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Main => Monitor/Video Forum => Topic started by: XYXZYZ on January 19, 2024, 09:19:21 pm

Title: MAME weird vertical rippley effect (CRTemudriver, arcade monitor)
Post by: XYXZYZ on January 19, 2024, 09:19:21 pm
I am setting up a computer to work with an arcade monitor. The only game I'm using to test right now is Street Fighter 2. So far it looks good running at native resolution. (384x224) But when the game has any vertical scrolling, there is an effect that's sort of like screen tearing, but 1 inch horizontal rows down the height of the screen. I think this has something to do with the refresh rate?

I'm using this command line:

mame sf2 -resolution 384x224 -switchres

I've tried -waitvsync and -triplebuffer options and they don't solve the problem. In Win7 monitor properties  I've changed the monitor refresh rate from the default 30Hz to 60Hz (I had to uncheck "hide modes that this monitor cannot display") and that didn't help either. SF2's refresh rate is 59.637405Hz

I tried using groovymame but it won't run. (I'll deal with that in another thread.)

Any ideas?

CPU:  i3 4730
Card: Radeon HD5450
OS: Windows 7
Driver: CRTemudriver 2.0
Monitor: WGK7000, connect via J-PAC
MAME: 251 (official MAME)
Title: Re: MAME weird vertical rippley effect (CRTemudriver, arcade monitor)
Post by: Zebidee on January 20, 2024, 12:43:34 am
Deal with your Groovymame problem first, then these other issues will likely disappear.
Title: Re: MAME weird vertical rippley effect (CRTemudriver, arcade monitor)
Post by: mourix on January 22, 2024, 09:31:28 am
It sounds like you might be running an interlaced resolution. Definitely a software problem.