The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Project Announcements => Topic started by: leapinlew on April 14, 2006, 05:43:55 pm

Title: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on April 14, 2006, 05:43:55 pm
Hey Guys!

Thought I'd make an announcement for a jukebox I'm working on... This project has taken on a bit of a hurry since we are considering using the jukebox at our wedding reception in place of a DJ. I had some requirements when thinking about what I wanted the jukebox to look like:

For the design, well, I just started taping cardboard together. I kept the design fairly simple, my woodworking skills aren't the greatest. It ended up looking a lot like Clanggedin's unit (

I did some testing on different kinds of jukebox software. I'm still game for any other software anyone else would like to recommend. I decided on freebox. It can be found at (

So... with this in mind, I created a laundry list.

I Purchased:
2'x2' sheet of 3/4" plywood for the base
Four 2x4's 8' long for the frame
4'x8' sheet of 3/4 MDF (this stuff looks heavy, and it is)
Two 2.5" Swivel Casters for the front
Two 2.5" Caster for the rear
I already have:
I still need:
Primer tinted black
Black Paint
Brushes and Rollers
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: leapinlew on April 14, 2006, 05:49:51 pm
First thing I did was cut the 2x2 sheet of 3/4 plywood to 20"x24". I wanted it to be as skinny as possible and still hold a computer, touchscreen, and speakers. I assembled the frame of the jukebox.





The frame.... well, I learned a few things about how to determine the appropriate angle to cut. You can barely see it here, but I had to shim up the shortage of both of my angle cuts. No big deal, I guess.

Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: leapinlew on April 14, 2006, 05:57:20 pm
I cut and routed the sides for the jukebox. If there is one thing I've learned from the BYOAC forums it's that when you route MDF, it goes EVERYWHERE. Sure enough, it did. I was ready though! It was the last thing I did and I made sure I did it outside. I routed the MDF, walked in my house and took a shower.

My skill with a circular saw is horrendous. What I used was a jigsaw, and as you know, jigsaw makes for some wavy cuts. I cut both sides out with a jigsaw, used some clamps to hold both sides together and a belt sander to even out my wavy lines.



I will mount the sides later, but right now - here is what it looks like:


This Easter weekend I hope to get more work done on it.

If you get a kick out of seeing your family in friends ooohing and aaaahing over things you've built. You should build a jukebox. I can't believe the amount of attention it gets. I wanted it for some classic 80's tunes while I game, but everyone else just wants to jam on some tunes. Currently my computer, touchscreen, and speakers are sitting on a table and when people come over, they all take turns picking out songs.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: leapinlew on April 14, 2006, 10:19:22 pm
I was able to get a bit of work done when I got home.

I mounted the sites
I am test fitting the front and top

The surface area where I'm installing the monitor is giving me more real estate then I initially thought it would. The top measures approx. 18" wide by 30" tall. The monitor takes up 13" wide by 10" tall.  The whole unit is looking bigger than it did when it was in cardboard form...



What I want to do next is cut the hole for the monitor to fit in... I'll tackle that sunday after Easter festivities...

Have a good weekend!
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: leapinlew on April 16, 2006, 02:15:09 am

Ordered some super cheezy items for the jukebox tonight.

Item 1:

I ordered just the Neon Rings. they are 10" rings that will dance to the music. Dance.... there words, not mine.

Item 2:
Motorized Spinner Speaker Grills... yeah, I didn't know they made them either. I couldn't help it. I ordered them... They spin like the wheels you'd often see on Pimp My Ride. They are 12" grills. The idea here is that I mount the neon rings inside the grill.

More to come next week when I can work on it again.

Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: mccoy178 on April 16, 2006, 11:42:11 am
Yeah, the spinners rock.  Never heard of them for speakers, but those kick butt!
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox
Post by: leapinlew on April 22, 2006, 10:11:47 am
Added the monitor support today. I'll most likely have to shim the monitor up a bit. I stood on it and it seemed sturdy enough. Here's a couple quick shots of what I did -



Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Need help with some Monitor Bezel options
Post by: leapinlew on April 22, 2006, 10:15:41 am
So.... I forsee a trouble spot coming up. My neon speaker rings didn't show last week somehow. I have a feeling my order is lost in the ether. But, I've been able to move forward anyhow. Where I'm at now is I am having a problem where the monitor connects through the hole in the wood. I'm not certain how I can finish it. Any ideas would be appreciated.

The monitor can be shimmed up to fit through the hole better, and I've left enough space for my original idea - which was to route the hole and install the chrome t-molding. after removing the monitor from it's bezel, it doesn't look as good as it did in my head. doh!  :angry:

Thanks -



Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Need help with some Monitor Bezel options
Post by: leapinlew on April 22, 2006, 10:39:35 am
Also, if this helps -- it's a 15" CRT touchscreen.

I was just looking at the Bezels on Happs site. They didn't have that size exactly. It's 13" viewable, so perhaps the 13" plastic bezel from Happs would work? (
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Need help with some Monitor Bezel options
Post by: leapinlew on April 24, 2006, 11:59:03 pm
Did some good work this weekend. I am skipping the monitor bezel issues for now...

I cut out the subwoofer holes, put some primer and paint on. I went with killz2 latex. I used a roller, and I'll admit I didn't get the texture I wanted. I wanted it as smooth as I could get it. It'll work.

With some help from Quarterback I was able to get the power entry module connected. He helped me in this thread - (

I found some software called mp3gain that will normalize all my MP3's with no loss in quality. You can check it out here ( So far it's worked well, and it was able to do my whole collection (took some time).

I also disassembled the speakers I'm going to use. Got an extension at Lowes and a new knob to use at Radioshack.

Should be done this week, or next. Need to mount all the electronics.




Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Need help with some Monitor Bezel options
Post by: leapinlew on April 28, 2006, 03:48:45 pm
Found this as a monitor bezel option, what do you guys think? I think it's expensive, but it looks like it would work: (

Do you think it would work? Would it be durable?
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on April 30, 2006, 08:23:27 pm
Monitor Solution:

For a few days I had been sweating how to make the monitor interface with the cabinet. The solution? Damn the warranty and paint the bezel black!

With that out of the way, I did some test fits. I mounted LED light strips underneath, and the neon rings and speaker grills.




Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on April 30, 2006, 08:27:07 pm
With everything fitting good, I mounted all the t-molding and got it all setup. Overall I'm happy with how it turned out. People love selecting music on it.





I know it's not an arcade, but if it wasn't for this community and building my arcade I would have never had the motivation/tools to build this. Overall it was pretty fun to do and the total cost came in around $300. I should've taken some pictures without the speaker grills spinning... makes for blurry pictures.

Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: JonnyBoy on April 30, 2006, 08:43:38 pm
I love it.

You weren't trying to make something that just blends in, I like the neons and the spinners, it gives it a cheesy-cool look.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on April 30, 2006, 10:58:00 pm
I love it.

You weren't trying to make something that just blends in, I like the neons and the spinners, it gives it a cheesy-cool look.

Ha! Thanks.... yes, total cheese! In fact, the neons and spinners are on a switch I can turn off. We call it the pimp switch. My buddy told me to put some hydraulics on it. heh.

I'm a 80's child and I already have loaded up all the 80's hair bands... if it wasn't cheesy looking - I'd be living a lie.  ha!
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: JonnyBoy on April 30, 2006, 11:00:32 pm
I love it.

You weren't trying to make something that just blends in, I like the neons and the spinners, it gives it a cheesy-cool look.

Ha! Thanks.... yes, total cheese! In fact, the neons and spinners are on a switch I can turn off. We call it the pimp switch. My buddy told me to put some hydraulics on it. heh.

I'm a 80's child and I already have loaded up all the 80's hair bands... if it wasn't cheesy looking - I'd be living a lie.  ha!

Dude, that's so metal.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: Barry Barcrest on May 01, 2006, 06:59:05 pm
Good choice of software there buddy, you should post up that cab over on our forum...

Do the spinners effect the sound quality at all? They look pimp anyway i'll give you that ;)
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: Knievel on May 02, 2006, 09:33:21 am

Nice job, I've never seen those spinners before...crazy.

So what are you actually running speaker-wise? Looks like a separate sub sitting there so I'm guessing the 12 inch'ers are just for show..where are your satellites?

Hair Metal Rules!!  ;D
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on May 02, 2006, 12:28:38 pm

Nice job, I've never seen those spinners before...crazy.

So what are you actually running speaker-wise? Looks like a separate sub sitting there so I'm guessing the 12 inch'ers are just for show..where are your satellites?

Hair Metal Rules!!  ;D

Praise from the Metal Station God!   :notworthy:

First off, your metal station was the inspiration for me to build a jukebox. I hadn't considered it even an option until I saw yours. So, not possessing your skills, but still having the desire for a jukebox - I did the best I could with what I had. Overall I'm happy how it turned out and it was a fairly inexpensive project.

As for the sound - they are 2.1 EV speakers (

Yeah, the subwoofer holes are for show. I have the speakers mounted in front of the holes. The spinners spin about 10 revolutions per minute so they don't affect the sound that I can notice. I put the subwoofer external because, although I left room for it in the jukebox, I wasn't sure how it would sound and after some thought (and a friend convincing me) I didn't want it rattling everything inside. I mounted fabric behid the speaker grills. The metal station has some massive subs in it - are they functioning and is there anything rattling? I'm oconcerned that since the sub is within an enclosure already, sticking it inside another enclosure (the jukebox) would muffle the sound.

One interesting problem was the neon rings inside the subwoofer grills. They were causing interference with the monitor. I fixed the problem by shielding the monitor. "Shielding the monitor" is a fancy way of saying I bolted some cookie sheets between the monitor and the neons... in hindsight, I should've just got a LCD.

As much fun as having an arcade is, the jukebox seems to get all the attention. I don't get it really.... since I think video games are much cooler.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: Knievel on May 02, 2006, 07:24:54 pm
Thanks for that, I love to inspire new creations.
Sounds like those speakers will perform well. My subs are functional and don't far. They are from a set of Technics home speakers I tore apart and reused in the juke.

That's interesting with the speaker ring interference. I never had in an issue in my juke or my Neon machine, and they are only inches away from the monitor in that one.

Ya the jukebox really draws people at a party. When it comes to music everyone has their opinions and favorites..and they want to hear them!
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: Hildy_42 on May 05, 2006, 08:37:19 am
Nice work.  One question, how hard is it to set up the jukebox software?  I have been wanting to build a jukebox but wasn't sure how difficult it is to set up the software so it is user friendly.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on May 05, 2006, 01:13:30 pm
You can play with them all.

Knievel uses different software than I do. But I think the most difficult part to any jukebox software is getting album art.

I used freebox at
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: clanggedin on May 05, 2006, 02:44:25 pm
Great looking cab! None of the arcades that I have built or restored have gathered as much attention as my Jukebox. We willl have parties and people will stand in line just to select songs.

I have my sub placed inside my cab, but I did not put a back on it so I can let the sound resonate out the back. It sounds really good if you place it a few inches away from the wall. If you decase your PC then you would have room for the sub.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: theCoder on May 05, 2006, 10:03:46 pm
60 watts per channel?  Thats crankin'  !

I bet your neighbors just hate it.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: leapinlew on May 06, 2006, 01:46:11 am
Great looking cab! None of the arcades that I have built or restored have gathered as much attention as my Jukebox. We willl have parties and people will stand in line just to select songs.

Ain't that something? I was a little shocked by that.... If you give me a quarter and I can pick between a song and a game. Easy choice. I guess building the jukebox for me was something to listen to as I played video games. But for other people(dare I say - normal people) they just want to hear some music.
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: Knievel on May 06, 2006, 11:03:15 am

I use this little search tool for covers whenever I add a new album: (

If you have an existing collection there are some automated programs out there that will attempt to search out cover art and add it to your folders.

My software: (
Title: Re: LeapinLews Jukebox - Completed! Pictures enclosed.
Post by: method on May 07, 2006, 09:21:51 am
very nice, lookin very pimp with both the spinners and neons