The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Front End Support => Maximus Arcade => Topic started by: Wzrd0803 on August 17, 2018, 05:47:56 pm

Title: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Wzrd0803 on August 17, 2018, 05:47:56 pm
What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus? I just set it up with .200.  Did older roms like Donkey Kong work in previous MAME versions?  With .200 I am getting the incorrect dump error on Donkey Kong and other games.
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Titchgamer on August 17, 2018, 07:31:56 pm
Ile give you the standard answer of use the latest version of MAME and sack of MA as its no longer supported and has been left behind by other FE's.

But ime sure our resident MA expert will be along shortly :)
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: PL1 on August 17, 2018, 09:11:58 pm
What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus? I just set it up with .200.  Did older roms like Donkey Kong work in previous MAME versions?  With .200 I am getting the incorrect dump error on Donkey Kong and other games.
  General advice:
You should use matching ROMset and MAME versions.

Most ROMs won't have new/improved dumps, device changes, or renamed files from one version to the next, but some will.

The greater the difference between the ROMset version and MAME version, the greater the number of non-working games.

It's easier to find a recent ROMset then download the matching version of MAME.

  Specific advice:
Before you try to troubleshoot Maximus, does MAME work from command line?

For example, if MAME is installed in "C:\MAME\" and the name of the executable is "mame64.exe":

 - Open a command prompt window

 - Navigate to the MAME directory using command "cd c:\MAME" (change directory to c:\MAME)

 - Use command "mame64 dkong" to run Donkey Kong

 - If DK doesn't run, you need to fix MAME first

 - If DK does run, the problem is in Maximus

P.S. Just tested the version 0.152 ROM for DK in MAME 0.198 and it works fine.   ;D
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: djlunchbox on August 18, 2018, 03:21:42 am
^^^he pretty much covered it.

Ive stuck with running an old version of MAME (0159) as it runs fine and since that's the romset i have i found it had the games i'm looking to run with the bios. Since it worked i figured why mess with it.

I have heard that .199 works however as stated it's best to match a romset to MAME version.

"Best" is subjective. 0159 is older but it works for me great.

Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Wzrd0803 on August 18, 2018, 08:16:55 pm
What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus? I just set it up with .200.  Did older roms like Donkey Kong work in previous MAME versions?  With .200 I am getting the incorrect dump error on Donkey Kong and other games.
  General advice:
You should use matching ROMset and MAME versions.

Most ROMs won't have new/improved dumps, device changes, or renamed files from one version to the next, but some will.

The greater the difference between the ROMset version and MAME version, the greater the number of non-working games.

It's easier to find a recent ROMset then download the matching version of MAME.

  Specific advice:
Before you try to troubleshoot Maximus, does MAME work from command line?

For example, if MAME is installed in "C:\MAME\" and the name of the executable is "mame64.exe":

 - Open a command prompt window

 - Navigate to the MAME directory using command "cd c:\MAME" (change directory to c:\MAME)

 - Use command "mame64 dkong" to run Donkey Kong

 - If DK doesn't run, you need to fix MAME first

 - If DK does run, the problem is in Maximus

P.S. Just tested the version 0.152 ROM for DK in MAME 0.198 and it works fine.   ;D

I do have the latest Romset with the .200 Mame. So yeah it matches. 
All games both work in MAME as well as MA.  I just had that general question about some Roms getting the dump error but others not.  I was using DK as an example.
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Wzrd0803 on August 18, 2018, 08:18:23 pm
Ile give you the standard answer of use the latest version of MAME and sack of MA as its no longer supported and has been left behind by other FE's.

But ime sure our resident MA expert will be along shortly :)

I like the interface of MA. :)  What other one do you suggest?
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: PL1 on August 18, 2018, 10:08:26 pm
I do have the latest Romset with the .200 Mame. So yeah it matches. 
All games both work in MAME as well as MA.  I just had that general question about some Roms getting the dump error but others not.  I was using DK as an example.
OK, I thought you meant that the errors stopped the games from launching/working.

To be clear, the games work but some of them show a "nag screen" reminder message like this when you start, right?

That's normal operation for MAME.

Use the nag screen info to get everything working and configured in MAME before you compile or find a "no-nag" version of MAME.
- IIRC, you can replace just the executable to change your setup from regular to "no-nag".
- The MAME devs hate "no-nag" builds because idiots keep complaining about problems such as already-known bugs or that non-working games don't work.   :banghead:

Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Titchgamer on August 19, 2018, 04:36:41 am
I use Hyperspin but its not the most user friendly FE if ime honest.
But it is very good, free and customiseable.

But there is also launch/big box, attract mode, emulation station.

There are loads.
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Wzrd0803 on August 19, 2018, 03:00:53 pm
I use Hyperspin but its not the most user friendly FE if ime honest.
But it is very good, free and customiseable.

But there is also launch/big box, attract mode, emulation station.

There are loads.

I tried Hyperspin and didn't like the way the interface looked.  Then I tried Launchbox and didn't like the way it looked either. GameX was pretty good but not free.

I might retry them all again but for the look and ease, MA is still the best imo. Too bad it isn't supported much anymore (even though I don't really need the support..well right now at least).

Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: Titchgamer on August 19, 2018, 03:04:24 pm
The look of Hyperspin is very customisable.
Can make it as simple or fancy as you want and theres lots of setup videos out there.
Simply Austin is very good for setup videos.

As for ma it has no official updates or support at all.
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: djlunchbox on August 29, 2018, 06:23:53 pm
Although there aren't anymore updates, MA still is an easy to use front ends that has most emus covered.

Like if someone were to track down the creator, buy it and start updating it what more functionality do you need?

The only thing off the top of my head honestly would be to update it's ability to play MP4s natively and thus eliminating the use of SWF files in themes. It'd make it easier to customize themes so i'm not having to search out SWF converters.

But aside from that, I can't honestly put my finger on anything else. I've got a completely updated Win10 O/S and MA is running smoothly. 
Title: Re: What is the best version of MAME to use with Maximus?
Post by: viking245 on August 31, 2018, 11:59:45 am
My cabinet came with MA and I do actually like it.  Though there is no support from the original author, there are a lot who know it well.  It can be customized [to an extent] but as mentioned, no MP4 support is kind of lame.  Over years of looking and experimenting, what I found to the very good converter is Super. At 1st the interface seems odd(?) (cumbersome?), but it's a pretty powerful [and free (sorta)] tool. The batch conversion works great!  For me, I didn't care for the audio from the clips. So I simply checked the no-audio box before conversion.

As I discovered ( that for most all games, the are descriptions, box and cartridge art (thinking mostly non-MAME), cabinet picts, controller picts and much, much more out there. XML files are pretty cool!  But MA couldn't really take advantage of these they way I wanted (layout/themes).

Over several years I tried many different front ends (Attract-Mode, Easy Interface, Hyperspin, Rocket Launcher, mGalaxy, QMC2...).  I was either too impatient to set them up, they were TOO flashy, too simple or just cumbersome.  MA is simple and straight forward.  The one I finally landed on and like (this month at is LaunchBox/BigBox.  Probably because of my experimenting with others, setup seemed not so bad. I like the ease of incorporating the descriptions, art etc and the innate feature of downloading these, relevant to the specific games/platforms.

Everyone has their favorite front end, and that's great. Use what works for you.  Note that these other front ends probably have many, if not all the same features as LB/BB and are just as easy (or not) to setup.  I just haven't taken the time to look back and see. Maybe I'll get bored and retry a few.  Pretty much any front end can launch any emulator without side affects. Including any legit (current or past) version of MAME.  Just may take some tweaking.   (Srry to stray from the original Subject.)