While you are here, I'd like some input on my game of boxes.
I say it is a cool idea. I think you are on to something useful, urging builders to look at the each piece of their design. Could be a very useful tool, but yeah, needs refinement0. (I know it still WiP stage) I think it could help some people free themselves from feeling like they need to copy someone else's plans to the tee in order to make sure it is a functional design.
I also see this a a cool menu system, where you can visually click on different parts of a cab and go to the relevant parts involved. for example, it would be cool to click on the back of the cab, and it will pull up topics on rear doors, vents, back of cab designs, handles for carting cabs, etc. Make people think of things they can include in each area of a cab.
As far as adding to the wiki, I think there should be no reason to catch your ideas up in red tape. I would think that if we wanted to get nitpicky about what goes up in the wiki, We should still free up everything to be posted, but if something didn't feel complete or relevant enough, the mods could more simply adjust how it is categorized, or add one of those tags that says it is not a complete page yet.