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Main => Main Forum => Topic started by: BadMouth on July 28, 2010, 11:34:18 am

Title: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 28, 2010, 11:34:18 am
I picked up a 2nd Act Labs TV light gun (old ray-gun style).
The 2nd gun works like a charm in MAME, but I'm having no luck with M2 emulator (hotd, vcop, vcop2).

Anyone know if this emulator even supports a 2nd gun?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on July 28, 2010, 01:15:33 pm
How did you get the actlabs guns to work in M2 Emulator?  Been dying to know.  I have 2 actlabs guns working in MAME, but can't get either to work in Model 2 Emulator.  I'd love to know!!!

Please let me know the steps you did!
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 28, 2010, 04:17:01 pm
How did you get the actlabs guns to work in M2 Emulator? Please let me know the steps you did!

I honestly don't know!  I don't remember having to do anything special aside from calibrating the gun in the service menu of each game once and disabling the crosshairs in the cfg file.
I think it was pretty much plug and play.  I have a version 0.9 of M2.

I'm at work right now.
I'll look at my settings when I get home and see what I did.
There aren't any settings in the cfg file besides hiding the crosshairs.
I honestly don't even remember having to map the fire & reload buttons,
which is the reason that I don't know what to do with gun #2. 
There just aren't any settings to tinker with!?!

Gun # 2 is doing something though...the game exits when I hit the trigger or reload button (can't remember which right now).
I  only had a few minutes to mess with it.  I was hoping someone here would tell me whether it was possible or not to use 2 guns, so I wouldn't have to spend a bunch of time finding out for myself.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 28, 2010, 07:10:36 pm
How did you get the actlabs guns to work in M2 Emulator? Please let me know the steps you did!

Got home and checked all my settings.  
There are no special settings for the light gun to work.
You don't even map the fire and reload buttons, yet both the side button and shooting offscreen work to reload.
ElSemi must have had an Act-Labs gun.  ;D
Just make sure that you have the newest version 0.9 M2 emulator from Nebula.

In trying to get the 2nd light gun to work, I played around with the UseRawInput settings since windows sees the light guns as usb mice and that setting allows for the use of multiple mice.  I didn't know how to figure out what device number the guns were, so I tried 0-6.
I only have the two guns, trackball, & x-arcade w/keyboard attached; no other input devices.

Neither of the guns worked at all with raw input enabled, probably because I didn't know how to find the device ID.

Just make sure UseRawInput=0 in the EMULATOR cfg file.

I gave up on getting the 2nd light gun to work; disabled P2 coin & start buttons.
(then I lost a half hour playing)

Time to move on to my many other unfinished projects.

Post again if you get it does work!
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: bertthedefender on July 28, 2010, 08:44:12 pm
Slightly off-topic, but have you noticed that if you shoot at the top left of the screen while running a Model2 light gun game (when in full screen mode) the emulator reverts back to a window, as if you'd clicked the close icon?

Or is that just my setup?  :dizzy:
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: romshark on July 28, 2010, 09:17:55 pm
I have this problem as well. It's something that most likely has to be fixed in the emulator.
You see, in MAME and real light gun games, you point the gun at the screen, it reports back it's X and Y coordinates. This would be called absolute position data (or something like that).
Some software, like Model 2 emulator, don't work like that. It expects a regular computer mouse. So your cursor would start at a point on the screen, and you move the mouse. The software interprets this as "go up 20 pixels, and left 8 pixels." Try to feed the absolute data type into that (like the Aimtrak, Act Labs, or LCD Topgun) and it goes all screwy.

Note that Model 2 only uses this when RawInput = on. When RawInput is off, Windows itself handles the inputs before passing the converted data to the program, allowing a gun to work. Two drawbacks to this are:
1.) Windows sets all the pointing devices (guns, mice, trackballs, spinners) to control one "software mouse" that it sends to the program. So, only one gun.
2.) The "software mouse" can interact outside the program.  Bertthedefender, your question is actually related. Model 2, when full screen, is really still in a window, but changes the resolution to "zoom in" on the window. If you play HOTD, and click and hold the mouse all the way to the side, sometimes the emulator will pause and you get the window resize cursor, just like Notepad or most other software. That's with RawInput off. If it were on, the cursor can't interact with anything outside what Model 2 allows it to.

Sorry for the long post, but this problem has annoyed me for a long time. I even posted on their forum here (, but got no responses. I hope this gets fixed on the next version!
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 28, 2010, 10:16:59 pm
Slightly off-topic, but have you noticed that if you shoot at the top left of the screen while running a Model2 light gun game (when in full screen mode) the emulator reverts back to a window, as if you'd clicked the close icon?

Or is that just my setup?  :dizzy:

I haven't had that happen.  But when the switch is slid all the way forward to the GUN2 position, the trigger seems to have the same effect as the ESC key.
That happened no matter where the gun was pointed though and only in M2Emulator.

Just tried it on my main pc with the mouse and it does it, so it's not a light gun issue, its a M2 Emulator issue....
The crosshairs have to be absolutely all the way to the left and almost to the top.  The window doesn't shrink, but the game disappears and doesn't come back until I click on the toolbar button to switch the focus back to M2, then press ESC to shrink it.  Kind of an odd thing...the crosshairs stop when the hit the right side of the screen, but on the left side, M2 emulator lets them hang halfway off and doesn't stop them until the center of them touches the edge of the screen.  I think Romshark is right.  I think what is happening is that we are essentially clicking off the edge of the application and changing the focus in windows (even though the app is running full screen).

I've never had that happen on my arcade setup.  It could be that I have the screen stretched slightly beyond the boundaries of the tv, so the light gun can't hit the edge.


Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on August 02, 2010, 12:55:42 pm
I gotta say thanks for the tips!  I now have my actlab gun working great in the model 2 emulator!

Still like you guys, no luck on getting the 2nd gun to work though.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: swamprat96 on August 02, 2010, 06:58:50 pm
I have two guns working in M2. As it is at a friends house this is from memory but I'm sure I used ( to make it work. See the long topic ( and read the whole thing. Cananas screen shots solve it I think
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: romshark on August 03, 2010, 08:47:13 am
I read through it, but it looks like you got it working for the PC version. But I'll reread it after some breakfast.
Even then, maybe I'll drop a line to the Troubleshooter auther about M2 Emulator support.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on August 04, 2010, 10:29:47 am
I got House of the Dead, Virtua Cop 1, and Virtua Cop 2 working like a champ.

However, I couldn't get Rail Chase 2, Behind Enemy Lines, or Gunblade NY configured properly with the actlabs gun.  Any ideas?

Are those games working for you guys with the guns?

I have a feeling it's not going to work due to the guns being like the image below and not handguns style.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on August 04, 2010, 11:08:36 am
I got House of the Dead, Virtua Cop 1, and Virtua Cop 2 working like a champ.

However, I couldn't get Rail Chase 2, Behind Enemy Lines, or Gunblade NY configured properly with the actlabs gun.  Any ideas?

Are those games working for you guys with the guns?

I have a feeling it's not going to work due to the guns being like the image below and not handguns style.

Yep, you got it.  As with most games where you are meant to keep the trigger pulled in and spray bullets, they weren't really light gun games.

If you were able to get the dual mice working in M2, AIM-Trak guns would probably work since they track the gun constantly, not just the instant you pull the trigger.

Those other games can be played with joysticks, but it's just not the same.
I've thought about trying to make a "joystick" gun setup, but I have too many projects already.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on August 04, 2010, 11:24:33 am
I got House of the Dead, Virtua Cop 1, and Virtua Cop 2 working like a champ.

However, I couldn't get Rail Chase 2, Behind Enemy Lines, or Gunblade NY configured properly with the actlabs gun.  Any ideas?

Are those games working for you guys with the guns?

I have a feeling it's not going to work due to the guns being like the image below and not handguns style.

Yep, you got it.  As with most games where you are meant to keep the trigger pulled in and spray bullets, they weren't really light gun games.

If you were able to get the dual mice working in M2, AIM-Trak guns would probably work since they track the gun constantly, not just the instant you pull the trigger.

Those other games can be played with joysticks, but it's just not the same.
I've thought about trying to make a "joystick" gun setup, but I have too many projects already.

Thanks!  It's not that I care much on having those 3 games.  I was just curious anyway.

Stoked to have HOTD, Virtua Cop 1 and 2 working in model2 with my actlabs guns!!!! Thanks for all the help!

Now my next task is in the works, NES and SNES games with my actlabs guns.

I am VERY, VERY happy to have guns on my cab.  So much fun.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on August 04, 2010, 01:38:25 pm
It is possible to get the act labs guns working in some of the "joystick" gun games, but I decided it wasn't worth it.

From ACT-Labs website (
(This is an old page.  Newer pages just say the game isn't a real light gun game & isn't supported)

Terminator 2 - will not work for Windows 98SE
- press "1" to reach calibration screen
- press "TAB" key and choose "Input (General)" and press "Enter" key
- find the keyboard controls for Up/Down/Left/Right and Button 1 for Players 1-2
- for Player 1, move the cursor, using keyboard, as close to position x=0, y=0 then press Button 1
- move the cusor as close to position x=128, y=128 then press Button 1
- then move cursor as close to position x=255, y=255 and press Button 1
- repeat for Player 2 and you will see "Calibratin Successful" screen
- when title screen appears, calibrate the light gun as you normally would
- now you are ready to play the game as Player 1

I did this when I first got a light gun, but as I said before, you are meant to spray bullets in these games and a true light gun just doesn't work for that (if you hold the trigger in, all shots will go to the spot that registered when you first pulled the trigger).  Your trigger finger will get tired very fast and you won't get very far in the game.   :-\
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on August 05, 2010, 08:56:47 am
It is possible to get the act labs guns working in some of the "joystick" gun games, but I decided it wasn't worth it.

From ACT-Labs website (
(This is an old page.  Newer pages just say the game isn't a real light gun game & isn't supported)

Terminator 2 - will not work for Windows 98SE
- press "1" to reach calibration screen
- press "TAB" key and choose "Input (General)" and press "Enter" key
- find the keyboard controls for Up/Down/Left/Right and Button 1 for Players 1-2
- for Player 1, move the cursor, using keyboard, as close to position x=0, y=0 then press Button 1
- move the cusor as close to position x=128, y=128 then press Button 1
- then move cursor as close to position x=255, y=255 and press Button 1
- repeat for Player 2 and you will see "Calibratin Successful" screen
- when title screen appears, calibrate the light gun as you normally would
- now you are ready to play the game as Player 1

I did this when I first got a light gun, but as I said before, you are meant to spray bullets in these games and a true light gun just doesn't work for that (if you hold the trigger in, all shots will go to the spot that registered when you first pulled the trigger).  Your trigger finger will get tired very fast and you won't get very far in the game.   :-\

I got Terminator, Revolution X and some other game like that (I think, forgetting off the top of my head) running great on my cab. However, as far as Model 2 emulator goes, I'm sure it's a no go on those type of games.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: cquealy on December 03, 2010, 08:12:56 pm
Sorry to bring this topic back, but trying to see if I read this right and nicky nooch got BOTH guns working in M2 emulator. If so, can you shar your config files setup?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: laggerific on January 01, 2011, 06:45:27 am
Sorry to bring this topic back, but trying to see if I read this right and nicky nooch got BOTH guns working in M2 emulator. If so, can you shar your config files setup?

Yeah, same here...setting it to raw input mode makes it so it at least recognizes the two guns triggers independently, but still the cursors never do work properly, they just flail away at the sides of the screen...soon as I leave the emulator the cursors are right where I expect to see them.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Donkbaca on January 10, 2011, 05:17:04 pm
Anyone at all have 2 aimtracks working with model 2?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Hituro on January 20, 2011, 04:39:30 am
If I leave Rawinput off I can see both mouse cursors, and Player 1 works.  However, Player two, when I fire, uses Player 1's amo.  So it's like I'm playing with two player 1 :/  Not sure how to really get player 2 to work in M2 Gun games
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Donkbaca on January 20, 2011, 11:46:58 am

Did you figure out the issue where you shoot off screen and the screen minimizes?  Or do you just use a reload button?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: nickynooch on January 20, 2011, 12:01:46 pm
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on April 09, 2011, 03:58:04 pm

I haven't messed with this issue for a while since I have act labs guns and nobody else seemed to get any 2nd player gun working.

I was working on a different gun project and that got me thinking about this issue again.  
The option for multiple mice is in there.  It has to friggin' work.  :cry:
So I hooked up another usb wireless mouse & set M2 to use raw input.
First try - same as usual, P1 works, P2 doesn't.
Second try - decided to change the P2 device ID to 0, which is what I originally had for the first, to see if it would make the P2 gun work.
                       changed the P1 device ID to 2, 'cause that hadn't been used yet.

'lo and behold, both mice work.  Both track correctly.  Left click fires for the proper player, right click reloads for the proper player.

I think I had tried this with a usb mouse and a ps2 mouse long ago and never got it working.
I also used M2 version 1.0

At any rate, if two mice work, two aim-tracks have to work don't they?

I don't have aim-tracks, so I can't test it.  But I know those of you with them would love to get P2 working.   ;D

Here's what's in my EMULATOR.cfg file:

Of course, your device numbers could vary.  
I don't have anything but a wireless mouse/keyboard & the extra mouse hooked up to this computer.
Just thought I'd let people know that the multiple mouse option does work.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: isucamper on April 10, 2011, 10:16:19 am
I have spent more time than I care to mention trying to get M2 working with both my aimtraks.  I've gotten 2 mice to work but not 2 aimtraks.  From what I understand the devices cannot work because they use "absolute" input, and M2 only works with multiple mice that use "relative" input. 

I tried to bring this up on the spanish M2 dev site, but I got yelled at. 
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: romshark on April 10, 2011, 09:15:42 pm
I tried to bring this up on the spanish M2 dev site, but I got yelled at. 

I brought it up there too, and basically got ignored.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Donkbaca on April 10, 2011, 10:28:51 pm
It seems to me that most people on the M2 boards are more focused on driving games.  Hopefully they fix it at some point
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on June 28, 2012, 08:16:17 pm
Hi all,

I know it's an old thread, but I've been working on my 70" Virtua Cop1/2 party setup for a week or so and put in some effort to solve and fix M2E's losing focus when clicking off the edge problem.

I have my setup working with a single Wiimote using WiiMouse ( to create the mouse pointer. It works for dual Mic'ies? moose's? Meese? Mice? anywho... Has anyone noticed the aim drift further off the cursor at the edges of the screen and is there a fix for that? Otherwise this setup is good to go?

Anyone interested in trying my window override app too can click here... (

It currently works with vcop and vcop2 as the basic tester program... I haven't written a Readme yet, so here are the basics below....

When launched (from anywhere, doesn't matter where but I dropped mine into the m2emulator folder) it will auto minimise to the task tray. It should have the little Vcop icon. What it does is simple, it just waits to see the window title Virtua Cop (and 2) then reads the title ID, sets the window style to remove borders and expand to corner to corner. If you launch your M2E in full screen, you won't see a thing change. In window mode, it will remove the min/max/X button border.

Exiting the M2E is just as normal Alt-F4 or click Emulator>exit

You can shoot anywhere on the screen/off the screen and it shouldn't alt-tab or minimize at all. Hope it works for you too. Let me know if it doesn't.

Now all I need to do is align the cursor to the shot and it's a winner.

Ramjet :)
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on June 28, 2012, 08:58:04 pm
So far it's working great.  I will play around with it some more this weekend but for now I can't get it to minimize.  Much appreciated.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on June 28, 2012, 10:37:05 pm
Oh yeah, once the title bar is removed. Then it can't be moved as there is nothing to click on... which is ironically the reason why it would minimize....

Not much I can do about that... but it's not bad for a couple hours of work and coming up with something that worked.

I'm still struggling with the accuracy. I really don't want to go down the path of writing an external calibration program for matching the onscreen cursor to where the bullet should hit. Thats going to be tricky....

Oh, I should add HOTD support too whilst I think of it.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on June 29, 2012, 01:28:53 pm
Oh, I should add HOTD support too whilst I think of it.

Might as well add support for all the gun games if it's not too much trouble (Rail Chase 2, Behind Enemy Lines, Gunblade, etc).  I played some more Virtual Cop 2 last night and it worked flawlessly with my constant off-screen reloading.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on June 30, 2012, 07:08:35 am
Oh, I should add HOTD support too whilst I think of it.

Might as well add support for all the gun games if it's not too much trouble (Rail Chase 2, Behind Enemy Lines, Gunblade, etc).  I played some more Virtual Cop 2 last night and it worked flawlessly with my constant off-screen reloading.

No problemo... glad to hear it's working well! I've spent the last few days renovating so I haven't really had a chance to test it. I did however figure out my calibration problem, it was right under my nose in the service menu! LOL, oh well... at least the Wiimotes are shooting straight now.

I have HOTD included now, with a cool little function where it changes the icon in the task bar depending on which game is running. It's kinda funky. I'll add the rest of the games tomorrow.

It turns out that someone on speksnk is also making a program to do this also. It's always the case isn't it? When you think your doing something new, someone else is thinking the exact same thing...

I'll post the new version here? or make a new thread?

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on June 30, 2012, 08:59:40 am

It turns out that someone on speksnk is also making a program to do this also. It's always the case isn't it? When you think your doing something new, someone else is thinking the exact same thing...

I'll post the new version here? or make a new thread?


I tried the program posted at the Model 2 forums and it didn't seem to do anything for me. I still had minimizing all the time. It's certainly worth continuing with your program. Perhaps a new thread would make more sense since it's technically a different issue than the title of this thread.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 01, 2012, 03:15:46 am
I managed to get M2E working with one Wiimote, but since I've packed up the laptop, took it home from work... removed the wired mouse. I cannot for the life of me figure out what my wiimotes raw input ID's are to configure up for twin mote's... anyone got a little utility to reveal HID inputs and their ID's?

Otherwise, it's back to the AHK help page to go learn how to make one...  ::)
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 02, 2012, 01:41:32 am
OK, so I cannot get 2 Wiimotes working again in M2 Emulator... god know why... I'm sure I had this working a while ago. Driving me insane. I'm sure I have to setup something like PPJoy but having x64 is killin me for PPJoy goodness... I'll try a WinXP install later in the week and try it out. It may be my only chance.

Any recommendations on light guns for 2player usage or is everyone having the same issues with device ID's on their Aim Tracks, Top Guns, Act Labs etc etc? Which ones work and with what? and how did you do it?

On a brighter note, latest version of my RamjetM2Borderless is now 0.3 and works for HOTD, VC1 and VC2, RC2 and Gunblade NY.

Linky is here... click file, download... (

Let me know if anyone has any major problems... and of course I take no responsibility for anyone have any trouble of any kind, including Girlfriend/wife trouble.

Code: [Select]
Welcome to the - RamjetM2Borderless -  support for Sega Model 2 Emulator.

This is a readme file on how to use this software

This program will enable users to run their favourite lightgun shooter on Nebula's Model 2 Emulator and off screen reload without the program Alt-Tabbing or
accidently minimizing to desktop.

Games (ROMS) supported

Virtua Cop 1/2
House of the Dead
Rail Chase 2
Gunblade NY

I have only included support for the 4 major games I have intended to run on my own arcade project. If there are other requests for future support for other
games, please visit my youtube channel and make contact with me there.


Contents of

RamjetM2Borderless0.3.exe - The main program that monitors and sets borderless only the active Model 2 Emulator games below
gunbladeNY.ico - The following icons are loaded into the task bar when the game has been detected and running.

RamjetM2Borderless V0.3 Beta


Extract the contents of this zip file into the root folder of your model2 emulator.

What do I run? and What will this program do?

This program is very simple... and also beta... so more functions may come as I play with the code a bit more.

Run the RamjetM2Borderless0.3.exe program

You'll see a new little White/Blue Sega icon appear in your task bar next to the clock.This will change icon depending on which game is detected to be running

It will constantly scan for a one of the above games to run and then force the active title bar matching that name to run without a border. This will remove
the Min,Max,X buttons from the active window.

How to exit this program.... Right click on the icon in the task bar and select exit. Done.
How to exit the emulator... Well escape still works back to window mode, but Emulator>Exit or Alt-F4 closes the program nicely.


   Updated By Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 1/7/2012
   Since I didn't do a ReadMe for the first test program... here is the total changelog
Code and test borderless concept - Working!
Added more game support (see top of txt) with auto detection
Created Icons for the task bar on game detect (for fun)
Wrote this ReadMe.txt

Whats left to do;

Maximise/Window Detection to work correctly... I'll explain, I'm trying to detect when the game is full screen to remove border's and reapply them when back in a window mode
But it appears that the Model 2 Emulator doesn't set this flag correctly and hence it won't detect the transition from window to fullscreen. Working on that.... For now it
will remove the borders from the window with the active title bar that matches the name of the game and keeps them gone for as long as the progam is running.

Working on making sure that the correct window has it's borders removed... if you accidently remove the border from something (see bug below) alt-f4 and re-open it.

Known bug

It will sometimes detect a window with the same title as the game as being the game running. ie watch a youtube video of "Virtua Cop" and internet explorer changes its
title to that name and tricks my program into thinking it's running and removes the title bar. Took me ages to figure out why it was doing that! Turned out I was
watching a youtube video whilst writing the code. Anyway, it's a feature... not a fault :) And not a bloody thing I can do to stop it... and it should restore itself when the
program is Alt-F4'd (windows shortcut for close) and restarted. Don't panic, it's not the end of the world.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 02, 2012, 09:43:03 am
Any recommendations on light guns for 2player usage or is everyone having the same issues with device ID's on their Aim Tracks, Top Guns, Act Labs etc etc? Which ones work and with what? and how did you do it?

Nobody else has been able to get 2 guns working with M2 Emulator as far as I know.
I hope you did have them working (or will) because I just dropped a lot of money on Amazon Germany for a pair of the Walther P99 replica controllers.
(god I hope they make it through customs ok  :-\ )

I was really going to miss the light gun games on my new LCD cab.
Hopefully now I won't have to.   :cheers:
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 02, 2012, 06:17:00 pm
Any recommendations on light guns for 2player usage or is everyone having the same issues with device ID's on their Aim Tracks, Top Guns, Act Labs etc etc? Which ones work and with what? and how did you do it?

Nobody else has been able to get 2 guns working with M2 Emulator as far as I know.
I hope you did have them working (or will) because I just dropped a lot of money on Amazon Germany for a pair of the Walther P99 replica controllers.
(god I hope they make it through customs ok  :-\ )

I was really going to miss the light gun games on my new LCD cab.
Hopefully now I won't have to.   :cheers:

Hi Badmouth.... thats going to look great when you have them working!

I've been chatting to the author of WiiMouse (known as "TheToid") and been discussing how we can get HeadKaze's VJoy program support included to create multiple joystick RawInput devices with wiimotes. It's possible, and hopefully it can come together soon. Theoretically, if your not running an x64 OS and you can use PPJoy right now. Then WiiMouse will already make 2 Wiimotes work with M2Emulator just fine through PPJoy. It's entirely possible that's how I did it way back mid last year? Since I'm running Win7 Ultimate on all of my PC's though, it's a problem trying to test it without using the driver signing override program. Which in itself isn't a problem, but does leave that message in the corner that my PC is in test mode :( I'll put together a WinXP test rig this weekend and test it out from a fresh start.

I was wondering though how the various Light Gun technologies work? Do Top Guns present to windows as a mouse? or a joystick? or something else? same with Aim Track... Since those guns have driver support for windows, and must have a HID device number assigned to them, perhaps I can write something in AHK or GlovePie to present 2 virtual raw input mice? I mean it's going to be a huge learning curve, but since I don't know how the gun tech works, then I'm not sure where I should be starting. Hopefully I've got the ball rolling with WiiMotes anyway, and failing that, I was going to buy a couple of Top Guns?

Has anyone tried my utility above? I'm keen to see if it works for everyone. Especially those with actual light guns. DarthMarino mentioned that it worked for off screen reloading. If so, then that's a very happy side effect since I didn't know if it'd do that since my mouse cannot leave the screen to do that. For mouse (topguns etc) users, I was going to write a pixel border around the screen to emulate an off screen reload since you'll not really going to know if shot off screen or on screen by a couple of pixels at the edge. That should be pretty easy to do. With a mouse, I can click in any extreme edge of the window and it does not alt-tab out to desktop... I'd love some feedback when people get a chance to try it.


Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 02, 2012, 10:49:53 pm
Has anyone tried my utility above? I'm keen to see if it works for everyone. Especially those with actual light guns. DarthMarino mentioned that it worked for off screen reloading. If so, then that's a very happy side effect since I didn't know if it'd do that since my mouse cannot leave the screen to do that. For mouse (topguns etc) users, I was going to write a pixel border around the screen to emulate an off screen reload since you'll not really going to know if shot off screen or on screen by a couple of pixels at the edge. That should be pretty easy to do. With a mouse, I can click in any extreme edge of the window and it does not alt-tab out to desktop... I'd love some feedback when people get a chance to try it.

I tried all 5 supported games on the new version and had no issues with any on my Aimtrak.  Offscreen reload was fine on the games that use it.  Great little program.  Can you also add Behind Enemy Lines?  I finally got it working on the latest version of the emulator.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 03, 2012, 12:43:30 am
Has anyone tried my utility above? I'm keen to see if it works for everyone. Especially those with actual light guns. DarthMarino mentioned that it worked for off screen reloading. If so, then that's a very happy side effect since I didn't know if it'd do that since my mouse cannot leave the screen to do that. For mouse (topguns etc) users, I was going to write a pixel border around the screen to emulate an off screen reload since you'll not really going to know if shot off screen or on screen by a couple of pixels at the edge. That should be pretty easy to do. With a mouse, I can click in any extreme edge of the window and it does not alt-tab out to desktop... I'd love some feedback when people get a chance to try it.

I tried all 5 supported games on the new version and had no issues with any on my Aimtrak.  Offscreen reload was fine on the games that use it.  Great little program.  Can you also add Behind Enemy Lines?  I finally got it working on the latest version of the emulator.

lol, crap I knew there was one I was missing... I'll add that tonight when I get home from work. I don't have all the Roms, so you can tell me if it's working :D

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

I had 15mins spare at the office so I remote desktop logged in to home and added the support and re-uploaded it.

Here is V0.4 with Behind Enemy Lines added to the rest of the list above. Click File>download... (

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: ABACABB on July 03, 2012, 08:36:55 am
Hey Ramjet, excellent work.  Just some feedback for you.  The Aimtrak guns do register as a mouse, or since I have 2 of them I guess it is mice.  In model2 shooting offscreen to reload has always worked for me, you just really had to be aiming way off screen when you pulled the trigger.  The problem for me always came when I was rushed.  If you were in a hurry with lots of bad guys/zombies on the screen and you didn't get the gun far enough away from the screen (too close to the border) when trying to reload, the screen would minimize and it was basically game over.  I am excited about adding your program.  I might actually get to finish one of these games now!!  Thanks.

EDIT:  I have it installed and it plays flawlessly.  I purposely tried shooting the edges of my screen and I could not get it to fail.  Excellent work Ramjet!!

Now one additional question about this.  Would there be a command you could enter to close this?  I would like to have my front end send the command to close this when I close the M2 emulator.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 03, 2012, 09:18:13 pm
Hey Ramjet, excellent work.  Just some feedback for you.  The Aimtrak guns do register as a mouse, or since I have 2 of them I guess it is mice.  In model2 shooting offscreen to reload has always worked for me, you just really had to be aiming way off screen when you pulled the trigger.  The problem for me always came when I was rushed.  If you were in a hurry with lots of bad guys/zombies on the screen and you didn't get the gun far enough away from the screen (too close to the border) when trying to reload, the screen would minimize and it was basically game over.  I am excited about adding your program.  I might actually get to finish one of these games now!!  Thanks.

EDIT:  I have it installed and it plays flawlessly.  I purposely tried shooting the edges of my screen and I could not get it to fail.  Excellent work Ramjet!!

Now one additional question about this.  Would there be a command you could enter to close this?  I would like to have my front end send the command to close this when I close the M2 emulator.

That's excellent feedback Abacabb. I'm really happy it's working for everyone and appears to be a robust solution. Do you have both Aim Tracks set up to be 2 players in M2?

I haven't setup my front end I'm going to use yet, so I'm still struggling like a newb trying to get my head around Hyperspin. So I haven't yet coded anything into the program to deal with how it may be launched. I've written some basic LUA scripts for M2Emulator to automatically launch the RamjetM2Borderless program on the start of the game which works great... then have my program auto close when it no longer see's M2Emulator as an running process. It actually used to autoclose when I originally wrote it, but in testing I had to keep double clicking it manually till I wrote the LUA script to launch it for me. I'm happy to do this and add the funtions if you can help me test it. Like I say, I don't yet use a front end. I've been looking for a complete hard drive dump of a Custom WinXP with Hyperspin and roms already setup online for me to just clone and go.... I'm actually putting together some old hardware (Intel Pentium D 3Ghz, 4Gb Ram and a 7900GT 512Mb) to use for my mame cabinet right now.


Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 03, 2012, 10:10:14 pm

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go.

Sega Model 2 Emulator Gun Games with AimTrak from (

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 04, 2012, 12:27:13 am

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go. (

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Oh that is just wicked! It looks great seeing it in action. It's convinced me buy a couple of lightguns now!

Thanks for editing and posting that video!

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: ABACABB on July 04, 2012, 07:48:12 am

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go. (  

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Great video Darth.  Sorry to get off topic but I have to ask a question.....  When using M2 emu with my arcadeguns the button on the grip of the guns seems to cause various problems if I'm holding it in.  Do you notice this too?  In Vcop1 it seems to make the game skip a few sections with bad guys.  In Vcop2 if I touch the button at all I lose focus of my main screen and cannot longer play.  I like the button for playing Time Crisis but I would like to disable it for M2.  I might hack a gun and see if I can add a small on/off slider switch on the bottom of the gun to disable that grip switch.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 04, 2012, 08:59:50 am

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go. (  

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Great video Darth.  Sorry to get off topic but I have to ask a question.....  When using M2 emu with my arcadeguns the button on the grip of the guns seems to cause various problems if I'm holding it in.  Do you notice this too?  In Vcop1 it seems to make the game skip a few sections with bad guys.  In Vcop2 if I touch the button at all I lose focus of my main screen and cannot longer play.  I like the button for playing Time Crisis but I would like to disable it for M2.  I might hack a gun and see if I can add a small on/off slider switch on the bottom of the gun to disable that grip switch.

What do you have that button mapped to in your AimTrak Utility? I have mine set to right mouse click for both on and offsceen.  If I hit it by accident it will just reload.  I've never had any issues like you are describing (and I can now retire that button for Vcop since offscreen reload works with Ramjets program).
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 04, 2012, 10:41:31 am
I'll probably post these in one of the many "is getting a gun on my cabinet worth it" threads when I finish a few more but for now I'll dump it here:

Snes9x Nintendo Super Scope Games with AimTrak from (
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: ABACABB on July 04, 2012, 01:18:00 pm

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go. (  

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Great video Darth.  Sorry to get off topic but I have to ask a question.....  When using M2 emu with my arcadeguns the button on the grip of the guns seems to cause various problems if I'm holding it in.  Do you notice this too?  In Vcop1 it seems to make the game skip a few sections with bad guys.  In Vcop2 if I touch the button at all I lose focus of my main screen and cannot longer play.  I like the button for playing Time Crisis but I would like to disable it for M2.  I might hack a gun and see if I can add a small on/off slider switch on the bottom of the gun to disable that grip switch.

What do you have that button mapped to in your AimTrak Utility? I have mine set to right mouse click for both on and offsceen.  If I hit it by accident it will just reload.  I've never had any issues like you are describing (and I can now retire that button for Vcop since offscreen reload works with Ramjets program).

Ahhhhh.. that may be my problem.  I have never changed it in the Aimtrak utility, it is still on it's default setting which is something like Joy2 button 3.  When I get a chance over the holiday I will fire up my cab and play with the settings for that to see if I can map it to a different button.  Thanks for the info.

UPDATE: I didn't have the Aimtrak utility on my pc for some reason.  I put it on and mapped that button to nothing.  My problems are gone!!  Not sure why whatever button that was mapped to had adverse effects but it did.  Now since that is fixed together with Ramjet's screen fix these Model2 gun games work great!  Now when someone figures out how to get 2 guns working, it will be like 2 unicorns mating under a rainbow.  Pure bliss!!
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 05, 2012, 08:44:51 pm
Ok, so I've got an LUA script in Model 2 auto launching the utility (which is great if you don't want it running all the time) and I now have the borderless program auto exiting on Model 2 closing.

Is this the feature you need for your front end to auto launch and close that app when running those games? I'm now delving into MS's multitouch API to see if I can get multi mice to register as dual mice in M2. Otherwise using virtual joysticks is the way to go for 2 players in the emulator.

Just built a WinXP PC and WiiMouse is crashing to desktop on TinyXP... But the pairing of Wiimotes is easier and PPJoy works to create dual Mice for M2 games. I just need to get Wiimouse working on TinyXP or perhaps glovepie... I'll look into GlovePie for multi Aim Tracks/Wiimotes as PPJoysticks which should work in WinXP just fine.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: ABACABB on July 05, 2012, 09:12:05 pm
Ok, so I've got an LUA script in Model 2 auto launching the utility (which is great if you don't want it running all the time) and I now have the borderless program auto exiting on Model 2 closing.

Is this the feature you need for your front end to auto launch and close that app when running those games? I'm now delving into MS's multitouch API to see if I can get multi mice to register as dual mice in M2. Otherwise using virtual joysticks is the way to go for 2 players in the emulator.

Just built a WinXP PC and WiiMouse is crashing to desktop on TinyXP... But the pairing of Wiimotes is easier and PPJoy works to create dual Mice for M2 games. I just need to get Wiimouse working on TinyXP or perhaps glovepie... I'll look into GlovePie for multi Aim Tracks/Wiimotes as PPJoysticks which should work in WinXP just fine.


Absolutely Ramjet. Brilliant. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to this project.  OKAY now to show my ignorance.....I don't know how to use the LUA scripts.  Will this be built into your next release of your app it will we need to modify version 0.4?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 05, 2012, 10:13:55 pm
I'll just include the scripts in the next release of the borderless program...

Using scripts in M2 is as simple as having them the same name as the ROM in the Scripts directory and it will just run with the Emulator when the game starts. It's like .srt subtitle files to avi movies... they just work.

Compiling a new version now to do exactly as described with the lua scripts in the correct folder and auto launching the borderless utility. It works on my PC, let me know how it goes for you.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 05, 2012, 11:12:26 pm
Ok, here is probably the final version of RamjetM2Borderless. Since there isn't really much more I can add to this. It launches automatically when you load the ROM and exits automatically when you close the emulator. It's as seamless as it can possibly get. I could theoretically get rid of the icons too if I wanted too, but they look so pretty!

Here is V0.5, usual google drive hosting. Click File>Download. (

Here is the contents of the Readme.txt

Code: [Select]
Welcome to the - RamjetM2Borderless V0.5 -  support for Sega Model 2 Emulator.

This is a readme file on how to use this software

This program will enable users to run their favourite lightgun shooters on Nebula's Model 2 Emulator and off screen reload without the program Alt-Tabbing or
accidently minimizing to desktop.

Games (ROMS) supported

Virtua Cop 1
Virtua Cop 2
House of the Dead
Rail Chase 2
Gunblade NY
Behind Enemy Lines

My Youtube Channel - please visit my youtube channel and make contact with me there.

or visit the active forum where this is currently being discussed


Sega Model 2 Emulator can be found here


Contents of RamjetM2Borderless

RamjetM2Borderless.exe - The main program that monitors and sets borderless only the active Model 2 Emulator games below. Version number is removed for ease of LUA launching
gunbladeNY.ico - The following icons are loaded into the task bar when the game has been detected and running.
\Scripts - LUA scripts to be ran by the Model2Emulator, This will automatically launch the RamjetM2Borderless program for you when the game is launched.


Extract the contents of this zip file into the root folder of your model2 emulator.

What do I run? and What will this program do?

*** Updated ***

In this release there is a slight change for the usage of this program since.

Now included in the Zip file is a \Scripts folder with LUA scripts which will be auto executed by M2 Emulator when the ROM is launched. Within the script, it calls a command window
and launches the RamjetM2Borderless.exe to run in background. Unfortunately the M2 Emulator LUA script cannot hide the cmd window, however it will only appear very briefly as the
RamjetM2Bordlerless program will actively close the cmd window for you in the background once it's executed.

When running with a Front End, hopefully you won't see any of this happening behind the scene. Depending on how the Front End handles the blanking of the screen between launching and
showing the emulator, your milage may vary.

You'll see a new little White/Blue Sega icon appear in your task bar next to the clock. This will change icon depending on which game is detected to be running

It will constantly scan for a one of the above games to run and then force the active title bar matching that name to run without a border. This will remove
the Min,Max,X buttons from the active window. Once running it will kill the cmd window that was opened by M2 Emulator and minimize.

This app will now auto close when Model2Emulator is closed. Since it's being launched directly by the Model 2 emulator via the LUA scripts, there is no need to manually start this

V0.5 - Updated by Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 6/7/2012
  Added LUA scripts to Autolaunch RamjetM2Borderless for all shooting games.
  Automated the cmd window closure from M2 Emulators LUA script which launched this program automatically.
  Automated the exit of this app when M2 Emulator is no longer running.
  Added right-click to the taskbar icons for an Exit and About information.
  General clean up of old test code which had become distracting.

V0.4 - Updated by Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 3/7/2012
  Added support for Behind Enemy Lines with icon in tasktray

V0.3 - Updated By Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 1/7/2012
  Since I didn't do a ReadMe for the first test program... here is the total changelog
  Code and test borderless concept - Working!
  Added more game support (see top of txt) with auto detection
  Created Icons for the task bar on game detect (for fun)
  Wrote this ReadMe.txt

Whats left to do;

Maximise/Window Detection to work correctly... I'll explain, I'm trying to detect when the game is full screen to remove border's and reapply them when back in a window mode
But it appears that the Model 2 Emulator doesn't set this flag correctly and hence it won't detect the transition from window to fullscreen. Working on that.... For now it
will remove the borders from the window with the active title bar that matches the name of the game and keeps them gone for as long as the progam is running.

Working on making sure that the correct window has it's borders removed... if you accidently remove the border from something (see bug below) alt-f4 and re-open it.

Known bug

**** Update : The bug below may only occur if you've manually launched the program and it's running whilst your doing other things with your PC. If the program is launched by
M2Emulator as it should be with the scripts, then the active window should only be the emulator and exited automatically. The occurance of the below mentioned bug should be all
but practically eliminated. ****

It will sometimes detect a window with the same title as the game as being the game running. ie watch a youtube video of "Virtua Cop" and internet explorer changes its
title to that name and tricks my program into thinking it's running and removes the title bar. Took me ages to figure out why it was doing that! Turned out I was
watching a youtube video whilst writing the code. Anyway, it's a feature... not a fault :) And not a bloody thing I can do to stop it... and it should restore itself when the
program is Alt-F4'd (windows shortcut for close) and restarted. Don't panic, it's not the end of the world.


Big Thanks go out to elsemi and all who've worked so hard to bring Model 2 Memories to the home. The Model 2 Emulator is the inspiration to all of us to create and develope and
restore the fond memories of a gaming era past.


Ramjet :D

Please let me know how this performs on your Front End's. If the cmd window is hidden or not? Does the program auto close it for you? General performance and any bugs.

Thanks to Badmouth and the rest forum for not complaining on the partial thread hijack (although it wasn't intended to be this way, I was just trying to get 2 wiimote mice to work lol) and thanks to DarthMarino and ABACABB for testing and giving feedback.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Mark Thomas on July 08, 2012, 12:41:26 pm
So can 2 guns now be used with M2?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Shun on July 08, 2012, 03:34:12 pm
Hey RamjetR, I just tried this today and it works great.
I have one problem though, the command window that pops up when you load a game seems to hang the emulator.
If I close the command window, the emulator starts up with the borderless app running, stops the m2 emulator from losing focus and allows off screen shooting.

Is there anything I am missing that would be causing the command window to stay open?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: lettuce on July 08, 2012, 03:59:27 pm

Could you post a Youtube video of it working with your gun setup for me? I'm looking to buy a couple of guns for my mame'd TMNT cabinet and would love feedback and setup of your cabinet? Plus I really wanna see the off screen reload working :)

Here you go.

Sega Model 2 Emulator Gun Games with AimTrak from (

I still haven't had a single issue with extensive play.  I tried without it and almost immediately I would run into issues.  Again, excellent work.

Hmm, im using the AimTrak and Windows 7 and whenever i tried to play Virtua Cop or House of the dead in full screen mode after a few times of shooting off screen to reloaded the gun cause the game to minimise and go back to windows desktop! How did you stop that from happening with your set up??, is there a new version of M2 was about 8 months ago last time i tried to get it to work?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 08, 2012, 04:14:34 pm

Hmm, im using the AimTrak and Windows 7 and whenever i tried to play Virtua Cop or House of the dead in full screen mode after a few times of shooting off screen to reloaded the gun cause the game to minimise and go back to windows desktop! How did you stop that from happening with your set up??, is there a new version of M2 was about 8 months ago last time i tried to get it to work?

Lettuce, you might want to check out some of the posts by Ramjet in this thread.......
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 08, 2012, 11:07:28 pm
Hey RamjetR, I just tried this today and it works great.
I have one problem though, the command window that pops up when you load a game seems to hang the emulator.
If I close the command window, the emulator starts up with the borderless app running, stops the m2 emulator from losing focus and allows off screen shooting.

Is there anything I am missing that would be causing the command window to stay open?

Hi Shun,

I couldn't imagine that you'd have missed any steps. It's pretty much just dump and run with the zip. The M2 Emulator waits for the command window to close and it's part of how LUA scripts are supported in the emulator to interface with the operating system. I've been looking around the internet to find a way to make it do it on the quiet without the command window, alas that's how it just seems to work.

Once closed, Model 2 should just run as per normal. Does the borderless program run after closing the command window? i.e is the Sega (whiteblue) logo in the task tray whilst the model 2 emulator is still running?

Whats supposed to happen (and this is how it actually works on my PC) is this,

Run emulator>Rom.  (eg vcop)
vcop calls and runs the lua script called vcop.lua in the scirpt folder.
vcop.lua calls os.execute to run the RamjetM2Borderless.exe (which it should fine in the same folder as the emulator.exe or emulator_multicpu.exe) in a command window
RamjetM2Borderless will do the following in this order;
- Minimise and load the sega.ico in the task tray
- Check for the cmd.exe (command window) and send it a gracefull shutdown command with a PostMessage from the Windows API..... ooooh this may be the difference?! What OS are your running. I'm using Windows 7 and this may be different on a WinXP PC... I'll check on this with the WinXP PC I'm building right now...
- Once the cmd.exe window is closed, then it scans the active title bar of the windows looking for any of the games titled in the supported game list
- Once it finds one, it removes the active window borders for that game and waits....
- it continues to wait until it no longer see the process running (i.e. you've exited the emulator) and then shuts down the RamjetM2Borderless app (closes completely) ready for the next time it's launched from the M2Emulator.

The critical part is the bits where the windows are active, I'll try on other configurations... but this worked on my Win7 PC fine with Hyperspin. Perhaps the Postmessage command being used isn't the same in WinXP as it is in Win7.

Again, I'll check on a WinXP config and let you know what I find. However, it's probably nothing you haven't done, so all good there.

Tell me though, When the command window is open and you closed it to continue with the M2 game. Were you running autoswitched to fullscreen or windowed? Was the command window the active window? When the game was running and you hit escape back to window mode, can you see a icon of the game in the Task Tray. i.e was the RamjetM2Borderless still running? Does this happen with everyone?

It's not the end of the world and probably just a little tweak at my end to solve it...

Thanks for the testing, maybe a little tweak left to do and it's pretty much done then. The Auto launching was a request to make it easier with front ends.

Hmm, im using the AimTrak and Windows 7 and whenever i tried to play Virtua Cop or House of the dead in full screen mode after a few times of shooting off screen to reloaded the gun cause the game to minimise and go back to windows desktop! How did you stop that from happening with your set up??, is there a new version of M2 was about 8 months ago last time i tried to get it to work?

There isn't a new version of M2 (yet) and who knows if another one will ever grace us... (here's hoping for better 2 gun support). I've written an app that gets round the issue your having. Download my RamjetM2Borderless in my signature and try it out. Let me know how it goes for you.

So can 2 guns now be used with M2?

2 Guns can be used as long as they can be seen as two joysticks for now. I've been doing a rediculous amount of research into HID and capturing data under Win7's new multitouch API and the changes from WinXP Rawinput.

You have a better chance of making it work by default in WinXP as it can support 2 mice raw inputs with an app of which the name escapes me at present... I'm experimenting with some code in the HID multitouch api, but that's not as easy to do as it is to say since I'm learning it all from scratch.

I have had on Win7 2 x Wiimotes working using WiiMouse (mouse pointers) which directly sent their raw data to ppjoy for 2 joysticks. It does work, and it's possible to do the same thing with Glovepie and ppjoy (so long as your not x64 bit). Its a work in progress and I'll share anything I have with the community once I think I have something reliable to test out.


Please try out my app and give feedback so that I can be assured that it's a worker for everyone and I can focus on the 2 Guns thing :P

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Shun on July 09, 2012, 07:50:52 am

Hi Shun,

I couldn't imagine that you'd have missed any steps. It's pretty much just dump and run with the zip. The M2 Emulator waits for the command window to close and it's part of how LUA scripts are supported in the emulator to interface with the operating system. I've been looking around the internet to find a way to make it do it on the quiet without the command window, alas that's how it just seems to work.

Once closed, Model 2 should just run as per normal. Does the borderless program run after closing the command window? i.e is the Sega (whiteblue) logo in the task tray whilst the model 2 emulator is still running?

Whats supposed to happen (and this is how it actually works on my PC) is this,

Run emulator>Rom.  (eg vcop)
vcop calls and runs the lua script called vcop.lua in the scirpt folder.
vcop.lua calls os.execute to run the RamjetM2Borderless.exe (which it should fine in the same folder as the emulator.exe or emulator_multicpu.exe) in a command window
RamjetM2Borderless will do the following in this order;
- Minimise and load the sega.ico in the task tray
- Check for the cmd.exe (command window) and send it a gracefull shutdown command with a PostMessage from the Windows API..... ooooh this may be the difference?! What OS are your running. I'm using Windows 7 and this may be different on a WinXP PC... I'll check on this with the WinXP PC I'm building right now...
- Once the cmd.exe window is closed, then it scans the active title bar of the windows looking for any of the games titled in the supported game list
- Once it finds one, it removes the active window borders for that game and waits....
- it continues to wait until it no longer see the process running (i.e. you've exited the emulator) and then shuts down the RamjetM2Borderless app (closes completely) ready for the next time it's launched from the M2Emulator.

The critical part is the bits where the windows are active, I'll try on other configurations... but this worked on my Win7 PC fine with Hyperspin. Perhaps the Postmessage command being used isn't the same in WinXP as it is in Win7.

Again, I'll check on a WinXP config and let you know what I find. However, it's probably nothing you haven't done, so all good there.

Tell me though, When the command window is open and you closed it to continue with the M2 game. Were you running autoswitched to fullscreen or windowed? Was the command window the active window? When the game was running and you hit escape back to window mode, can you see a icon of the game in the Task Tray. i.e was the RamjetM2Borderless still running? Does this happen with everyone?

It's not the end of the world and probably just a little tweak at my end to solve it...

Thanks for the testing, maybe a little tweak left to do and it's pretty much done then. The Auto launching was a request to make it easier with front ends.


Thanks for the quick response. Yes I get the Sega logo in the task tray and the command window pops up. Nothing happens until I close the command window down manually and then the M2 emulator auto switches to full screen and runs the borderless program perfectly (no minimising and also working with off screen shooting!). I think you may be right, I am using Windows XP and so the call to close the command window maybe different on Windows 7. Hopefully its a small tweak that needs to be made :D
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 09, 2012, 08:21:44 pm

Thanks for the quick response. Yes I get the Sega logo in the task tray and the command window pops up. Nothing happens until I close the command window down manually and then the M2 emulator auto switches to full screen and runs the borderless program perfectly (no minimising and also working with off screen shooting!). I think you may be right, I am using Windows XP and so the call to close the command window maybe different on Windows 7. Hopefully its a small tweak that needs to be made :D

No problem Shun,

The more people who test it on their cabinet and setups then the more universal I can make it.

Ok, so what I've done is change how I tell the cmd window to close. I was using a Postmessage to send the window close command through the windows message API. That's fine and for the most part it works. I've changed it back to basics and used the WinWait command to tell my program to wait until the command window exists, then tell it to close with WinClose. I tested it with both my WinXP PC and Win7. Worked fine for me... but that said, so did the last one... Depending on your front end however, it's possible that it could hide the cmd window from my program since I don't use Detecthiddenwindows. Maybe I should if this version 0.6 does the same thing for you. What front end are you using?

Appologies to BadMouth, sorry about hijacking your thread... I should start a new one, but most of the conversation has happened here now :S  I'll start a new one for the final release so it can be stickied?

Version 0.6 is available here with the above (hopefully) fix. Click File>Download

Link Removed - .... Because, well... it didn't work lol ... fixed issue in V0.7


Only the readme.txt and RamjetM2Borderless.exe has changed. Everything else is the same.

Code: [Select]
V0.6 - Updated by Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 10/7/2012
 Changed how RamjetM2Borderless detects and close's the M2emulator cmd window that is opened when the game ROM launches it. Previously used a Postmessage to close a
 particular cmd window (which was kinda cool and tricky), but may have had problems on WinXP? Took it back to basics and used WinWait to check for the cmd window and
 WinClose to close down the cmd window. Worked on my WinXP and Win7 machines. Visit the forum above to comment and give feedback.

If you can try it out and give me some feedback, I'd be mega happy.


Oh and I did find that if your running multimonitors. The minimize problem can happen again when you shoot/click adjacent to the next monitor border. This is a Windows thing, and nothing I can do about it...  and I don't really want to capture and hold the mouse to the main game window just yet incase it breaks off screen reloading. For most if not everyone, You'll be playing this on a single screen anyway. So it's not a problem, but something I found when testing on my eyefinity setup at home. If you have multi monitors, you may still experience problems. The fix? unplug or disable the second/third screen...
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Shun on July 10, 2012, 07:38:04 am
Great news, can't wait to try it out later  :applaud:

I'll test it when I get home from work tonight.
I'll make sure I keep the testing outside of my front end at first and if those tests are successful I'll try it with Maximus Arcade.  :cheers:
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Shun on July 10, 2012, 04:07:22 pm
Hmmm, perhaps there is something wrong with the way my PC handles this program.  :(
I tried the new version and the command window still doesn't close automatically and also the sega exe that is minimised to the task tray also stays open when the M2 emulator is closed.

Do I need any specific software like .Net installed on my system for this to work?
It's odd, because the program works great but its just the auto closing that isn't working for me on my system  :'(
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 10, 2012, 05:58:17 pm
Hmmm, perhaps there is something wrong with the way my PC handles this program.  :(
I tried the new version and the command window still doesn't close automatically and also the sega exe that is minimised to the task tray also stays open when the M2 emulator is closed.

Do I need any specific software like .Net installed on my system for this to work?
It's odd, because the program works great but its just the auto closing that isn't working for me on my system  :'(

Yeah I got home late last night after seeing "Ted" at the cinema's (great movie btw!) and tried it on my native XP rig and it did the same thing. Although it worked on my vmware XP at work... I'm looking into it right now with a coffee and brought a clone of my XP machine from home to work with me to test. I'll figure this out today... for now though... just run Version 0.5 if you still have it. Link is further up in this thread. I think it's because WinXP names the title bar differently.. but I couldn't check that at work yesterday (buggers expect me to do work for some reason?).

You don't need anything specific installed... it's just running a compiled version of AutoHotKey. When compiled, it should include everything in the exe you need to run it. That's why the script skyrockets from 20kb to 1MB after being compiled. Still, it's small enough...

*** See below for update ***

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 10, 2012, 07:22:08 pm
OK, nailed it this time...

Here is Version 0.7 (and yes this one will auto close the cmd window in all Win OS): Click File>Download (

Update in the changelog;
Code: [Select]

V0.7 - Updated by Mark 'Ramjet' Gallon 11/7/2012
  Found solution to not autoclosing in WinXP in this forum thread. Many Thanks go to 'Serenity' for sharing his/her solution.
  Program should now actively close the M2Emulator cmd window in all Windows OS correctly now :)

The problem appeared that in Win7 it would accept a Postmessage to close the cmd window, but WinXP wouldn't and since the cmd window also wouldn't accept an Alt-F4 (which the postmessage and winclose was sending) it wouldn't work in XP. After running a clone of my XP machine and some additional time to test (the coffee helped ALOT!) and good ol' google on my side, the autohotkey community never fail to help. Process,Close,cmd.exe was the answer.

It should work as advertised now, and unless there is significant issues or other options people would like to add. This should be the final release? Please test and give feedback :)

Also note, that this will work with almost any program. So if you have another in mind and have the same problem of incorrect minimizing during game play. It's really just adding a line of code to make it work with that game.
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: Shun on July 11, 2012, 05:19:01 pm
I tried version 0.7 out with my Aimtrak and IR slider bar and it works perfectly now (in maximus arcade and run normally)!  :applaud:
Thank you so much RamjetR, I can now play M2 games without having to worry about the emulator minimising and freezing!  :cheers:
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 11, 2012, 07:51:48 pm
I tried version 0.7 out with my Aimtrak and IR slider bar and it works perfectly now (in maximus arcade and run normally)!  :applaud:
Thank you so much RamjetR, I can now play M2 games without having to worry about the emulator minimising and freezing!  :cheers:

That is great news! Thankyou for testing it for me. I'm pretty confident that it should be finished now and I can probably focus more on the Dual Light gun issue. Under Windows 7, as I read up on it more and more. The Raw Input system was replaced with a HID system which does not seemingly distinguish the difference between mice. I've been playing with some tricky scripting which for the most part above my head in programming (I only started with windows programming in January, so I'm still pretty noob). Been taking apart others HID code to see if I can expose the mice separately as raw inputs. But I fear that under Win7, Mice won't show up as Raw Inputs. But Joysticks will (since they occupy a different HID page and usage catagory). So at this stage, I'm expecting the use of a PPJoy or VJoy to still be the answer and possibly having to create the interface to those.

PPJoy will still work with unsigned drivers in Windows test mode. And there is a mod to remove the Test Mode watermark left in the corner of the screen if that is an issue. But since the PC will be offline and stand alone. Running unsigned drivers for PPJoy shouldn't be much of a problem for alot of people in a cabinet.

Do AimTracks solely appear as a mouse? I have been reading that they can be used as a Gamepad also? or is that just the buttons? If they can appear as a gamepad with an X Y coordinate (like a joystick) then I can't see why it won't just work?

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: DarthMarino on July 11, 2012, 08:36:30 pm
Do AimTracks solely appear as a mouse? I have been reading that they can be used as a Gamepad also? or is that just the buttons? If they can appear as a gamepad with an X Y coordinate (like a joystick) then I can't see why it won't just work?

The software does give you the option to "Emulate Mouse" or "Emulate Joystick".

Andy wrote this when he released the firmware supporting it:

"This version adds an option to emulate an analog joystick instead of mouse. This is selectable in the config utility. This causes the analog X and Y axes to follow the aim of the gun so the full screen area is mapped to the full analog joystick travel.

Some PC games require this as they do not support mouse control."
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: BadMouth on July 11, 2012, 11:25:29 pm
From the discussion, it sounds like analogue joysticks can be used for the gun games in Model 2 emulator.
I didn't think this was an option.
Are you using some other software to convert joystick to mouse movement or does M2 emulator support joysticks directly?
If directly, where can that option be set?

I have a positional gun I'd like to use, but the few joy-to-mouse programs I tried resulted in the crosshairs not moving smoothly.
It was like they were on a grid, snapping from point to point. 
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 12, 2012, 12:05:52 am
I have wiimouse detecting both wiimotes and outputting the data to ppjoy successfully.

Then configured the vcop game settings to use the ppjoysticks by actually moving the wiimote across the screen. So the program actually see's the wiimotes via ppjoy without issue.

Then when it comes to playing, I don't have any cursors move when moving wiimotes or even two cursors without enabling raw input.

I have to wait till I get home to plug in a joystick to see if the emulator actually recognises a joystick for shooters when configured in the game settings... but it does let me configure them in the menu. Weird.

I'm getting close though... Has anyone got AimTrack to work as a single joystick on the screen yet?
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: lettuce on July 15, 2012, 04:56:50 pm
There isn't a new version of M2 (yet) and who knows if another one will ever grace us... (here's hoping for better 2 gun support). I've written an app that gets round the issue your having. Download my RamjetM2Borderless in my signature and try it out. Let me know how it goes for you.


Works a treat mate thanks.

Now im not sure if this does it when not usuing your program or not, but in house of the dead on the cut scene parts there seems to be a graphical glitch on the right side of the screen where the 4:3 display ends
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on July 16, 2012, 06:06:04 pm
There isn't a new version of M2 (yet) and who knows if another one will ever grace us... (here's hoping for better 2 gun support). I've written an app that gets round the issue your having. Download my RamjetM2Borderless in my signature and try it out. Let me know how it goes for you.


Works a treat mate thanks.

Now im not sure if this does it when not usuing your program or not, but in house of the dead on the cut scene parts there seems to be a graphical glitch on the right side of the screen where the 4:3 display ends

I haven't a clue mate sorry... I don't have any lightguns and as yet haven't played much more than 2 mins of any of the light gun games in Model 2 because of that. I spent more time on being able to run them than actually play them lol...

I'll check, but I doubt it's something caused by my program. Mine just removes the titlebar from Model 2 so that you can't accidently click on with your lightgun/mouse.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: vandale on January 11, 2013, 03:17:29 am
Hi everyone.

I cant find any other topics about 2 guns in M2 so will revivie this old post.

I have sucessfully got 2 wiimotes running in M2, firing there own bullets respectively using the following:

Macbook pro bootcamp windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit
Standard microsoft Bluetooth stack (auto connects to wiimotes)
Glovepie free
MAME Wii Lightgun Glovepie Script by HowardC Version 1.5
PP joy (takes wiimote input and converts to windows gamepads)
M2 v1.0
Virtua Cop
M2 Ini set as:
XInput=0         ;Enable support for Xbox360 compatible devices
EnableFF=0         ;Enable Force Feedback Effects
HoldGears=0         ;Set to 1 to return to Neutral in driving games when the gear shift key is released
UseRawInput=1         ;Read mouse through Rawinput, allowing 2 mice
RawDevP1=3         ;Assign specific RawInput devices to players. If you have more than 2 mice
RawDevP2=4         ;set which one is assigned to each player (0-based)

Now I am happy that I have them working seperate to each other and its playable but the way the game interprets the joystick movement via the PPjoy and Wiimote script is not ideal, its hard to explain but the cross hair doesnt track directly back to the wiimote, it lags somewhat.
I use the identical setup in MAME and it works sweet.

FYI its not the actual game config as I have pressed F2 and calibrated the guns.

My question is, does M2 raw input look for mouse input or gamepad x/y?

If anyones still interested and wants to help, Ramjet? then let me be the guinue pig.

Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: RamjetR on January 21, 2013, 06:37:52 pm
Hi everyone.

I cant find any other topics about 2 guns in M2 so will revivie this old post.

I have sucessfully got 2 wiimotes running in M2, firing there own bullets respectively using the following:

Macbook pro bootcamp windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit
Standard microsoft Bluetooth stack (auto connects to wiimotes)
Glovepie free
MAME Wii Lightgun Glovepie Script by HowardC Version 1.5
PP joy (takes wiimote input and converts to windows gamepads)
M2 v1.0
Virtua Cop
M2 Ini set as:
XInput=0         ;Enable support for Xbox360 compatible devices
EnableFF=0         ;Enable Force Feedback Effects
HoldGears=0         ;Set to 1 to return to Neutral in driving games when the gear shift key is released
UseRawInput=1         ;Read mouse through Rawinput, allowing 2 mice
RawDevP1=3         ;Assign specific RawInput devices to players. If you have more than 2 mice
RawDevP2=4         ;set which one is assigned to each player (0-based)

Now I am happy that I have them working seperate to each other and its playable but the way the game interprets the joystick movement via the PPjoy and Wiimote script is not ideal, its hard to explain but the cross hair doesnt track directly back to the wiimote, it lags somewhat.
I use the identical setup in MAME and it works sweet.

FYI its not the actual game config as I have pressed F2 and calibrated the guns.

My question is, does M2 raw input look for mouse input or gamepad x/y?

If anyones still interested and wants to help, Ramjet? then let me be the guinue pig.


Haha that's great news Vandale. I managed to get it working a year ago and for the life of me when I disconnected everything and put it back to being a normal laptop it wouldn't ever work again. Glad to see I wasn't going mad and making it up in my head :)

I presume the Glovepie script your using outputs the Wii data to Joystick X/Y with PPJoy, So it must be getting it's data from the joystick X/Y as a Raw input device. Oddly enough, in all the discussion over the years. I haven't seen anyone try installing 2 joysticks and trying to prove that it would work from standard joystick X/Y on it's own right let alone trying to emulate it.

I have a program (somewhere, I'll have to look it up again) which lists all the devices connected and their Raw input ID for ease of setting the ini file correctly.

Wii Motes do lag though. They've always lagged, even on the Wii itself. Changing Glovepie scripts to up the sample rate to 100fps helps but it's still a laggy setup. But it works and it's cheap.

A youtube video of your setup and perhaps all of your settings would go along way to help others :)

Did you get the calibration to work nicely for you? If not, the trick I found was the manual calibration and manually set the shot to the crosshair to overcome the 4:3 to 16:9 miscalibration that I get on a laptop screen.

Anywho, if I can help I will but sounds like you've got it sorted out as well as a Wiimote solution will ever work for you... Youtube it too! Give everyone else hope that it can be done! :)
Title: Re: Anyone using 2 light guns with M2 Emulator?
Post by: blin on March 17, 2014, 01:20:20 pm
sorry for my english and revive this old post.

i try  have 2 wiimote in m2 but i can't get
i follow the step of vandale and nothing.

i use Script #2 Quad Wiimote Lightguns for MAME 1.5 ( of Howard_Casto
i can see two mice but when i open m2 i can't move

i can play with 2 mouse or with one wiimote as mouse, but i can`t play with 2 wiimote as joystick
