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Main => Main Forum => Topic started by: robert obryan on June 30, 2002, 04:15:39 pm

Title: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: robert obryan on June 30, 2002, 04:15:39 pm
anyone know of a program that will rotate all my flyer  png files by 90 degs.donig 1 at a time takes for every and they don't look right on my vertical monitor.
Title: Re: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: bconpc on June 30, 2002, 06:04:38 pm
I was needing the same thing and searched for hours and found a great program. It will rotate all files at once and you can resize them as well. I needed to rotate my png files for my vertical cabinet. The programs is called ,""
Title: Re: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: JustMichael on June 30, 2002, 06:27:37 pm
You could try IrFanView (  It can do much more than just rotate the images.  It also has a batch conversion mode.
Title: Re: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: Mameham on June 30, 2002, 08:12:05 pm
Jasc Image Robot. Absolutely the best solution I have found. Does basically anything you want to a bunch of images in batch form.

It simply rules.

Title: Re: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: Howard_Casto on June 30, 2002, 09:44:58 pm
I'll agree with JM on this one.....  ifanview is the best, i've tried the others you all mentioned and none are better than ifan.  

Btw shouldn't you have the images rotated in the front-end rather than doing it that way?

Title: Re: Rotating png files by 90 deg.
Post by: robert obryan on July 03, 2002, 03:34:31 pm
Thanks for the info i'll give these a try.This was the last thing i needed to get figured out. I'm hoping to be finished with my cocktail cabinet by the 4th of july.