The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Consoles => Topic started by: RyoriNoTetsujin on August 05, 2020, 09:12:27 am

Title: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: RyoriNoTetsujin on August 05, 2020, 09:12:27 am
Hey folks, long time no see.  Search appears to be broken(?) and I also don't see any recent threads about this product:

I've got several original hardware consoles, and I have a 27" Trinitron that is, fortunately, still hanging in there... but Time just keeps on ticking...

I'm also thinking about consolidating some space in my game room and that would mean bringing those consoles over to the big 75" OLED (that I don't own, and can't afford) or more likely the 43" budget brand lcd currently mounted on my wall.

Anyway, just curious to see if any of the ol' BYOAC crew has purchased this little guy, and what your opinions of it may be. Especially interested in the scanline generator. Worth it? Just a gimmick?
Title: Re: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: Howard_Casto on August 06, 2020, 10:08:55 pm
Haven't tried them but I hear nothing but good things.  There seems to be some audio issues but I suppose one could bypass that.   Here's the problem with it.  It supports composite s-video and component. Most (not all) retro consoles support rgb out(great), s-video (kinda crappy) or composite (super crappy).  They don't support component, which is the only rgb option on the board.  So while it's useful for more modern consoles like the ps2 or really old consoles like the nes, it isn't super useful for the stuff most of us want to play (snes, genesis, tg16, ect.)  The entire rgb ecosystem is based around scart cables, so their scart version might be a better option.  The problem with that one is they dropped composite and s-video options.  I guess what I'm saying is maybe wait until they wise up and release a device that supports all the inputs. 
Title: Re: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: RyoriNoTetsujin on August 07, 2020, 09:46:18 am
I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear?  Has anyone here actually purchased this specific device and used it, and then formed opinions based on their experience with the performance of said device?

Title: Re: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: Howard_Casto on August 07, 2020, 12:37:38 pm
No you were perfectly clear, and the silence you received in response should have let you know how many people have one and/or are willing to respond to you.  I was trying to be nice and respond to your topic so you felt like you weren't being ignored, but I guess no good deed goes unpunished.  Oh forgive me great master for offending you. 
Title: Re: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: KenToad on August 07, 2020, 12:38:58 pm
I have the non-pro version. It has the audio modulation issues, so I keep reminding myself to contact Mike Chi and see if I can send it to him to get the upgraded firmware. I'm not in any rush because I've moved all my retro consoles to a CRT.

Apparently, the pro has the upgraded firmware, new case and the same basic functionality with the addition of a scanline generator. I used the Retrotink for composite connections and it worked very well. I'm not a fan of artificial scanlines, although reports are that the N64 looks good that way.

Anyway, here's the thread I made about the Retrotink 2x.,159279.0.html
Title: Re: Opinions on the RetroTINK 2x-Pro?
Post by: RyoriNoTetsujin on August 07, 2020, 04:06:50 pm
Thanks for your info/link, KenToad.

Howard... I just... I just can't. No. NO.