This thread will contain programs I have developed to help us in automating our cabinets.
I will update the links in my spare time.
Startcom is a mala plugin used to get original screen orientation from Mala and issue commands to rotate monitor.
Use startcom_config to set up your startcom plugin for Mala.
Place startcom_config in the same folder as startcom (Usually Mala\plugins).
This package contains this readme file, startcom.mplugin, startcom_config.exe, and comdlg32.ocx
Place the startcom.mplugin and startcom_config.exe files in your Mala\plugins folder.
The included comdlg32.ocx file needs to be placed in the windows\system32 folder. It may also need to be registered with regsrv.
To register it, click start/run then type in "regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx " (without the quote marks.)
This should register it.
The file startcom_config.exe needs this ocx file to run properly. I would try to run it first, you may already have it on your computer.
Joychoose is another program I developed to run as a Mala Plugin. It is used to get what type joystick was used for the game (2, 4, or 8 way), and issue commands to switch the joystick to that mode. (Joystick requires hardware modifications.)
JoyChoose is a plugin designed to work with Mala to automatically switch your joystick between 8, 4, and 2 way.
You must add the proper hardware to your joystick to actually switch it. JoyChoose tells your hardware which joystick position to switch to, based on what the selected game used.
If you would like to learn how to do this, this link will get you started: was winner of the 2011 BYOAC User Choice Award.