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Software Support => GroovyMAME => Topic started by: pulse on October 08, 2018, 01:04:49 pm

Title: Unable to remove high-frequency modelines with HD 5450
Post by: pulse on October 08, 2018, 01:04:49 pm
hi, with the Radeon HD 5450 I've tried both drivers based on Catalyst 12.6 and 16.2.1, and it seems like every time I generate modelines (with any of the nanao ms2930, arcade 15kHz or generic 15kHz presets), unsupported modelines are still installed and show in in arcade OSD. indeed, even 640x480 interlaced @ 31kHz is used by default when a 15kHz only preset is selected.

it seems like compatible modelines are all installed as they should be, but I would like to prevent unsupported resolutions from being selectable (or worse, potentially being used by groovymame when they shouldn't be).

also, I'm not sure if toggling EDID emulation worked. I typically use HD 4670 cards which don't support it of course, but even with it enabled on both analog_0 and analog_1, the monitor continued to display as a generic pnp monitor.

am I misconfiguring something? thank you. if a log is needed I will be able to get one later.

photos of some modelines:

EDIT: I feel like this comes from a misunderstanding of how groovymame handles EDIDs with newer cards. the same issue happens with a 7000 series that I tried. does EDID emulation have any issues with the current version of the driver, or am I setting it up wrong? I choose the preset that I want and enable it without installing any modelines and the card resets but no EDID is forced.
Title: Re: Unable to remove high-frequency modelines with HD 5450
Post by: buttersoft on October 09, 2018, 06:40:21 am
EDID emulation should turn the monitor into one called "Arcade_15" or whatever preset you used. If it's not doing that, it's not working.

Make sure you get you downloads from Calamity's site, and that you're following the right guide on there too, of course - (

When you use VMM, the modelines you generate come from a file you can select (the default being user_modes.ini or whatever it is) and are then vetted to see if they fall within the range limits of the monitor preset you select. So if you select the generic_15 preset, a 800x600@60.0000 mode is not going to pass, obviously. but a 320x240@60.0000 mode will, and will end up in the list you're about to install.

The format of the user_modes.ini file is really easy to follow, and you should edit it to only get the modes you need. Mine looks something like the below, because the more modes you have the longer it takes Windows to switch between them.


## Desktop ##

 640 x 480 @ 30.000000 desktop

## Amiga & DS ##

 320 x 240 @ 60.000000 240p
 640 x 480 @ 60.000000 480i
 800 x 600 @ 25.000000 600i

## Super resolutions ##

2560 x 238 @ 60.000000 super
2560 x 240 @ 60.000000 super
2560 x 242 @ 60.000000 super
2560 x 256 @ 60.000000 super
2560 x 262 @ 50.000000 super

EDIT: oh, and for the commands to add/remove individual modes in VMM, try this thread -,153488.msg1608259.html#msg1608259 (,153488.msg1608259.html#msg1608259)

Title: Re: Unable to remove high-frequency modelines with HD 5450
Post by: pulse on October 09, 2018, 02:09:04 pm
thanks! I have used CRT Emudriver plenty of times with pre-HD 5000 cards so I'm pretty familiar with how monitor presets and user modes work already, luckily. I planned to post on Calamity's site, but user registration isn't working there at the moment, so I figured that it would be okay to come here.

I think my issues with these newer generation cards are actually entirely a result of EDID emulation not working properly. I'm not entirely sure what the difference between analog_0 and analog_1 are, but no matter what configuration I try I cannot get it to actually activate for the output of the card (DVI-I, the displayport output is unused). when it comes to custom modelines things have been working well, but there have been times where the resolution has switched to something unusable because I'm unable to restrict the compatible resolutions via the EDID. again, tried with both catalyst versions of CRT Emudriver beta 13.

an unrelated issue, but has anyone experienced crashing in VMMaker when generating modelines from MAME XML? it crashes after the last log message mentions removing duplicate modelines. is this even required these days? Tools beta 13, tried both GroovyMame 0.200 and 0.202.
Title: Re: Unable to remove high-frequency modelines with HD 5450
Post by: Calamity on October 10, 2018, 06:10:54 am
EDID emulation is not working. This is because your card's output scheme is unusual and untested. Hopefully in next version it can be supported.