Ive been searching the world for something where i can unlock Lpt1 at 0378, for complete two way communication with 16 bit programs.
I have NEVER been able to get userport to work, although it shows signs of wanting to work.
when i run userport, ucon64 will send, but nothing gets recieved on the other end. also, my willem programming software does the same thing. With both of these, instead of just crashing, they act like they load, or program, go back to the menu, and nothing gets recieved on the other end.
also, with userport, i suspect that it is unlocking more than what i want it to unlock, or enables someone to do so.
ive got tons of old hardware both serial and parallel that i want to work again, without giving up the benefits of locked hardware access.
I may have missed something but i just cant see how having lpt1 @ 0X378 unlocked all the time, would hurt anything. what could an invader do, send some adware to the willem? it wouldnt even understand that.
thanks for any help you can give.