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Main => Everything Else => Topic started by: Ropi Jo on November 20, 2022, 02:13:00 pm

Title: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 20, 2022, 02:13:00 pm
Just a heads up for you lot over the pond as I know you don't keep abreast of what goes on in the real world...

The World Series Of Soccer Ball started today!!

Not sure if you lot are in it as it's not your type of 'football'. Neither is it baseball or basketball. It's REAL football, where you actually use your feet!
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Mike A on November 20, 2022, 03:31:37 pm
People that call soccer "soccer" put men on the moon.

People that call soccer "football" still have not.

Real world. Pffft.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 20, 2022, 06:17:59 pm
People that call soccer "soccer" put men on the moon.

I thought that was still up for debate.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 22, 2022, 02:44:58 pm
Amazingly, you guys are actually in it!

In your opening game you managed a draw against Wales!

Most impressive.

USA population 331m, Wales population 3m.

Maybe not so impressive.

But never mind. I'm lining myself up for a massive fall here.

England may have beaten Iran 6-2 in our opener, but we will get humiliated soon. It's just the way it is. We're used to it.

I'm big enough and ugly enough to take the flack when the time comes.

But, did anybody catch the Saudi's beating the Argy's today? Absolutely priceless!
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 23, 2022, 03:42:22 pm interest over there for the biggest sporting event in the world, even though you are in it?

Incredible. I have no words.

I work for a murrican firm and I've given them a few nudges about the world cup and got reactions similar to here.

You guys need to get out more often.

Anyway, today the Deutsche got beat by Japan!! That is priceless to a red bloodied Englishmen.

Don't forget.... when we get humiliated, and we will!!!!!!... you're welcome to give me a slating.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: danny_galaga on November 23, 2022, 06:26:22 pm
Problem is the USA already follow three other major sports- NFL , baseball and basketball. I read that baseball is on the decline though, so maybe soccer could fill that void eventually. For me, all the play acting 'injuries' and low scores a put off. Granted the excitement in the audience is incredible when someone finally stops clutching his knee, gets up off the ground and scores.

For Americans, rugby SHOULD be of more interest than soccer.

Me, I'm an Australian, so we already have the best team sport in the world- Aussie Rules 🙂
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: pbj on November 23, 2022, 11:50:46 pm
People that call soccer "soccer" put men on the moon.

I thought that was still up for debate.

Are you some kind of retard?

Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: danny_galaga on November 24, 2022, 01:54:22 am
People that call soccer "soccer" put men on the moon.

I thought that was still up for debate.

Are you some kind of retard?

Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Howard_Casto on November 24, 2022, 02:40:38 am
I will remind non-US folks that the reason it's not called soccer in the rest of the world is because the British call it football and they subjugated most of the world at one point, forcing their silly game and its terminology upon the natives.   So yeah, you guys go ahead and use your former master's word but we love freedom, so we'll use our own, thanks.   
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 24, 2022, 03:49:48 am
Me, I'm an Australian, so we already have the best team sport in the world- Aussie Rules 🙂

I'll agree with you on that. Awesome game.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: mameotron on November 25, 2022, 08:32:22 am
Actually the English came up with the word "soccer" and we can blame them.  In the early 1900s it was trendy English college boys who came up with the idea of shortening words and adding an -er.  They were differentiating between the two major football governing bodies at the time, Rugby Association "rugger" and Football Association.  I guess nobody liked "footer" or "baller" and they shortened the word Association to soc.  Hence the trendy new word "soccer".

We're just keeping the tradition alive.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 25, 2022, 04:08:13 pm
Well, you were the better team today and deserved to win.

Hopefully we'll beat Wales and you'll beat Iran in the final group matches and that'll put us both through to the knockouts.... I think.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Shartzy on November 27, 2022, 11:08:07 am
I go back and forth on soccer. Tough for me to watch a full sporting event and end with no scoring. That and the ridiculous flopping like they've been sniped on a battle field. World Cup is fun for the international aspect though.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 27, 2022, 12:33:22 pm
I go back and forth on soccer. Tough for me to watch a full sporting event and end with no scoring. That and the ridiculous flopping like they've been sniped on a battle field. World Cup is fun for the international aspect though.

I've gone off footy over the last few years and rarely watch a full game nowadays... even if it is Arsenal or England. Can't stand the diving and acting. It's like it's become a part of the game and is accepted as the norm now. And that one-knee crap at the start means I certainly don't watch the first few minutes.

Most games now are all about the result. Not what went on during the 90 minutes.
Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: pbj on November 27, 2022, 10:19:08 pm

Title: Re: The World Series Of Soccer Ball
Post by: Ropi Jo on November 28, 2022, 03:37:12 pm
You're giving us english too much credit.

Think we're in danger of overtaking you yanks as the fatties of the world.