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Main => Everything Else => Topic started by: Howard_Casto on February 05, 2018, 02:13:47 pm

Title: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 05, 2018, 02:13:47 pm
Eh, it's ok.  It's a by-the-numbers "people trapped in a _____ that need to get home" disaster/horror flick.  It's pretty predictable, but the acting is good, the production value is good and we finally get an answer in regards to wtf is going on in the Cloverfield films.  Also they used the space suits from some of the older Star Trek films, which I got a kick out of.  If you are having a hard time finding something to watch (which I did last night) then it's worth a look at least.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 05, 2018, 02:37:13 pm
Damn, this out already?  I enjoyed the other two movies....
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 05, 2018, 04:29:20 pm
Yeah, apparently they released it during the superbowl on Netflix as a surprise.  Netflix is really stepping up with their originals.... this could have been released in theatres, much like Bright. 

Speaking of which, go Eagles!  I'm not a football guy, but even I can appreciate a team that's never won anything beating a 6 time championship team. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: nitrogen_widget on February 05, 2018, 06:17:01 pm
and not surprising the critics are basically calling it crap.
never saw the other movies so i'll hold off on this one until I get around to it.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 05, 2018, 09:15:59 pm
Eh... this movie.....


Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: RandyT on February 05, 2018, 11:04:13 pm
I just finished watching it, as I liked the others.  It had a few moments, but I couldn't help but to draw parallels to every other sci-fi flick while watching.  I could have done without the preachiness too.

This one really didn't answer any questions, at least not in a way that would fit the timeline.  I guess the makers even indicated the films are only loosely related.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 06, 2018, 02:18:47 am
No it absolutely explained it.  Mind you it was a lazy explanation, but it explained it.

When the particle accelerator exploded, it not only caused a rift between those two dimensions, but all dimensions in the multiverse in all periods of time and space.
  In other words it ---fouled up beyond all recognition--- up everything, and every movies' monsters/wierdness/whatever is a result of the explosion.  The next film is even set in world war two, because that space-time distortion messed up the past as well.  So there isn't a timeline and the films might not even take place in the same universe.  But if you want to go there, you could assume that Cloverfield happened first, then Cloverfield Lane, then Cloverfield Paradox, which cause the explosion and created rifts in the previous two film's time periods allowing those monsters to exist at that point in time.

Yes it's confusing, but it is a paradox... it is supposed to be confusing.

Anyway, like I said, yeah it isn't too special, but worth a watch to kill time.  If anything the pacing and structure made it more like a slasher flick than straight scifi/horror.  That isn't a bad thing, but we know all the troupes, so it doesn't really have any surprises. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: RandyT on February 06, 2018, 10:23:31 am

Yeah, I got that.  But like you stated, it was pretty lazy.  The explanation was literally spelled out in a 10 second blip, without really exploring the effects to any real extent.  Without giving too much away, it's a bit convenient that the timelines of the split are identical in the one related to the plot of this story, and not the others. And then there's the element of the paradox seemingly only existing with regard to the main character.  I.e. somehow the earth was shielded from this effect, but monsters :)

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 06, 2018, 02:48:48 pm
Well you've got to remember, this franchise is JJ Abrams baby, and he isn't exactly known for cohesive plots, or any plot what-so-ever.  I mean he ruined Star Trek and nearly ruined Star Wars because he didn't understand what the fans liked about those shows. 

The franchise has made a decided turn towards horror since the first one, so I try to keep the quality of the films into that perspective.  Is every Nightmare on Elm Street film good?  Probably not.  Are they all worth a watch?  Yup.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 06, 2018, 04:06:09 pm
Interdimensional aliens?  Lame.  At least Starship Troopers had the bugs reacting to the invasion of their planet by Mormon extremists.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 06, 2018, 10:18:21 pm
I got that reference.  It wasn't very funny, but I got it.  Never did understand how the psycho responsible for Robocop could be the same psycho responsible for the garbage that is Starship Troopers. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 07, 2018, 12:26:47 am
I’m just saying.... retaliation for an invasion is an actual plot versus inter dimensional aliens that show up and break things because an experiment didn’t work.

I might give it another shot.  I liked the first 2 movies.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 07, 2018, 02:18:18 am
Well on the positive side it gives them a lot of creative freedom.  Supposedly there are Nazi zombies in the next film... and I mean any excuse to kill Nazis... especially zombified Nazis... I'm all for it. 

It's not a bad film, just don't expect anything interesting or creative like Cloverfield Lane or really anything that you haven't seen in a hundred movies just like it. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Loafmeister on February 07, 2018, 09:58:38 pm
I got that reference.  It wasn't very funny, but I got it.  Never did understand how the psycho responsible for Robocop could be the same psycho responsible for the garbage that is Starship Troopers.

wut.  Starship Trooper may be a popcorn movie but it's a movie with lots to say, where most popcorn movie never have anything to say.  My wife hates it though lol
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: yotsuya on February 08, 2018, 11:32:54 am
I’ve only seen Starship Troopers done RiffTrax style.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 08, 2018, 11:46:49 am
I don't think Starship Troopers has a damn thing to say.  Book or the movie.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 08, 2018, 02:28:21 pm
Yeah it's just dumb.  Anything it tried to say would be ignored because it's so dumb.  Kind of like if Bozo appeared before congress to talk about the economy.... nobody would take the poor clown seriously.   
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: RandyT on February 08, 2018, 03:33:55 pm
Meh.  ST had an over the top comic book vibe like RoboCop.   If you try to take it seriously, you'll choke on it.  It was good for what it was trying to be.

But it wasn't worth the sequels.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 08, 2018, 03:46:17 pm
Robocop was totally different.  It was clever and everything that was over the top was done that way for satire.  Except for the infamous "Mr. Long Arms" effect at the end, it could be considered a perfect movie.  Starship Troopers was just dumb and didn't have much in the way of anything in regards to commentary, satire, or even character development. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 08, 2018, 04:46:56 pm
Yeah but it had some decent tits in it and the action scenes were enjoyable.  Not everything has to be a meditation on the futility of human endeavor.

One of the sequels (#3) was actually kind of similar to Cloverfield Paradox....
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 09, 2018, 01:39:52 am
Not everything has to be a meditation on the futility of human endeavor.
One of the sequels (#3) was actually kind of similar to Cloverfield Paradox....

Actually, yes, yes it does, but since we don't have a philosophy forum I'll spare you the reasoning. 

There are a LOT of scifi and horror films that are similar to the Cloverfield Paradox, everything from Jason X to Ghost Ship to 13 ghosts.... the only difference is it explains the nonsensical weird murders with science instead of the supernatural.  If you want to go there, it even has a lot in common with Jurassic Park.  It's a standard "we are trapped in a ____ and we have to work together to get out" cliché.  It's done well, it's just we've seen this formula so many damn times at this point. 

I think with modern horror being a wasteland of unscary garbage these days, the Cloverfield franchise is at least sticking to the Scifi/Horror roots of the 80's and 90's though, so it's worth checking out every new sequel and spinoff until the shark jump occurs.  It's was a serviceable watch at least. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Loafmeister on February 09, 2018, 02:43:41 pm
Starship troopers:  social commentary with role of the press, the nazi uniforms, ...  <snip>.  Never mind, just take a few min and read the attached article. It's no classic but for me and lots others, there are lots of commentary in there. (

I don't expect anyone to read the link and say "oh wow, I changed my mind, lots of deep ---steaming pile of meadow muffin--- here", rather it's just to point out a different take on how the movie was received by many others
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 09, 2018, 03:02:09 pm
So, it's a satire on fascism because it shows a functional fascist society?  One that has its deep militarism justified by winning a desperate war?

That column was word vomit.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 09, 2018, 03:34:52 pm
Yeah and you've got to remember that at that point in his life, the glorious creator kind of believed all of that fascist b.s. if you read between the lines.  When the Nazi uniforms and fascist doctrine are NOT meant to be satire (at least prior to the adaptation) then isn't the only message "the Nazis had a point"?!?  I don't think I would be defending that deeper meaning if I were you.

I'm sincerely hoping that the producers of the film were too dumb to see that and just did a fairly faithful adaptation regardless. 
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Loafmeister on February 09, 2018, 04:29:10 pm
A functional fascist society??  I get the writer may have believed that but the director certainly gave me the impression he saw things a whole lot different.  Heres another take that very much sums up the way I saw this movie, from the way the media is used, to the Colgate smiling action heroes, to the apparent class structure (that isn't seen as a class structure from within because, you know, all about being a citizen). (

Now I don't know about "genius" but parts of it are still incredibly relevant today.  Anyway it is what it is, just surprised there isn't a bit more love for it
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 09, 2018, 04:50:00 pm
So, because it's over the top, it's non-functional?  If the movie had spent even 2 seconds showing the downsides you might have an argument. 

Did Total Recall have any deeper thought than, "Hm, maybe this was all an implant...?"  No. And it's still an awesome action movie.  Why is it so hard to believe that the Starship Troopers movie is similarly shallow?

Anyway, as long as there are neckbeards, there will be neckbears arguing about Starship Troopers.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: yotsuya on February 09, 2018, 06:12:13 pm
So, because it's over the top, it's non-functional?  If the movie had spent even 2 seconds showing the downsides you might have an argument. 

Did Total Recall have any deeper thought than, "Hm, maybe this was all an implant...?"  No. And it's still an awesome action movie.  Why is it so hard to believe that the Starship Troopers movie is similarly shallow?

Anyway, as long as there are neckbeards, there will be neckbears arguing about Starship Troopers.


Damn those neckbears.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: pbj on February 09, 2018, 06:29:32 pm
As a neckbear, that typo stays.
Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: yotsuya on February 09, 2018, 08:02:44 pm
As a neckbear, that typo stays.

Title: Re: The Cloverfield Paradox.
Post by: Howard_Casto on February 09, 2018, 11:02:21 pm
So I'm guessing a neckbear is a hairy plump gay dude with a beard.  So it's kind of redundant.... that's still just a bear.  :)