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Main => Project Arcade - the book! => Topic started by: shawnzilla on September 02, 2004, 12:09:56 am

Title: Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: shawnzilla on September 02, 2004, 12:09:56 am
Saint -

1) LOVE the book!

2) I too am having problems printing the templates from chapter six in the proper scale. I have tried photoshop, paint shop, etc... How do I get these printed to the proper size?

Thank you!
Title: Re:Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: Chester on September 07, 2004, 10:01:13 pm
Here's what worked for me:

Open the graphic in Photoshop (or whatever) and get info on the image size. You'll get pixels, size and DPI. You'll see that the DPI on most of the templates is 72 DPI, which is screen resolution. The number of pixels is right, it's just that the DPI is wrong. One of the templates printed out perfectly without any tinkering, and interestingly enough, its DPI was 125.

Change the DPI to 125, and your templates will print correctly. least mine did. (Obligatory caveat, I did all this on a Mac, but it should be the same on the PC.)

Title: Re:Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: shawnzilla on September 08, 2004, 09:16:28 am
That seems to have worked! Thanks for the great tip!

Here's what worked for me:

Open the graphic in Photoshop (or whatever) and get info on the image size. You'll get pixels, size and DPI. You'll see that the DPI on most of the templates is 72 DPI, which is screen resolution. The number of pixels is right, it's just that the DPI is wrong. One of the templates printed out perfectly without any tinkering, and interestingly enough, its DPI was 125.

Change the DPI to 125, and your templates will print correctly. least mine did. (Obligatory caveat, I did all this on a Mac, but it should be the same on the PC.)

Title: Re:Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: yourfatmama on November 19, 2004, 11:16:12 am
i'm also having problems trying to print the templates, specifically the 7 btn fighter (medium) template. i've tried gimp, and also the eval software that came w/ the cd but neither will output correctly. in the jasc software i'll even specify the image size but when it comes out its not there, i've tried messing w/ the DPI too but 125 didnt work for me.

i'll keep messing, gees, sure is a pain! :(
Title: Re:Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: yourfatmama on November 19, 2004, 12:01:40 pm
ok, i got it working. I guess the JASC software eval tends to auto-resize values as you try to adjust other values.
in the JASC software on the cd follow these steps (basically elaborating on what Chester said, thx Chester!!)

1. Open image and View Image information, write down the  px by px size as well as inches.
2. go to Resize Image: first change the Pixes per Inch to 125 (as Chester said) then go up and adjust the pixel by pixel size (dont try to manually adjust the inches cuz it will auto-adjust the dpi)
3. Print and make sure that the px by px size is right, and choose 100% scaling.
this process worked for me.
Title: Re: Saint: Can you help with proper scaling for book templates?
Post by: CPickler on April 05, 2005, 03:29:16 am
I changed my DPI to 125 and it printed out almost twice the real size.  I am using Photoshop 7