The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Software Support => GroovyMAME => Topic started by: Paradroid on September 18, 2018, 08:30:23 pm

Title: Driver integration using NTLite?
Post by: Paradroid on September 18, 2018, 08:30:23 pm
Hi pals,

Has anyone ever tried integrating Calamity's drivers into a Windows image using NTLite (

I'm painstakingly working on a custom Windows image and will eventually try this... but interested know if someone else has already walked this road.

Also, pretty cool that you can completely strip all generic ATI drivers from the Windows image before installing! Good way to avoid Windows choosing the wrong driver.

Trying to get to the point where I can insert a USB stick, turn on the computer, walk away, come back and have the GroovyMAME and Attract Mode reading to roll on a new machine without hours of installing software and updates before applying all the regular tweaks and settings. It's the least enjoyable aspect of setting up an arcade cabinet.

Title: Re: Driver integration using NTLite?
Post by: buttersoft on September 18, 2018, 08:38:33 pm
yeah, funky. I've used lite builds before and gotten into trouble, but i didn't build any myself, and doing it that way should be fine. Which version of windows were you planning to do this with?

For myself i've always just taken drive images. then just re-imaged a drive and shoved it in. Slightly more hassle, mb. But if you're not using identical hardware you'll have to re-do your controls anyway?
Title: Re: Driver integration using NTLite?
Post by: Paradroid on September 18, 2018, 08:47:07 pm
Which version of windows were you planning to do this with?

Windows 7. I've put my Windows 10 efforts on hold for the moment... keen to get back to W10 but also have a cab I just want up and working.

But if you're not using identical hardware you'll have to re-do your controls anyway?

I have IPACs in all my cabs. No problems there as the Ultimarc software lets you save and load profiles.

Controls and GroovyMAME config is fun for me... just not the installing Windows, updating and tweaking. It's time consuming and boring. Plus, I often forget some switches (e.g. Sticky Keys, power management, etc.) between builds. NTLite lets you setup all the Registry values ahead of installation.

The advantage with an integrated image is that you can add drivers for a range of machines (e.g. I have different Lenovo and HP boxes inside my cabs).
Title: Re: Driver integration using NTLite?
Post by: Zebidee on September 19, 2018, 12:29:12 am
NTLite is very powerful, but not free of course. Would be very useful & worth splashing the cash if you are doing lots of cab installs. I have been using it's older, little (& free) brother for my XP installs (nLite). Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.