The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Everything Else => Topic started by: Raktageno on May 07, 2021, 11:14:51 am

Title: Project Ideas
Post by: Raktageno on May 07, 2021, 11:14:51 am
I have a habit of getting sidetracked by what ifs when I'm working on one project, which tend to give me a reason to procrastinate. I figured I would dump those ideas here to be able to eventually come back to them rather than try to flesh them out and take focus from something else. I think it also could be a useful place to hear from others to get inspiration, so here we go.

I have this idea of a Nintendo-specific cabinet in the Vs. style but more with Playchoice functionality, essentially an everything Nintendo cab. I like the idea of the Vs. style cabinet, but I'd also want to integrate a zapper for lightgun titles, so maybe a bigger screen than the Vs. style is used to having may be in order, so a wider cabinet. Control-wise, you could probably get away with just having a stick and two buttons, two players, game start, maybe a coin if not integrated somewhere else. I like the idea of limiting it to the NES era, mainly to keep the game list from getting out of control as well as the CP. It really wouldn't take much to power since most of the strain on a system would be the frontend at that point. I have an SNES classic I've modded to include SNES and NES titles, but I'm not sure if they can run lightgun titles since they're built for modern TVs. I haven't done more research since the last time I heard lightguns couldn't be used on LCDs/LEDs forever ago, so maybe it's possible, though I know CRT is the more "pure" route. I've even had this idea of integrating a laser from the cab onto the ground that makes a line you have to stand behind for lightgun games. If you break the line, the game pauses or quits.

Brain dumped. Back to regularly scheduled foolishness.
Title: Re: Project Ideas
Post by: nitrogen_widget on May 13, 2021, 07:25:51 pm
I like this idea.
Also looks like a zapper can be made to work with LCD
Title: Re: Project Ideas
Post by: Raktageno on May 14, 2021, 10:44:50 am
I like this idea.
Also looks like a zapper can be made to work with LCD

That's super interesting! I like using the zapper since it's Nintendo's officially licensed product, but I'm not 100% married to the idea. I like thinking of this as something that you'd find in an arcade rather than at home.

Also, I don't mean for this thread to be just about my idea(s). I'd love to hear what other people have rolling around in their brains. I feel like we could all use inspiration.
Title: Re: Project Ideas
Post by: nitrogen_widget on May 14, 2021, 09:23:59 pm
I'm thinking of a Tully cabernet Mario bros With wide body artwork.
Two 4 ways 2 buttons each.
Horizontal only.

Title: Re: Project Ideas
Post by: javeryh on May 15, 2021, 04:18:53 pm
Before the year is out I want to build an NFC music player that pulls from Spotify.  Mini albums with the tags that you’d put on the player to start it up.  Something simple but old-timey looking. Like a desk radio from the 1930s or something.

I need to stop procrastinating on the two cabinets I’m currently building though.