The NEW Build Your Own Arcade Controls

Main => Software Forum => Linux => Topic started by: Louis Tully on October 10, 2013, 02:26:37 pm

Title: [SOLVED - basically] I need some help with a laptop touchpad. Not game related.
Post by: Louis Tully on October 10, 2013, 02:26:37 pm
Title: Re: I need some help with a laptop touchpad. Not game related. Remove if needed.
Post by: ed12 on October 10, 2013, 04:23:59 pm
first welcome aboard
second your thread is fine
just hang tight a more refined linux person will come in and drop u the .bash u need
i ran into the exact problem when i first loaded ub
but was lucky enough to lacth on to a linux fourm

Title: Re: I need some help with a laptop touchpad. Not game related. Remove if needed.
Post by: sairuk on October 25, 2013, 07:49:54 am
Not having used this script before I will be running blind here. I will try to spell out what steps I would go through based on the information available and hope that addresses your needs.

Open Terminal from the Xubuntu Applications Menu>Accessories>Terminal

From what I can see the id you are after is 13, with that in mind you would execute. (# is a prompt in the terminal)
Code: [Select]
# chmod a+x
# ./ 13

If it needs to be run an Xorg startup you should be able to place a call to execute the script in an .xprofile file located in your home directory

Create the ~/.xprofile file
Code: [Select]
# touch ~/.xprofile
# gedit ~/.xprofile

Add the following line to the .xprofile file and save it
Code: [Select]
/<absolute path to file>/ 13
I use this .xprofile trick to set my resolutions through xrandr, control volumes/muting of devices, etc at xorg startup.

Not come across this issue myself, so i'm working on the assumption that you were after how best to implement the script.
Title: Re: I need some help with a laptop touchpad. Not game related. Remove if needed.
Post by: Louis Tully on November 02, 2013, 07:03:26 am
Title: Re: [SOLVED - basically] I need some help with a laptop touchpad. Not game related.
Post by: sairuk on November 02, 2013, 06:00:55 pm
All good mate, glad you are enjoying linux. I'd forgotten about crunchbag, will grab that for the wifes netbook.