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Main => Wiki Discussion => Topic started by: EddieArcadian on May 29, 2008, 02:12:53 pm

Title: Added monitor spec links to Wiki
Post by: EddieArcadian on May 29, 2008, 02:12:53 pm
I apologize in advance if I'm wasting a thread.  I made an update to the Wiki - I added a nice link for multi-sync presentation monitors that shows the horizontal (and vertical) frequency range and specifications for just about every presentation monitor ever made.

My only question is, I added it as a link, and did not paste the chart as a table, b/c I was concerned about the legality of copying someone else's work.  Let me know if someone knowledgeable on the subject thinks it's okay to paste as a table - I'd hate for everyone to lose this information if the page ever dies.