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21   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on February 08, 2025, 06:01:44 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

Rather than changing the config file, configure the wheel directly. Plug the wheel in and try configuring it with the command:

Code: [Select]
supermodel -config-inputs -input-system=dinput(you can use a batch file to do this from the folder your copy of the emulator's in)

Make sure you've got the Supermodel window that opens selected and follow the instructions in the command prompt window that opens to configure all the controls (i.e press the button you want be start then hit enter to confirm). You can just use the down arrow on your keyboard to skip past stuff you don't need, like fighting game controls et cetera. When it asks you to configure the accelerator and brake, after configuring some other bits, Supermodel should be able to identify them when you press the pedal when prompted.

If you're still having trouble, you can press 'B' to calibrate and identify specific axes.


Thank you so much for this! I ran the batch file on my test set-up and I believe this is in my capability. Question...can I just use the bat file to map the brake pedal and bypass remapping all of the other controls which are already working great?

Much appreciated,

Started by argonlefou - Last post by lowgunn

Argon would you ever consider supporting the nixxou dolphin build?  It works pretty well and has recoil and damage output built in.  Unfortunately the light guns I use does not have a gamepad/joystick mode so two players would not be possible

23   Main Forum / Re: Arachnid 6300 dart board helpon February 08, 2025, 12:39:56 pm

Started by Romeo - Last post by Nephasth

It sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting by replacing the matrix and checking the board's mechanics. Since the same sections still aren't registering, the issue might be with the wiring or the connection between the matrix and the main board. I’d check for any loose or damaged ribbon cables, corrosion on connectors, or possible issues with the circuit board itself. If everything looks good, testing the board with a multimeter might help pinpoint the problem. Let me know if you find anything—I'd be happy to help troubleshoot further.

8 years late, buddy... :cheers:

24   Project Announcements / Re: Making SEGA Genesis cartridgeson February 08, 2025, 12:26:04 pm

Started by pbj - Last post by Malenko

I think we need custom labels for some of these, like the MKII hax.

All joking aside, I'm sort of intrigued at some of these 32x hax that like change the background layer to something more detailed; has me thinking about learning how to do it since I'm pretty much done with all my Sega Saturn translations.

Just imagine UMK3 with non----smurfy--- backgrounds.

Started by fablog - Last post by fablog


I have two Sega 4-speed shifters from a Twin Model 3 cabinet. They work, but shifting into 3rd and 4th gear feels loose, and the center position sometimes triggers the 2nd or 4th gear switch.

Does anyone know how to fix this issue?


26   Project Announcements / Re: GameRoomSolutions Fat Boy - TMNT Buildon February 08, 2025, 08:13:18 am

Started by smaka - Last post by Zeosstud

That setup is going to serve you well for a very long time. You happen to have a link to the exact monitor you got handy?


Started by wakd - Last post by rimpy69

Not sure if anyone still needs a resolve to this but I was lucky enough to stumble on a solution from another site. You need to install all the Visual C runtime packages and it will fix the issue. Use this link and select the first download button to get the visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one

Run the Install_all.bat and it will install all the Visual C from 2008 to current.

You will find that one of the executables that you have to select in Teknoparrot game settings is failing to run and this fixes the issue. Also found it fixed a lot of games that would fail to start.

28   Project Announcements / Re: GameRoomSolutions Fat Boy - TMNT Buildon February 07, 2025, 06:13:43 pm

Started by smaka - Last post by smaka

The cabinet was delivered in surprisingly small boxes. The cabinet was designed in a way that allows it to be broken down and quickly assembled.

Started by argonlefou - Last post by lowgunn

Ok, I do see that demulshooter is green and looks like its hooked.  I was able to get the mamehooker/demulshooter working for most of the teknoparrot games, but so far flycast seems to be a challenge.  What i did notice is that in the mamehooker debug windows, i see the outputs? like the damage output does not change, it stays at 0?  Your output for shooting game adds a total new level to the experience and its very awesome.  I really dont want to play any games without the outputs now,,lol
Also make sure you're using a stable release :
Nighly builds or unsupported version will not work with DemulShooter
You can also make a debug file with demulshooter (, it will recognized if the binary is a supported one

Hi argonlefou. Thank you very much for your great work.
One thing: In Point Blank X, shortly after starting to play as player one only,I get a nag message: "Insert coins please", which covers a part of the right side of the screen. I have tested the game in Teknoparrot and it doesn't happen there. Could it be a bug?
I don't know if it's a bug or a game original feature....
I used FREEPLAY to develop the plugin and - obviously - I didn't noticed it as it don't happen with FREEPLAY
I'll look at this to remove the nag screen

Dang it...that was it...I didn't realize I was using 2.4...using 2.3 and everything works now.  thanks again!

30   Main Forum / Re: Arachnid 6300 dart board helpon February 07, 2025, 01:05:32 pm

Started by Romeo - Last post by veyaso2227

It sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting by replacing the matrix and checking the board's mechanics. Since the same sections still aren't registering, the issue might be with the wiring or the connection between the matrix and the main board. I’d check for any loose or damaged ribbon cables, corrosion on connectors, or possible issues with the circuit board itself. If everything looks good, testing the board with a multimeter might help pinpoint the problem. Let me know if you find anything—I'd be happy to help troubleshoot further.
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