I was setting up model 2 emulator from scratch on the new PC and the force feedback didn't feel right.
Then I remembered that I had messed with the settings in the .ini years ago.
It's been so long, I don't remember if I got these settings somewhere or came up with them myself.
I also cranked the overall strength up to 150% in Logitech Profiler.
Anyone else mess around with them and come up with something different?
;FE_CENTERING Effect (Spring centering effect)
FE_CENTERING_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain FE_CENTERING_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000
FE_CENTERING_Saturation=10000 ;0-10000
FE_CENTERING_Deadband=100 ;1%
;FE_CLUTCH Effect (Friction, wheel turn hardness)
FE_CLUTCH_Gain=1.0 ;Global gain
FE_CLUTCH_Coefficient=10000 ;0-10000
;FE_LEFT,FE_RIGHT (Constant force in a direction)
FE_LEFT_Gain=2.0 ;Global gain
FE_LEFT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000
FE_RIGHT_Gain=2.0 ;Global gain
FE_RIGHT_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000
;FE_UNCENTERING (Sine force, wave the wheel, rumble)
FE_UNCENTERING_Gain=10.0 ;Global gain
FE_UNCENTERING_Magnitude=10000 ;0-10000