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Main => Audio/Jukebox/MP3 Forum => Topic started by: Chris on October 18, 2002, 09:01:14 am

Title: DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Chris on October 18, 2002, 09:01:14 am
If you had been trying to use WinCab Jukebox on Windows XP or Windows 2000  and found that the screen blanked out shortly after startup, an updated version is out that fixes the problem.  It's at .

There are a couple of other minor changes for both DOSCab and WinCab Jukebox, namely the ability to specify a refresh rate and to specify a music directory and index file.  I'm still working on full skinning and vertical orientation.

If you are using DOS or Windows 95/98, and do not need to adjust the refresh rate or change the default music folder or index file, you do not need to get this update.

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Rod1968 on October 18, 2002, 09:24:23 am
Works GREAT now, can't wait till you add the vertical support and skinning feature!

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Chris on October 18, 2002, 09:31:33 am
Skinning is complicated because of the need for mouse support in the future.  I may do a non-mouse version first to simplify things... My free time will be severely limited over the next few weeks, though....

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Dink on October 18, 2002, 02:06:43 pm
I install everything to the directories as adivised.

I change one line in jukebox.ini to

SongPath = e:\mp3\rock

WinCab runs with no song titles visible.

If I run jukelist.exe, I get a 0 byte songlist.ini and a empty directory called music then WinCab runs and kicks back out immediatley and won't run.

So I delete the songlist.ini and again Wincab runs with no songs listed.

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Chris on October 18, 2002, 02:15:37 pm
I install everything to the directories as adivised.

I change one line in jukebox.ini to

SongPath = e:\mp3\rock

WinCab runs with no song titles visible.

If I run jukelist.exe, I get a 0 byte songlist.ini and a empty directory called music then WinCab runs and kicks back out immediatley and won't run.

So I delete the songlist.ini and again Wincab runs with no songs listed.
I'll bet I know what I did wrong... I can fix it when I get home tonight....

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: eightbit on October 28, 2002, 09:37:45 pm
Chris I'm having the exact same problem but I know how to make it work. When I run Jukewin I don't get any songs in the list unless I make the music folder a subfolder of the jukebox program folder. Then it works great.

I was hoping to point the jukebox at a mapped drive where I store all my music on my server.
Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Chris on October 28, 2002, 10:00:10 pm
Chris I'm having the exact same problem but I know how to make it work. When I run Jukewin I don't get any songs in the list unless I make the music folder a subfolder of the jukebox program folder. Then it works great.

I was hoping to point the jukebox at a mapped drive where I store all my music on my server.
With the way the program is currently set up, you could do this:
- Copy jukelist.exe to a folder under which are subfolders by artist.
- Run JUKELIST NOCOPY.  This should give you a correct SONGLIST.INI.
- Copy all of the music files to a single folder on your mapped drive.
- Set SongPath and SongList appropriately in JUKEBOX.INI.

This isn't very clean, but it should work.  I'm finding this actually to be trickier than you might think to make both versions behave logically and consistently... of course, I haven't had much time to work on it lately, as we're now into the Rocky Horror run and my time and energy is in rehearsals and shows...


Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: eightbit on October 28, 2002, 10:24:26 pm
That works perfectly. Its not that bad of a solution. Part of the problem I was having is that my songs weren't in subfolders according to artist. They will be.

Title: Re:DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox Updated
Post by: Chris on October 28, 2002, 10:35:28 pm
That works perfectly. Its not that bad of a solution. Part of the problem I was having is that my songs weren't in subfolders according to artist. They will be.
Ahh... If you had all your songs in a subfolder called MUSIC, JUKELIST wouldn't have picked them up.  Since the MUSIC folder is the target of the copy operation, it is explicitly ignored when scanning for songs...

I've really gotta write better documentation!
