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Main => Main Forum => Topic started by: aqsmorningview on February 21, 2017, 08:59:51 pm

Title: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 21, 2017, 08:59:51 pm
Does anyone know anything about windows xp? I just reinstalled windows xp on my old computer for my new arcade build,trouble is the 30 days to put in my serial expired plus I dont have a working serial to use.When I go to put in the serial I need an internet connection to activate it.I put in my wireless usb stick for it to recognize my internet and I need to get onto the desktop to connect to it.I cant get onto my desktop to connect to the internet because i cant get internet to have the forum come up so i can activate my windows xp. see my delima? anyone know how I can bypass this?
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: Phreakwars on February 21, 2017, 09:26:25 pm
Which version of XP is it? Home, pro, etc.. Since MS doesn't support XP anymore, I wouldn't worry about activating, just use a universal key from somewhere... like here: [link killed due to rule # 5]
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 21, 2017, 09:50:08 pm
u are running an old out dated ie explorer
from your other computer d/l ie7.msi from microsoft >u will need to search for it<
DO NOT USE THIRD PARTY VENDERS,once u have it down loaded
just move it to your xp box and exceute it
it will bring your ie up to 7 and allow u to hook in to the net

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 21, 2017, 11:50:48 pm
Which version of XP is it? Home, pro, etc.. Since MS doesn't support XP anymore, I wouldn't worry about activating, just use a universal key from somewhere... like here: [link killed due to rule # 5]

Rule number 5.

Just remember that Windows XP is not supported by updates for the consumer market, but plenty of banks, hospitals, and schools still use it in the world today.  Actually Microsoft is still supporting it, via a special agreement.  Most of the ATMs I have seen has  embedded XP or NT4  :lol  installed. It is baffling, but true.  So as Windows XP  has copyright attached to it (until 2075), unlicensed activation keys are still illegal. Will M$ go after you for using unlicensed software?  Call them up and ask them.  Good luck getting an answer.  Just play it safe and buy a key on amazon and then download Tinyxp and use your key that you have bought for it.  TinyXP is pretty lean for arcade cabinets.  Better safe than sorry.  I have several shrink wrapped OEM copies, but at $150 each, nobody in their right mind would buy it. ( (

Hurry only 7 left!   :applaud:   :lol
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 12:00:13 am
that still will not stop his act problem
if u read the op's post
he can not get on line to .act it to start with
hence why i told him to get a copy of ie7
then once its loaded it will go out to the www.
ie6 which is what xp comes with WILL NOT TIE INTO MICROSOFT.
it is ie7 and up that will >it will most likely want to up-him to ie8<
what the op is looking  for is right in the microsoft d/l scetion
hudge hint "google ie7"
look for the microsoft d/l site >only 1 i have trusted<
it is ie7setup >self installer< save it and copy it via uas stick to your xp machine
then excute it
once it is done u can tie into the up-date site
and yes there is a boat load of security up-dates let alone player

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 22, 2017, 02:39:52 am
that still will not stop his act problem
if u read the op's post
he can not get on line to .act it to start with
hence why i told him to get a copy of ie7
then once its loaded it will go out to the www.
ie6 which is what xp comes with WILL NOT TIE INTO MICROSOFT.
it is ie7 and up that will >it will most likely want to up-him to ie8<
what the op is looking  for is right in the microsoft d/l scetion
hudge hint "google ie7"
look for the microsoft d/l site >only 1 i have trusted<
it is ie7setup >self installer< save it and copy it via uas stick to your xp machine
then excute it
once it is done u can tie into the up-date site
and yes there is a boat load of security up-dates let alone player


He will still need to activate it with a legitimate key, not a key that he did not purchase.  His old key will work, but he has to call M$ and they will reset the activation.  Using a shared key is a big no no and tantamount to piracy.  Thus rule 5.  No matter how you swing it, there is no excuse.  Its just black and white.  I tried your method on a VM just now and it does not work, you need a genuine activation to download it.  I have Exchange Server Enterprise that I would like to install.  I need a key for it, and I would have to buy one to remain legal.  It is dumb as I have bought the software, but during a move I lost my cd case.  It sucks but you have to remain honest.  ;D
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 22, 2017, 08:25:32 am
folks I never said i wouldnt purchase an activation,second wether i download the newest IE or not it wouldnt be physically connecting to the IE for me to get asking how to connect to the internet so the forum box appears so I can type in the serial
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: gdonovan on February 22, 2017, 08:45:27 am
Most of the ATMs I have seen has  embedded XP or NT4  :lol  installed. It is baffling, but true.

Why baffling? I know a little about this market.

Once the software is up and doing the job its written to do there is no reason to upgrade. In healthcare it is not uncommon for 30-40 year old software to be in use. I'm not sure why anyone would even bother doing all the patches for XP once you do an install from an XP_SP3 disc. Unless the cabinet is "on line" why bother? Its just going to be running emulator and arcade software for the rest of its life.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 22, 2017, 08:49:41 am
Most of the ATMs I have seen has  embedded XP or NT4  :lol  installed. It is baffling, but true.

Why baffling? I know a little about this market.

Once the software is up and doing the job its written to do there is no reason to upgrade. In healthcare it is not uncommon for 30-40 year old software to be in use. I'm not sure why anyone would even bother doing all the patches for XP once you do an install from an XP_SP3 disc. Unless the cabinet is "on line" why bother? Its just going to be running emulator and arcade software for the rest of its life.

right but i need the internet to activate just to get onto the desktop and that is the problem,after that i wont bother with internet ever again
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: keilmillerjr on February 22, 2017, 10:18:07 am
Your using an operating system that is over a decade old and no longer supported. Why would you even purchase a serial number for that? Especially for mame machines, speed is a concern. Windows xp doesn't even support SSD drives. That would be like me wanting to buy a copy of Mac OS 9 and then be like whadadoodoo with mame?
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: Mike A on February 22, 2017, 10:25:03 am
That's funny. I am running my current cab with Win XP on a SSD drive.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: gdonovan on February 22, 2017, 10:36:53 am
XP runs on SSD just fine. Automatic trim isn't supported but the odds of a drive failure due to trim not being active is nil. There are several good articles about SSD and XP on the internet and how to setup the machine and disable various functions under XP that are not required or desired.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 11:01:19 am
i see u ppl are still missing the boat on this act ---steaming pile of meadow muffin---
let me be sisenc
if he dose not go to ie7 it will never .act
there is a simple reason for this
it is called wapa. wapa is the key checker
it comes in with active-x ,it IS part of the up-dates
u CANNOT get around it,even with service pack 3
so in short
get a copy of ie7
load to the xp-box
watch the fun begin >have your .act key on hand<
if u still have problems ?
i can send u market relm..will fix u right up

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: keilmillerjr on February 22, 2017, 11:40:23 am
That's funny. I am running my current cab with Win XP on a SSD drive.

... without TRIM support. I never said that it was impossible to run XP on an SSD. I said that it's not supported.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: Mike A on February 22, 2017, 11:45:27 am
 Splitting hairs I see. ::)
Its a dead OS. Nothing is supported.
However there are TRIM options for XP if you really want it.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 22, 2017, 11:46:55 am
all i want to know is how to bypass the activation so i can get onto my desktop to turn on my wifi so that i can then activate my xp system.without the internet on i can not get the forum up to put in the activation code.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 12:06:14 pm
i have handed the answer 2-x times now
this time listen
use any other computer to download ie7.setup from microsoft
run it on your xp box
or LEARN how to turn on/off certian ie6 controls
internet exploere >u know the little "e"<
open it
go to tools
go to internet options
go to advanced
turn on/off what u need to get ie6 to hook into the internet
or just do it the fregging easy way
ie7 and then do what u want......
no matter what anyones says u ARE NOT GOING TO REINVENT THE WHEEL THIS TIME
microsoft has BLOCKED IE6 it is THAT SIMPLE
did u hear me this freggin time ?

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: gdonovan on February 22, 2017, 12:14:49 pm
i have handed the answer 2-x times now
this time listen
use any other computer to download ie7.setup from microsoft
run it on your xp box

Ah! I get where the OP is coming from now, I ran across it once.

He can't because he is up against a hard 30 day lock. He can't run ANYTHING because the machine has locked him out aside from the activation screen on boot up.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 12:19:28 pm
start/f8 until u reach safe mode setup options
run with network support
once unit is up
load ie7.setup and excute it.
then carry on fixing it
or ask me for the "patcher" either

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: DeLuSioNal29 on February 22, 2017, 12:40:51 pm
There's a cool video on retailers that are selling Windows 10 for cheap.  It's no longer $20 but still cheap.  YMMV.  However, if it's an old PC, not sure if Windows 10 will even work on it.
! No longer available (

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: gdonovan on February 22, 2017, 01:11:25 pm
start/f8 until u reach safe mode setup options
run with network support
once unit is up
load ie7.setup and excute it.
then carry on fixing it
or ask me for the "patcher" either


He doesn't have an installed network adapter.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 01:25:29 pm
pardon me ?

>Does anyone know anything about windows xp? I just reinstalled windows xp on my old computer for my new arcade build,trouble is the 30 days to put in my serial expired plus I dont have a working serial to use.When I go to put in the serial I need an internet connection to activate it.>>>I put in my wireless usb stick for it to recognize my internet and I need to get onto the desktop to connect to it<<<.I cant get onto my desktop to connect to the internet because i cant get internet to have the forum come up so i can activate my windows xp. see my delima? anyone know how I can bypass this?

please read his first question
i am trying not to confuse the op any more then nessary.....

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: gdonovan on February 22, 2017, 01:58:46 pm
Its plugged in, doesn't mean the drivers are installed.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 02:14:37 pm
lord another 1 whom dose not listen
1=genereal generic
1=mfg specific
which windows NOT WHAT STATE IT IS IN WILL ---smurfette--- AT U FOR..
all this ---steaming pile of meadow muffin--- can be fix easy as pie
from main boot-----------------smurfing--- f8 over and over until safe mode option window comes up
u know beep beep beep >i got ya,keyboard to motherboard<
then go to start safe mode with "network support"
from there windows dose not give a crap..u have a full desktop
put in or remove drivers as u see fit
how u ppl make this simple task so hard is beyound the grasp of my thought >and some days that is little<
as i do xp/7/10 all ---smurfing--- week long
pay attenion this time

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: yotsuya on February 22, 2017, 03:27:29 pm
Chillax, ed. That's all I got to offer.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 03:56:25 pm
yot i am chill
i just hate it when a simple question is asked and ever other answer is given
stick to the basics
windows is such an easy o/s i am baffeled as to the problems to start with

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 22, 2017, 07:38:18 pm
yot i am chill
i just hate it when a simple question is asked and ever other answer is given
stick to the basics
windows is such an easy o/s i am baffeled as to the problems to start with


The OP needs a new key or call M$.  Circumventing windows protections is illegal.  Why are the mods so particularly  quiet all of a sudden?  This thread needs to be sent to PH.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 07:53:09 pm
ark i am glad u chimmed in again with your wisdom
expect a few facts u are not reading
the op cant even get to his desktop
no ammount of keying and calling the mother ship is going to fix this
this time please read then comment

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: JDFan on February 22, 2017, 07:56:30 pm
yot i am chill
i just hate it when a simple question is asked and ever other answer is given
stick to the basics
windows is such an easy o/s i am baffeled as to the problems to start with


The OP needs a new key or call M$.  Circumventing windows protections is illegal.  Why are the mods so particularly  quiet all of a sudden?  This thread needs to be sent to PH.

Did you read the OP ??  - He has a serial key but has not activated the install for over the 60 days and thus is locked out of the system and since his internet connection is not working is stuck in a loop -- Boot goes to activate the product - which he can not do so has to try to get to the desktop to install the network driver - but can not get to desktop until activated since it has been more than 60 days. He never was looking for a key !! (Which is why Ed is telling him to boot to safe mode )

Once at the desktop the trial can be reset for up to 120 days longer by using this command :

Windows XP Extend Trial Period - "Rearm"

Here's how to extend the trial period of your Windows XP. This can be helpful if you can't seem to do anything because the system that was once activated reverted to trial and expired.

1. Type this in run or in command prompt:

C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk

note: capital letter "O" after the word setup, then a small letter "o".

2. After typing, press enter.
3. Wait for a couple of minutes to make sure the process will complete. You won't see anything.
4. Restart the computer.

This process will reset XP trial, and can be done 4 times (120 days).

If your XP was expired, and you've rearmed it, then you can rearm it 2 more times with this command.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 22, 2017, 08:11:50 pm
yot i am chill
i just hate it when a simple question is asked and ever other answer is given
stick to the basics
windows is such an easy o/s i am baffeled as to the problems to start with


i have also tryed safe mode and it says activate windows first.unless i did it wrong for some reason?guess ill try again and btw all im asking is how to bypass the activation at first so i can get to the desktop that is all .

The OP needs a new key or call M$.  Circumventing windows protections is illegal.  Why are the mods so particularly  quiet all of a sudden?  This thread needs to be sent to PH.

Did you read the OP ??  - He has a serial key but has not activated the install for over the 60 days and thus is locked out of the system and since his internet connection is not working is stuck in a loop -- Boot goes to activate the product - which he can not do so has to try to get to the desktop to install the network driver - but can not get to desktop until activated since it has been more than 60 days. He never was looking for a key !! (Which is why Ed is telling him to boot to safe mode )
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 08:18:49 pm
yes jdfan exactley

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 22, 2017, 11:26:41 pm
yes jdfan exactley


If he has a valid key just reinstall XP, but he cannot can he?  Is he missing a disc?  I think somewhere I said to get TinyXP and use his key, or he can buy a $150.00 OEM disc and key ( like he should really do something so dumb, but I'll throw it out there.)  If he has a DreamSpark account he can legally download Windows XP/Vista/W7/W8/10 and all the server versions directly from M$.  Incidentally, DreamSpark has all the server versions too with 75 user licenses.  So if you are a student and your school/college is part of the program, then I would grab everything on offer.  It is really cool.  It has a two year support thrown in too.  :o

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 22, 2017, 11:34:30 pm
ark i have been very nice to u up till now...
please retune your atenna and FOUCS for once
we are trying to get him back to his desktop
then HE CAN DECIDE TO GO ALL MIGHTY ARK LIC.FOR THE SAKE OF THE MOTHER COUNTRY OR JUST GET ANOTHER KEY AND CARRY ON...............................................................this is not your place  TO PREACH..GO PISS ON IILEGAL ROMS IN MAME
lets get this set so he CAN DECIDE to go to the mothership FIRST

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: CheffoJeffo on February 22, 2017, 11:58:53 pm
And this is why NOBODY ever takes advice from ark ...  ::)
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 23, 2017, 12:14:37 am
ark i have been very nice to u up till now...
please retune your atenna and FOUCS for once
we are trying to get him back to his desktop
then HE CAN DECIDE TO GO ALL MIGHTY ARK LIC.FOR THE SAKE OF THE MOTHER COUNTRY OR JUST GET ANOTHER KEY AND CARRY ON...............................................................this is not your place  TO PREACH..GO PISS ON IILEGAL ROMS IN MAME
lets get this set so he CAN DECIDE to go to the mothership FIRST


So the OP cannot get to desktop as he has forgotten his login?  Well get this: (

How complicated is that?   :lol

OK let me try and make sense of this.

THE OP is locked out of windows XP as he forgot his password and he needs to get to the desktop to install IE 7 as he cannot get wifi (due to no desktop).  So he backs up all his WINDOWS folder or calls it WINDOWS.old or something like that, and ten installs XP again, copies his registry files to the new install and gains access to the desktop (there are utilities to get back into XP via a linux boot disk...but I digress) and then continues on his travels with his cab.


He wants to bypass the WGA which is a registry hack.  It was well known when M$ started locking up desktops many years ago.  I do not agree to it, but you can still get the registry hack, but be really careful which sites you go to locate it.  Once you have modified the registry you can get into desktop and access whatever.  But to be clear here I do not think posting unlicensed keys is a good idea and runs into Rule 5.

edit: this was a double post as Windows 10 and Firefox hates this site for some reason and locks up.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 23, 2017, 12:24:26 am
thk-u finally u are getting it
thk-u for re-tunning your atenna.:)
i was taking an easy apporach
i never seen him metiton his password as a problem ?
maybe i missed it
but with that aside there is no way in hell lack of activation will lock u out of your desktop
thus the reason for "safe-mode" or windows would not have put it there

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: aqsmorningview on February 23, 2017, 08:54:33 am
i have figured it all out.I didnt have internet because my wireless router was in a deadzone and my serial was on the side of my computer tower
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ark_ader on February 23, 2017, 10:32:31 am
Great!  We will put it down as user error.
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: JDFan on February 23, 2017, 11:10:55 am
with that aside there is no way in hell lack of activation will lock u out of your desktop

It doesn't lock you out of the desktop - but for those unfamiliar with it it will seem to. If you do not put in the key when installing it gives you a 30 day trial - as it gets close to the 30 days it boots to this screen :


Where you hit "Remind me later" and proceed to boot -- once the 30 days pass you hitting remind me later no longer continues to desktop but reboots instead and you wind up back at this same prompt - since the trial has ended - so you then need to either put in the key and hit "Update" - which will go online and attempt to activate (which fails if no internet connection exists - bringing you back to this screen in a continuous loop ! ) or choose "Telephone"  (which takes you to the phone activation - to activate by phone using the number on the page that comes up next (which is what he should have done - as it is designed for those with no internet to use ) -- but if you are not familiar with the process it will seem like you are stuck if you keep hitting - "update"
Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: ed12 on February 23, 2017, 11:14:34 am
yes correct
for the noobs and such i totaly see your point..
windows did not discolse that safe mode is always alvable either way

Title: Re: using windows xp and......
Post by: JDFan on February 23, 2017, 11:19:28 am
yes correct
for the noobs and such i totaly see your point..
windows did not discolse that safe mode is always alvable either way


Exactly -- so he needed to either hit "Telephone" and activate that way - or boot into safe mode and fix the intrnet so he could then use "Update" to activate by internet. But everyone jumped to how to bypass activation rather than the correct way to proceed to activate it (which is a bit confusing !)