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91   Everything Else / Re: So I've been building an ultralighton February 01, 2025, 08:58:01 pm

Started by danny_galaga - Last post by Zebidee

Flying low to avoid radar while lining up the bouncing bomb

Well, today I got to fly in my plane, as a passenger. It wasn't scary at all ☺️

This is the only photo of today. Too busy learning and enjoying for pics in the air

Did some harvesting on the landing eh?

92   Everything Else / Re: So ... 3d Printers....on February 01, 2025, 08:12:18 pm

Started by Howard_Casto - Last post by RandyT

I know it's not a "true Voron", but the SV-08 is pretty amazing for the cost.  Still not sure how they can do it, considering that it's not much more than an upper-tier bedslinger.  There are still some things to tweak and tune on the unit, but I think they succeeded in making a "Voron for the masses", so long as they aren't neophytes.

In all honesty, the machine makes my bedslingers look like toys.  They aren't, of course, but watching the SV-08 make a Benchy in 12 minutes was giving me some palpable sci-fi movie vibes.  The wild thing is that the result was quite decent and definitely not the worst 3D print I had ever seen.

I also bought the enclosure kit with it, and the look is pretty stunning.  But don't believe the "15 minute" install if anyone is considering one.  There are 27 fiddly panel screws, a drag chain for main wires, routing wires to the control board for the exhaust fan, fiddly glass door hinges, magnetic door stops and foam padding strips to deal with.  It took about as long to assemble the enclosure as the printer itself.  The instructions were a bit lacking, but SOVOL has a video I really should have watched instead.  But given how much it stiffens the frame, I really get the feeling that the SV-08 was originally intended to include it by default.  It prints fine without it, so they probably figured that it would be easier to sell the main unit at a lower cost and it would also give them the advantage of stating a "1-hour" build time, which is true.  But IMHO, the machine seems incomplete without it. 

Started by Wavfact - Last post by Fursphere

Basically, assign the output in LEDBlinky (GenLEDBLinkyInputMap.exe) to something.  Preferably a front end control label.

Now, in the Controls editor (LedblinkyControlsEditor.exe), in the profiles, edit the <default> profile, add the label you made for the output, and click the "always active" button in the upper right.

At least, that's how I'd approach the problem if I didn't want to hardwire the LEDs.

Honestly though, I'd just hardware it like PL1 said.    Its really not that difficult.   Hell, use the appropriate LED and wire it to the PWR LED on your motherboard - so it lights up with the computer is running (exactly like the PC CASE LEDs do)

94   Everything Else / Re: So I've been building an ultralighton February 01, 2025, 03:11:04 pm

Started by danny_galaga - Last post by whammoed

Well, today I got to fly in my plane, as a passenger. It wasn't scary at all ☺️

This is the only photo of today. Too busy learning and enjoying for pics in the air

Did some harvesting on the landing eh?

Started by Wavfact - Last post by Wavfact

Why try to use LEDBlinky for it?

It's easier to just hardwire the power button LED anode to the operating voltage for your other LEDs and the cathode to ground.
- Depending on the LED specs, you may also need a current limiting resistor.

Ahhh.. this is EXACTLY why I want to use LEDBlinky for it.. Would be MUCH easier than the method you just replied with..

Started by DaOld Man - Last post by DaOld Man

I searched this site and the web for a solution to my problem but came up empty.
I had Mala installed on win7.
I have Led Wiz and ledwiz.mplugin.
When starting from a desktop shortcut, Mala runs fine.
But when choosing to start with windows, on win startup, it throws up an error.
In mala's debug message:
Access violation at address 035E45BF in module 'Ledwiz.mplugin' read of address 00000000.
I tried the things on here that people have done to fix a startup problem.
I have even upgraded from win7 to win10.
Still same problem.
I tried unchecking "start with windows" option and tried placing the desktop shortcut in Windows start folder. Same results.
Any ideas?

97   Main Forum / What is the go to site for custom cut plexi, artwork?on February 01, 2025, 12:58:09 pm

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

What is the go to site for custom cut plexi, artwork?

Checked the vendor section but most the sticky post are all dead links.

Started by Wavfact - Last post by PL1

On my control panel I have a power button.  This isn't mapped to the keyboard, instead it goes to the PC's motherboard to safely shutdown the PC..  Is there a way to make this button always on?
Why try to use LEDBlinky for it?

It's easier to just hardwire the power button LED anode to the operating voltage for your other LEDs and the cathode to ground.
- Depending on the LED specs, you may also need a current limiting resistor.


Started by Wavfact - Last post by Wavfact

On my control panel I have a power button.  This isn't mapped to the keyboard, instead it goes to the PC's motherboard to safely shutdown the PC..  Is there a way to make this button always on?

Started by dashingw - Last post by dashingw

I'm looking to do a new Control Panel and I'm willing to pay for the .PSD I just need to find one that I like.

I'm more of a space fighter or DigDug game type person. DK Phoenix Scramble etc.... you get the

My panel will be roughly 32" wide and 13" deep with 2 players 18 buttons and a 3" Trak Ball and a spinner

So if you have something you think I might like and want to make some money off it please post or send me a small version of it. If you have it without the controls showing then all the better but if you have both then please post or email them to

If i like something I can pay by Etransfer or Paypal

Thanks you
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