The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Everything Else => Topic started by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 12:47:54 am

Title: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 12:47:54 am
So this is happening. I’ve been wanting to put on a regular twitch stream for a while now and had been slowly buying the hardware to do one legitimately.

My schedule is every Thursday at 6PM PST/8PM EST, then randomly on the weekend.

The goal for Thursday’s is to run arcade games for a couple hours, just chillin’ playing games and talking about them. Weekends will be random. Could range from arcade, to consoles old or new, or doing art. We’ll see what I feel like then. But Thursday’s should be arcade consistent.

I’m not doing this for money or anything, just an excuse to play my toys with people who appreciate them. Come on by the stream and hang out!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: lilshawn on April 15, 2020, 02:01:00 am
i just perused your last stream...Neat!

hopefully I'll see you next time!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: 05SRT4 on April 15, 2020, 02:02:46 pm
Now following
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 02:25:08 pm
Sweet! This week should be a fun one. Here’s a peek at what my New Astro City cab looks like with Smash TV installed and custom CP attached.


Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on April 15, 2020, 02:29:59 pm
Maybe better suited to a private text conversation, but what's your comfort level with off-color comments in the Twitch chatroom?  I sense that some of the viewers in there are professional colleagues.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 02:56:14 pm
hmm, I haven't really thought about putting up chat rules yet. I'm hoping with the chill nature of the stream that people would keep things civil.   

"off-color" comments could range.  I'm not going to stifle freedom of speech as long as people are behaving themselves.  But I do have a big problem with comments that are racist, sexist, or demeaning to LGBTQ folks.

Everything else is fine as long as people are chill, and jokes are obvious. Don't make it awkward.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on April 15, 2020, 03:20:50 pm
I think I am safe with those guidelines.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: yotsuya on April 15, 2020, 03:38:59 pm
Yeah, bros, no dick pics
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: lilshawn on April 15, 2020, 08:02:39 pm
so don't act like I normally it.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: leapinlew on April 15, 2020, 08:04:57 pm
Good for you!

I already watched some Robotron.... there's just something about that game. it takes a certain kind of skill to be great at that game. I especially liked the multi-camera angles. How do you get the video piped straight into Twitch when using an arcade monitor? The video of the gameplay looks great.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 08:30:34 pm
Good for you!

I already watched some Robotron.... there's just something about that game. it takes a certain kind of skill to be great at that game. I especially liked the multi-camera angles. How do you get the video piped straight into Twitch when using an arcade monitor? The video of the gameplay looks great.
So my Robotron cabaret is running a JROK Multi-williams PCB. It's JAMMA. I've got a wiring harness that converts a Williams cabinet into JAMMA without destroying the original wiring.

Connected to the JROK I'm using a device called the Splitfire, made by a guy in the Bay Area named Mike Moffett, who's a prominent figure in the mod and hobby hardware scene.

Great device. It takes the Video and outputs it via a DB15 connector (VGA Cable), and the audio is amplified to stereo and pumped out separately via SPDIF.  The A/V feed is then pumped into my capture card, which is a Datapath Vision E1S, known for being a great card for compatibility for older device resolutions.  I just make sure the correct resolution is configured to upscale.  In Robotron's case the real resolution (not the one MAME reports, which is incorrect) is 304x256.  I integer scaled it 4x to fill up the side of the screen, and with no image scale filtering the pixels are maintained crisp and clean.

This is then being all controlled by a software called Streamlabs OBS, which connects live to Twitch.  Streamlabs has a bunch of controls for setting up different scenes with different input media devices like mics, cameras, desktop capture, image/video file display...etc.  It handles scene transitions, data feeds like comments being made, or following/subscribing updates. Lots of cool bells and whistles.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on April 15, 2020, 09:24:28 pm
so don't act like I normally it.


I was wondering how you were getting those beautiful video feeds. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 15, 2020, 10:42:51 pm
I swapped out the Sanwa JLF’s for Seimitsu LS-58’s, added extended shafts, and a short throw mod (plexi spacers) to them and now the controls feel much better.



I could only order 2 extended shafts for the Seimitsu’s before Focus Attack was out of stock. But I plan on picking up a couple more of them later and doing the same for P2’s side. For now I’ll leave them as Sanwas with bat-tops.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 17, 2020, 03:16:54 pm
Well that was a fun stream. I credit fed Smash TV and finished the game in about just over an hour. The game is tough, I can't see myself trying to 1cc it though. It's not as "tight" as Robotron, there's some questionable ambiguous hitbox issues, especially when it gets to being killed by the grunt characters. But overall the game is a gem!

Tomorrow I'm going to hook up the NES to my cabinet and play through some of the shmups on that system. Looking forward to some Gradius 2, Salamander, Gyruss (the NES version is very different), Over Horizon, Recca... there's a lot of good shmups on the system that work well in an arcade set-up.
I'll probably start the stream around 2pm and go for an hour or so. Come hang out if you guys have nothing else better to do :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: lilshawn on April 17, 2020, 03:25:58 pm
it was fun! thanks for the stream
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 17, 2020, 03:51:01 pm
Thanks for showing up, lilshawn, and keeping the chat alive.  :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on April 17, 2020, 03:57:51 pm
Sorry I wasn't there for that one. I had a family commitment.
I won't miss another one.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 17, 2020, 04:43:46 pm
All good, bro. You did miss out on my cool ass t-shirt I wore for the stream :D
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 18, 2020, 03:19:08 pm
I’ll be jumping on to stream around 2pm PST today, depending on when our little one goes down for a nap. Should be around 2.

I’ll be streaming some NES shmups being played on my cabinet.
Here’s a quick list of games I’d like to get to, but maybe only get through half:

Over Horizon
Gradius 2
Life Force
Zombie Nation
Adventures of Dino Rik
Crisis Force
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: nexusmtz on April 18, 2020, 08:16:42 pm
If he's to be believed...

Good to see you again.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 18, 2020, 09:27:40 pm
See?? It’s “Thai-Toe”! :lol

Here’s what we’re talking about:

Tomorrow I’ll be streaming PC-Engine + CD games around the same time of day.   :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on April 18, 2020, 11:24:10 pm
Tighto will never not sound wrong to me. It's been taytoe for as long as I can remember.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on April 19, 2020, 12:43:26 pm
Yup and it's "Ryu" and not "ree-u".... you had your chance to correct us 30 years ago Japan, you had your chance.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 20, 2020, 05:48:18 pm
This Thursday at 6pm PST I'm going to running through a bunch of Taito F3 games off a Multi-PCB.


There are some great titles on this thing.



Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on April 20, 2020, 05:51:54 pm
I plan on watching.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: lilshawn on April 20, 2020, 06:04:24 pm
thas some nice Thaitoe games
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on April 20, 2020, 08:47:06 pm
Are there any tighto tah tay games?

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 20, 2020, 09:06:48 pm
Are there any tighto tah tay games?

Sure is:

Grid Seeker : Project Storm Hammer
Ray Force
Space Invaders '95
Twin Cobra II
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 23, 2020, 05:46:29 pm
We are locked and loaded for "Tight-toe Eff Free" games!  6pm PST gogogogo!

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 25, 2020, 04:04:34 pm
I’m gonna stream some CPS2 games off a multi board today around 2pm PST. Come hang out if you’re bored :lol

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: leapinlew on April 26, 2020, 10:53:48 pm
Just watched the Progear video. Eesh.

I knew those weren't my style of games. I don't have epilepsy, but I almost had a seizure! Lots going on. Good job!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on April 27, 2020, 12:22:12 am
Thanks Lew. Yeah I’m not normally into “bullet hell” shooters but this one I like. I want to learn it more and try for a 1cc.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 02, 2020, 07:19:26 am
I’m switching it up today and going to play the new Streets of Rage 4 on stream. 2pm PST

Let’s see if this game is any good. I’ve heard good and bad things.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on May 02, 2020, 10:50:27 am
There’s a streets of rage 4?   :dizzy:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 02, 2020, 12:27:27 pm
Yeah it came out earlier this week.  I think it's retailing for $30 atm which is a little steep for a budget title, especially considering how short beat em ups are. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 02, 2020, 01:54:32 pm
Got it for $19 on Switch. There’s a 10% discount off the top, then I used my Nintendo points or whatever their called (the points you get from buying their games) to get an extra $3 off.

I see it listed on PS4 for $22.50.

I’d say both these prices are well worth it for this title.  :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 02, 2020, 10:53:17 pm
Ok I really enjoyed SoR4. Gonna continue it tomorrow around the same time.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 03, 2020, 12:35:05 am
What time did you start today?  My twitch alerts keep coming in late so they are worthless... gonna have to figure out what is going one there.  I might have to subscribe with a different email account. 

Eh, $20 is more like it but I'm backlogged like crazy and don't have time to play anything right now anyway.  I can wait until there is a good sale. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 03, 2020, 12:36:54 am
Started at 2:10Pm PST. Was running slightly late due to some mic issues but logged on right after and played for about 2 hours.
Gonna be on around the same time tomorrow if you wanna drop by and check out the game. I’m really enjoying it so far. More so than I thought I would tbh.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 03, 2020, 12:43:36 am
Yeah I'll set an alarm or something.  My problem with beat 'em ups is it's my absolute favorite genre and I've played all the classics to death, so I'm super hard on any new entries.  If it's as good as SOR 2 it'd probably be worth my time at least. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 03, 2020, 03:03:38 am
If have to revisit SoR2 again to do a comparison. But I can say that I agree with a bunch of the additions and changes they made to modernize the game. Is it as good as 2? I’m not sure yet. But from what I’ve played so far, I’m enjoying myself.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 05, 2020, 02:21:17 pm

Interesting breakdown of SoR4 and a run through of their engine they build it in. Very cool stuff if you're into the development side of things.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on May 05, 2020, 04:02:00 pm
I'm still unsure about this game, personally.  When that youtube video juxtaposed SOR2 and SOR4 it kind of illustrates my unease with the new one.  The hit boxes are way off and the characters are practically on top of each other before you can hit them.  The enemies, oddly, are able to hit you from much further away and can often suck you into attacks while you're just swinging your fist into their face but not connecting.  It feels like flash animation games I was playing on newgrounds 20 years ago.

All those graphic flourishes are gee whiz but don't really add much to the game.

I didn't really like their Wonderboy 3 remake much, either.  You can instantly toggle between new and old graphics on that and I don't think much of that sprite artwork needed much updating.  In fact, I'd say the dragon bosses look better on the 8bit version.


Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 05, 2020, 06:32:26 pm
Different strokes.

I personally haven't really encounted the hit box issues you're mentioning, other than the knife guy having a hit collision on his back. which is just ridiculous.

As for the flash animation games comment, I don't agree at all. This feels way tighter than those cheapy newground games.  The fact that people are learning new tech for creative comboing shows that it's got more depth than what's on the surface.

WB3 didn't do anything for me either. It was just a re-skinning of the original. Nothing more added. At least SoR4 actually improved on the gameplay by adding or changing things up. In 2020 I think this is acceptable for this genre. I don't expect a 2020 beat-em-up to feel like a 90's one. That's just not reasonable from a game design progression, or accessibility standpoint. There has to be some modernizations and i feel this game has done so in tasteful ways.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 05, 2020, 07:04:27 pm
The graphics still bother me.  They aren't bad, they are just in the wrong style and not very detailed.  It becomes more apparent when the old characters are unlocked and they have more detail than the newer ones.  Mind you the newer ones are better animated, but I'd much rather have the jerkier old school animations with better graphics. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 05, 2020, 07:23:05 pm
I don't have much experience with console games, and I never  played the other SOR games.

This game is fun.
I have trouble disengaging from an attack sequence to dodge a new threat. I don't know if that is a bug or a feature.

More importantly, Blaze's panties are red. That is just wrong. She would never wear red underwear with her red dress. Being a classy lady she would wear white cotton panties. I have considered writing a strongly worded letter to the developers.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on May 05, 2020, 11:13:08 pm
You owe it to yourself to play Streets of Rage 2 if you're into (as the YouTube put it) "brawlers.". It is an excellent game that stood up to what was in arcades at the time.

I'm having a lot of trouble with the boss at the end of the prison stage on SOR4, so I'm maybe just salty. SOR4 should also have a way to dash. It just feels kinda slow.

Anyway, awesome to see something new and polished in this genre. I think I just prefer Streets of Rage Remake on my Xbox to this one.  Better a new brawler than another pixelated metroidvania.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 06, 2020, 08:19:54 am
Maybe this is a good excuse to buy a Genesis.
I have some ---smurfy--- USB game pads. I suppose I could setup an emulator on a PC.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 08, 2020, 05:41:05 pm

I didn't know the arcade machines actually contain throwback boss fights to play!

At first, they look like a piece of set dressing that's also a decent in-joke, as Streets of Rage shipped in Japan under the name Bare Knuckle. Each one of the arcade cabinets is a little more significant than that, however, as they're hiding four secret boss fights.

To access them, you need to hit the arcade machine with a stun gun. No other weapon will do. These are often carried by nearby enemies whenever there's an arcade machine around, although if you use up or ditch the stun gun beforehand, you're just out of luck. You'll want to avoid picking them up at all, as a stun gun in a player's hands breaks after one hit.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 09, 2020, 03:05:56 pm
I’m going to be running through some snes beat-em-ups on stream today. 2pm PST
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 09, 2020, 03:08:39 pm
Cool. I will be there.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 16, 2020, 09:00:30 am
You guys should do yourselves a favor and watch Opt2not's twitch stream.

It is fun to watch. His love for the games really comes through, and he cheerfully puts up with my harassment.

If nothing else you can watch me heckle a guy whose ass can play video games better than me.

Give him some support and tune in.

Can you believe I was not prompted or paid for this?
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on May 16, 2020, 11:17:54 am
I’ve enjoyed them.  It’s also introduced me to Twitch.  Some of our fellow hobbyists are clinging onto their 15 minutes of fame for dear life and it was some of the most depressing stuff I’ve ever seen.  Some cool concerts and DJ sets, though.

Opt2not is exceptionally good at some games, and horrible at others.  I like to play along and shake my head at him every so often.


Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 16, 2020, 01:47:53 pm
Thanks guys  :cheers:
I do admit I’m not great at all games but I can at least be somewhat graciously entertaining at being bad at them.
But this is keeping me sane these days, and I’m excited to do these every week. Plus I get to share some of my original gear with you all and just talk about games to someone. My wife tries to stay interested in my gaming ramble, bless her.
I just need to figure out a smoother way of starting up my streams without reconfiguring things every time. I think once I get a dedicated streaming pc, one that’s not shared with doing work and gaming, I can probably have things more streamlined.

Speaking of being bad at a game, I’m going to replay Life Force around 2pm PST today. Probably play a fighting game of some kind afterwards...I’m in the mood.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 16, 2020, 02:33:19 pm
I keep missing them..... been busy believe it or not.  I'll set an alarm for today and hopefully I can watch for a little while at least. 

I'm not big on twitch as a medium but when somebody comes along that genuinely loves and respects the games, particularly the older genres, it's always worth a watch.  Plus opt's setup is really slick and production value does matter people. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on May 16, 2020, 02:41:32 pm
Life Force is ridiculously hard if you die and lose your power ups.  I got to the stage 2 boss and turned on infinite lives and was lasting about 5 seconds. There's nowhere to hide from the bullets.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 16, 2020, 10:53:23 pm
Fun stream today guys. Thanks for joining me. Life Force arcade is no joke!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 24, 2020, 12:36:57 am
Tomorrow at 2pm PST I’ll be playing Cyberball and The Simpsons!

I can’t believe I finally found a Cyberball PCB.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on May 25, 2020, 01:59:46 pm
Got my new pc up and running and had a three month trial of game pass so I threw streets of rage 4 on there.  Overall I like it, but something feels a bit off.  I think it might be the sound design as punches and kicks don't give that satisfying chunky thud like they did on the genesis.  Gameplay engine is pretty solid though. 

Sorry I missed another one... the simpsons is a ton of fun.  I'll start setting alarms again I guess. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 27, 2020, 10:58:38 pm
No worries, Howard.   :cheers:  I'll be on tomorrow.

I'm going to do a few tests tonight, so I'm not yet decided what I'm going to stream. It'll probably be a gameday decision.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 28, 2020, 12:53:27 pm
Do you know what you will be streaming yet?

I just got my internet connection fixed. My ---smurfy--- DSL was hitting 8 Megabits download at the most.

I am back up to a less ---smurfy--- 23 megabits, and almost 1 full megabit upload.

I call Comcast every 3 months and beg them to lay cable down my road. Their nearest service is only like a mile away.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 28, 2020, 02:06:31 pm
Yeah, today I'm going to be playing a bunch of Saturn arcade ports (some of the ones that are expensive as PCB's) on my cabinet.  There's a LOT of great, nearly arcade perfect ports on that system (that were never released in USA). It's ridiculous.  So many shmups, a bunch of fighting games, and beat-em-ups.
To name a few: Battle Garrega, DoDonpachi, Metal Black, X-Multiply, Die Hard Arcade, Raystorm, Salamander (life force) 2...

So many shmups!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 28, 2020, 02:28:02 pm
You have to play Battle Garrega or I will cry.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 28, 2020, 02:34:15 pm
You have to play Battle Garrega or I will cry.

There's also a bunch of older game ports from the Capcom Collections. I'm going to try to load up  1943:Kai if there's time. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on May 28, 2020, 02:35:26 pm

Sailor Jerry approves.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on May 30, 2020, 07:27:43 pm
No daytime stream this weekend for me. So many projects around the house to settle up! I’ll probably do a late night stream tonight, for all you nighthawks out there. Games TBD.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 17, 2020, 07:29:36 pm
So I didn't realize that Twitch doesn't notify you when your Video On Demand videos expire.  I just happen to notice it when I was looking through my preferences.

I ended up downloading all my streams and uploading them to youtube. Hopefully they'll stay online now.  If anyone wants to check out the past streams, you can find them here:

I'm still on my Dreamcast Racing game kick.  I'm going to be streaming some Championship mode in Daytona USA tomorrow @ 6PM PST!  Then we're going fishing, I'm gonna play some DC Fishing games after racing. :D
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on June 17, 2020, 08:52:55 pm
You need to play Life Force with the steering wheel.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 17, 2020, 09:49:48 pm
You need to play Life Force with the steering wheel.

Let me know when you figure out how to convert DC steering wheel protocols to discreet signals and I’ll be happy to give it a try.  :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 20, 2020, 08:05:13 pm
Sorry to the east coast and central peeps that tune in, but I’ll probably doing a late night stream tonight. No stream tomorrow due to Father’s Day.

Thinking about starting at 10pm PST tonight.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on June 20, 2020, 09:29:53 pm
More Daytona?
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 20, 2020, 10:26:00 pm
I finally took down the racing wheel and put it back into my garage. It was fun for a while, but I gotta play other games.

Trying to decide what I’ll be streaming tonight, it’ll be a last minute decision.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 25, 2020, 07:18:52 pm
I'm going to play some PSX exclusive shmups (and a few arcade ports) on stream today.  6pm PST!  Looking at games like Einhander, R-type Delta, G Darius, and Gradius Gaiden and Xevious 3D.  Maybe more if there's time.

Come hang out if you're not doing anything!  :cheers:

PS.  Also, I just wanted to make this clear, I don't do this for the money. I don't get paid doing this, and I am definitely not shilling my channel to make a fortune off this stuff. If it comes, it comes -- no biggy if it doesn't.

I'm just interested in chillin' with some drinks and a bunch of fellow gamers, playing and talking about games, and sharing some of my collection, live.  No editing, no pre-recordings, no gimmicks.

I post these updates here for those who don't use Twitter (where I put my stream updates mainly), or for those interested in seeing real hardware. I try not to emulate if I can help it.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on June 25, 2020, 07:51:20 pm
If nothing else, you can observe my steady decline in coherence during the stream.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on June 26, 2020, 08:24:37 am
You guys missed another great stream.

There were:

exploding space ships.

robot snakes with lasers on their heads.

flying robot fish with lasers on their heads.

Opt2not swearing at Easter Island heads that kept murdering him.

Panda fornication. Well sort of. Not really.

me and pbj typing not so subtle ---steaming pile of meadow muffin--- that nobody else understood. Mostly sexual innuendo of some kind.

some actual good information about consoles and scalers and other nerd ---steaming pile of meadow muffin---.

a guy who is streaming and not self promoting a hundred ways to try and make a buck.

     You guys are missing out. Opt is straight forward and having fun playing games with his friends watching. There is no salesmanship. He is not playing up some lame persona.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on June 26, 2020, 02:42:23 pm
For what it's worth I enjoy myself and I don't like anything.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on June 26, 2020, 03:43:52 pm
For what it's worth I enjoy myself and I don't like anything.

Haha, now that's an endorsement!   :applaud:

Thanks guys, yesterday was a fun stream.  It was really lively too, at one point I had a hard time keeping track of the chat.
But it was great that everyone was kept engaged and interested in the stream.

I like these streams where I get to play games I didn't really play before. Yesterday we covered a bunch of PS1 exclusive shmups. Xevious 3D-G, Gradius Gaiden, R-type Delta, Einhander, Harmful Park and G Darius. Spent a bit too much time on Gradius Gaiden though...

I don't know how my schedule is going to be like once the 2nd child is born, but I really want to try to keep streaming for as long as I can. These streams are fun, and has breathed life back into my collection of boards and consoles.

Glad you guys are enjoying the stream. :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on July 03, 2020, 01:46:51 am
Guys this was my best stream yet! So much fun!

Alcohol induced, yes. But w/e, that’s how I like to roll. Thanks to all that came out and made me drink. :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on July 03, 2020, 04:56:13 am
It was an awesome stream.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: leapinlew on July 03, 2020, 02:56:45 pm
It was such a sense of freedom to get a VCR and to setup recordings and watch when I wanted. With streaming, it was even more freedom since I didn't have to setup the recording. I could consume shows when I found them. With live twitch style streaming, I can't get my head wrapped around being tied to a screen at a specific time. I'm watching it now.

Love Galaga - watched you flub up the stage 11 challenge stage and I could totally relate. That was the one that would gives me fits to this day. Galaga is my favorite game, mainly for sentimental reasons. The strategy you took to get the double ships, used to be what I did, but I switched up to single single ship after losing my fighter. The upside, I can get much higher score, but the game isn't as fun.

The stage 13 where you died waiting to recover your ship.... major bummer. When it happened again on 14? LOL!

No Galaxian for GILAXIAN? I don't blame you, it hasn't aged well.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on July 03, 2020, 07:02:21 pm
Love Galaga - watched you flub up the stage 11 challenge stage and I could totally relate. That was the one that would gives me fits to this day.
Ugh, that one bugs me. I always seem to do terrible on that challenge. Gotta study the patterns more...

The stage 13 where you died waiting to recover your ship.... major bummer. When it happened again on 14? LOL!
Lol what a FAIL! Double fail. I was so pissed about those ones. I really need to be more mindful of the enemies that circle back. Having that happen twice was so tragic!

No Galaxian for GILAXIAN? I don't blame you, it hasn't aged well.
Yeah it’s tough to play the slow pace of Galaxian. I definitely prefer Galaga, but Gilaga isn’t as cool a name as Gillaxian. :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on July 08, 2020, 05:03:56 pm
Last night I did an impromptu stream, probably the last one for a few weeks since we have a newborn on the way. Played some Cave shoot-em-ups for the first time and had a blast. Notable games I’m going to play more of: Raiden Fighters Series, Ketsui, and Muchi Pork.

Thanks for those who dropped by. I’ll let you all know when my next stream will be, but I’m thinking at least 2-3 weeks away, or whenever we have our routine nailed down and I can find a good time slot to do so.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on July 08, 2020, 06:18:20 pm
Good stream last night.... lots of bullet hell goodness and slightly off topic chat.  Something I said in error for anyone here who was in chat... it's Outrun 2 not C2C that has the bonus stages...  Sorry about that. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on July 08, 2020, 07:58:03 pm
I lied. I’m going to do another impromptu stream in 10 mins!   :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on July 08, 2020, 10:00:50 pm
Sega System 16B Multi PCB!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on August 06, 2020, 10:51:41 am
Withdrawal is a ---smurfette---.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: nexusmtz on August 06, 2020, 01:46:41 pm
Yes, that was apparently a factor. Hope all is well!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on August 06, 2020, 02:37:34 pm
Soon, friends!

I'm thinking maybe I'll be able to start back up next week. I just gotta figure out if I can still do the same time. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on August 06, 2020, 02:40:23 pm
Yeah. your daughter is plenty old enough to baby sit your son for a few hours a week. Stop being so selfish.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on August 06, 2020, 07:09:20 pm
Personally I like the later streams, but I'm an insomniac half the time and there's nothing on that late at night.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on August 11, 2020, 10:03:19 pm
Ok this Thursday, I'm back!  6pm PST - the return to the stream.  Gonna do some R-type Leo, and probably some Sega System 16B games. See you then!

@Howard,  yeah I'd like to do another stream in the evenings. Probably when our newborn is sleeping in his own room.  Maybe in a few months or so. We'll see. But I'd like to do a nightime console-centric stream.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on August 11, 2020, 10:39:52 pm
Sailor Jerry says he is glad you are back.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on August 17, 2020, 02:23:10 pm
I'm planning on doing another Robotron Stream this week. Figured I'm about due. Not a 10 million run though, I don't have enough time to do that. I'm just going to try to get as much points as I can in the 1.5 hours I have.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on August 17, 2020, 04:34:48 pm
I watched some of his 4am art stream because my bladder said it was time to wake up. If you ever thought being an artist was glamorous and not real work, you'll quickly be dispelled of that notion.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on August 17, 2020, 06:11:17 pm
Yeah art is hard. 

Missed both streams.... just been busy.  I'll try to catch the next one. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on August 17, 2020, 06:23:45 pm
I watched this morning from work. It was pleasantly distracting.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on August 17, 2020, 06:34:37 pm
Yeah i forgot to mention I've been doing a Text Chat only Art Stream at night while I'm up to 3am for my newborn son's night time feeds.  It's not really a "show", like my regular stream, just something casual for people to look in on while I'm working.

I've been falling behind on my art commissions, so I've gotta put in a bunch of hours to make deadlines promised. Figured while I'm doing it, people can drop by and see what I'm up to.

I usually start around 11am'ish PST - 3am.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on August 17, 2020, 07:05:51 pm
He'll sleep when he's dead, folks.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on August 27, 2020, 07:16:44 pm
I'm going to be playing Die Hard Arcade on real hardware today. Sega STV goooo!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 04, 2020, 08:52:22 pm
So I figured I should finally start-up my discord channel for the stream.

You guys are invited to join me.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on September 05, 2020, 05:28:14 pm
Glad you posted that..... turns out my Discord account has been foo-barred since I upgraded to the new pc.  I mean who reads glaring orange warnings at the top of a page anyway?  :o
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Gilrock on September 08, 2020, 03:07:41 pm
Funny I was watching some Clash of Clans videos this weekend and they kept mentioning Discord servers and I'm like wtf is that.  Then I see you mention it so I had to google it.  I guess it appears to be the latest voice chat program.  Years ago I remember everyone used TeamSpeak and then it was Ventrillo or maybe I got it backwards.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 08, 2020, 05:27:22 pm
Yeah you can use it for voice. But I never do :lol . It’s great for group texting and posting images/videos/links.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on September 08, 2020, 08:32:30 pm
Yeah it's my replacement for IRC chat.  I rarely use it though..... my free time seems to be out of sync with everybody elses' or something. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on September 08, 2020, 10:18:11 pm
Yeah, reminds me a lot of IRC, down to the people that take it very, very seriously.

Also Slack. 
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 09, 2020, 06:06:39 pm
Today I got my MiSTer connected to my arcade cabinet, so I'm going to do a small run-down of it on tomorrow's stream. Probably play mostly CPS1 games, but also jump around to some classics and a couple consoles.

 6PM PST  :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on September 17, 2020, 11:04:13 am
Lifeforce with a steering wheel.

Make it so.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on September 17, 2020, 02:39:03 pm
Lifeforce on kinect....
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 17, 2020, 03:00:08 pm
I'll look into that. :lol

Today's stream is going to be a special one. I've been in the lab, putting in work on the SNES version of U.N. Squadron. I've been able to consistently beat the game without continuing, but I'd love to do it on-stream.

So if you all wanna see a 1cc attempt of this awesome shmup, live, come by the stream today. It'll either be a great success, or a great disappointment. either way it'll be entertaining. ;)

6pm PST
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: leapinlew on September 18, 2020, 11:02:18 am
Watched the 1cc take down. Very nice! You got a newborn and a couple hours to yourself? #WINNING
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 18, 2020, 02:13:26 pm
Watched the 1cc take down. Very nice! You got a newborn and a couple hours to yourself? #WINNING
Thanks Lew. It was a lot of fun to do it live. I did have a little trouble on the battleship stage, but I was able to fight through it.
Actually, it was a blast learning and practicing this game too, leading up to the 1cc.  I think I'm going to take-on another game now, I'm hooked on that 1cc high!

Anyone else interested in watching me take down this awesome game, here's the VOD:

Yeah I'm usually up late anyways (night owl) that I get a few hours a night to myself when everyone's asleep.  With our newborn, I usually stay up for his late-night feedings, and try to let the wife sleep as long as she can. Being a milk factory, and taking care of a newborn and toddler during the day while I'm working is really draining on her. So it works out. I get time to myself at night, she gets time to rest.
The trade-off is I'm exhausted in the morning. Luckily I get to sleep till 9:30am, and I don't have to start work till 10am. I love working from home. Roll out of bed, and into my office chair for my morning meetings. :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 23, 2020, 02:12:30 pm
Tomorrow’s stream is going to be all Sega Naomi games running off real hardware.
Gonna be a fun one. Fighters, shmups, and maybe a couple sports titles.

Come by and hang out!
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on September 23, 2020, 02:38:55 pm
cool. that will be fun.

No ---smurfing--- golf.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on September 23, 2020, 05:04:24 pm
If only I had a Virtua Golf control panel... :lol
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on September 23, 2020, 05:55:50 pm
If you get that you have to play life force with it.
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: pbj on September 23, 2020, 09:54:23 pm
He couldn’t be any worse with it.

Discord is great if you want to listen to pbj ramble all day.

Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Howard_Casto on September 23, 2020, 11:05:55 pm
You know we kept telling you and Mike to get a room........  Of course I'm in there a lot too.... kinky
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on October 01, 2020, 12:20:46 am
Tomorrow I’ll be doing some more Naomi games on stream. Come hang out!

6pm PST
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on October 01, 2020, 05:33:59 am
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: TacoTownCharlie on October 01, 2020, 08:26:31 pm
I had a great time last week. Everybody should check this out. I’m still laughing at some of the comments y’all made.

Sorry I can’t be there this week. I need to see a man about a laptop. Mike A, that is not a euphemism for whatever you’re thinking!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on November 05, 2020, 01:50:51 pm
I was sick with a cold last week, so I didn't get to stream. But I'm back this week with a couple Taito F3 games:  a tough fighting game called Kaiser Knuckle, and Arkanoid Returns! I'll be using a proper spinner for that one.

Join me at 6pm PST if you're tired of watching the election results. ;)
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: opt2not on December 09, 2020, 08:21:09 pm
Hey it's my birthday week! I'm doing a Robotron stream tomorrow night to celebrate. Let's try to get 5 million in 1.5 hours. :lol
(hardest part about streaming Robotron is trying to play while staying engaged with the chat!)

6pm PST.  :cheers:
Title: Re: My Twitch Stream
Post by: Mike A on December 09, 2020, 08:36:58 pm
I will be there.