
Using the same emulator on a RPI 3 proves a working RGBCommander:
Code: [Select]
ps aux| grep 1942
pi        3305  0.0  0.0   1940   376 tty1     S+   15:33   0:00 sh -c /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        3306  1.0  0.2   8464  3700 tty1     S+   15:33   0:00 bash /opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/ 0 _SYS_ arcade /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/
pi        3953 22.2  8.5 328276 136340 tty1    SLl+ 15:33   0:04 /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-fbalpha2012/ --config /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/arcade/ --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg

So it is not a matter of the used emulator but seems to be an issue with the RPI4.

Anyone here using the RGBCommander on RPI 4 with success?

Thanks, Stefan.


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Re: RGBCommander not working
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 10:19:01 pm »
I use it for my U360 but I do not have any LED's. I guess I will have to check the log and see if it is loading correctly. I just changed from a 3 to the 4 so I have not done a lot of testing yet. I will try and let you know once I get to it.



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Re: RGBCommander not working
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2020, 03:38:10 am »
I use it for my U360 but I do not have any LED's. I guess I will have to check the log and see if it is loading correctly. I just changed from a 3 to the 4 so I have not done a lot of testing yet. I will try and let you know once I get to it.


That would be great!


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Re: RGBCommander not working on RPi4
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2021, 11:34:51 am »
While I've used RGBcommander in the past, i haven't used it on my Pi I'm just dropping in to say: If you can't get it working, LEDSpicer is an option. I wrote up a pretty comprehensive guide to setting it up:  

I don't have bad things to say about RGBcommander. I just had to stop using it because i wanted to integrate mode switching in my GGG 49-way joystick, which RGBcommander didn't support. There is a slack channel for support for LEDspicer if you try it and get stuck.

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Re: RGBCommander not working
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2023, 12:53:52 pm »
I use it for my U360 but I do not have any LED's. I guess I will have to check the log and see if it is loading correctly. I just changed from a 3 to the 4 so I have not done a lot of testing yet. I will try and let you know once I get to it.


That would be great!

Did you end up getting this working? I am having the same issue and can't figure out what is the cause. Thank you!!


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Re: RGBCommander not working
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2023, 12:55:50 pm »
I use it for my U360 but I do not have any LED's. I guess I will have to check the log and see if it is loading correctly. I just changed from a 3 to the 4 so I have not done a lot of testing yet. I will try and let you know once I get to it.


Hello!! I am having a similar issue to @StefanV. Were you able to test to see if your pi4 was handling the LEDs properly with RGB commander?
I feel like I'm running out of options on how to fix this.


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Re: RGBCommander not working on RPi4
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2023, 12:58:40 pm »
While I've used RGBcommander in the past, i haven't used it on my Pi I'm just dropping in to say: If you can't get it working, LEDSpicer is an option. I wrote up a pretty comprehensive guide to setting it up:  

I don't have bad things to say about RGBcommander. I just had to stop using it because i wanted to integrate mode switching in my GGG 49-way joystick, which RGBcommander didn't support. There is a slack channel for support for LEDspicer if you try it and get stuck.

Hello @mahuti

If I am unable to get RGB commander going with the help of some of the others here on the forum, could you give me some support for getting LEDSpicer/ LEDSpicer Emitter going on my retropie installation. I feel beat down after my failed attempts with RGB commander and am hoping to get something working. I would hate to have my PACLED64 go to waste. It needs some brains :-)

Thank you all for your help!


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Re: RGBCommander not working on RPi4
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2023, 07:53:10 pm »
The reason for no buttons lighting up upon entering a rom can be found here (this fix will possibly work as long as you are getting lights flashing while in the retropie menu system):