OK. I'm not usually one to thread crap or get into arguments on the internet. But I'm being called a jerk here so I'm gonna respond to that. After this, I will not post in this thread again unless it's on topic.
First I extend my apologies to neggie1. You're new here and there's a bit of bickering in your first thread. We're not normally like this. Really.
This is a great froum and a great group. Don't let this scare you off.
thanks for playing the "let's tear apart every generalization that Howard makes because he obviously has no feelings so I can be a total jerk towards him" game
Yeah, I know my post came off a bit jerky. And so did, "Thanks for playing, but you're wrong." It essentially comes off as, "Nice try, but I'm smarter than you." I would have let it go except that you are always talking to people like that, and this time you are so hilariously, demonstratably 100% wrong that I couldn't resist calling you on it. Your assertion was far too absurd to be taken seriously enough to hurt my feelings, but it is kind of annoying.
If we are playing the "who is more wrong" game then your slew of games that flat out won't play on a digital stick is just as wrong as my list of two games that excluded maybe 3 or 4 games that were worth playing.
Oh good grief.
You can't possibly think I was wrong here. The "No analog games" is an arbitrary restriction that you came up with - why shouldn't analog games be included? There are many arcade games that used analog controls. You may as well have said "Games with cars in them don't count" or "Games made by Midway don't count". Heck, I would have actually been fine with it if you had come back with, "I don't count analog games" but instead you come back with one of your classic "I am smarter than you, so there" posts. If you need to make yourself feel better about your mistake by pretending I'm wrong too, then...whatever man. Your problem I guess.
FWIW Howard, I know you're a smart dude. I actually make a point of reading your posts because they are often informative, helpful, and well-written. I really enjoy it when you start talking about Nintendo (as a company) because most people disagree with you, but I find myself nodding in agreement. I've appreciated times when you've responded to questions I've had. But when you make a mistake and someone corrects it, you just can't seem to accept that someone knew something you didn't. Your ability to be rational and objective goes out the window - you just want to be right no matter what.
If people give you a hard time sometimes, it's because it's annoying when they make a point and you throw a non-sensical argument at them in a slightly condescending way. In the adult world, 99% of people cannot be bothered to pick on you for no reason. If you feel like people are picking on you a lot, it is almost certainly because of something you're doing.
If you feel you need to respond to this, start an off-topic thread or send me a PM. I'll ignore further posts on this subject in this thread because I don't want to crap on it anymore.
FTR, as frustrating as it is to get into a debate with you, I don't really feel animosity toward you and will still look forward to your posts when they are intelligent and informative.