The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Woodworking => Topic started by: narodigg on November 05, 2019, 05:36:29 pm

Title: Looking to Hire - Control panel driller/cutter
Post by: narodigg on November 05, 2019, 05:36:29 pm
Hi guys,

I am designing the top of my 4 player control panel in SketchUp.   I am nervous to translate those dimensions to board and start drilling/cutting though.   I really want this is a clean as possible. Is there  service I can hire to take my sketchup file and cut it with a CnC machine. 

Maybe you all have some great tips on a say a service that will print it out to scale on paper that I can use as a pattern over my board?

I know a custom CnC cut design is a probably super expensive but I though I would ask.  In the end maybe you all have some tips to help prevent common mistakes.

Edit: I am in the US, on the east coast around D.C.

Title: Re: Looking to Hire - Control panel driller/cutter
Post by: Mark Norville on November 06, 2019, 03:32:27 am
It would be helpful if you told people what Country you are in.

There is no point in me saying about company a b & c in the UK if you are in America and do not want to pay for shipping.

Title: Re: Looking to Hire - Control panel driller/cutter
Post by: narodigg on November 06, 2019, 09:39:13 am
Yeah, that was pretty big mistake one my part. Thank you

I am in the US, on the east coast around D.C.

Title: Re: Looking to Hire - Control panel driller/cutter
Post by: narodigg on November 06, 2019, 05:56:38 pm
Well never mind.   My confidence is building with this.   I believe I found a place to print out my sketchup plan to scale so I can effectively trace it.    My wife also got me a router as an early birthday gift.  So I will use scrap wood and make a jig from it.