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Author Topic: SEGA Ghost Squad LED Screen dimensions  (Read 570 times)

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SEGA Ghost Squad LED Screen dimensions
« on: September 13, 2024, 03:39:14 pm »
Does anybody have access to a Ghost Squad cabinet. I am trying to find the dimensions for the LED BD modules that surround the outside of the screen. I just need the four corners which make a square.
There are 10 led modules arrayed around the screen. So there are four modules in each corner of the screen. I need the dimensions from the centers of the four modules. I am trying to set up the 10 leds on a custom screen. But I want the leds to be spread out the same as the original screen size. So I need two dimensions horizontal and vertical. Something like 1000mm x 1000mm
« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 07:28:40 pm by tangodownNZ »


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Re: SEGA Ghost Squad LED Screen dimensions
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2024, 10:08:46 am »
i've literally holesawed a 25" bezel to swap a 25" monitor into a 27" cabinet after it failed and i needed it up and running.

the exact dimensions do not matter, only that the 5 emitters are evenly spaced across the top and bottom of your screen... and the activation lines properly strobe out the pattern the gun/game logic is looking for.

this is why this system is used in the first place... it does not matter what size screen (what cabinet) is used, be it a 27" CRT cabinet or a 50" super deluxe rear projection... they need not reprogram the game to make it work, just so long as the gun camera can "see" most of the emitters (IE be far enough away) and the LED lights strobe in the appropriate will work.

the gun calibration in the game takes care of the rest.