Rather than changing the config file, configure the wheel directly. Plug the wheel in and try configuring it with the command:Code: [Select]supermodel -config-inputs -input-system=dinput
(you can use a batch file to do this from the folder your copy of the emulator's in)
Make sure you've got the Supermodel window that opens selected and follow the instructions in the command prompt window that opens to configure all the controls (i.e press the button you want be start then hit enter to confirm). You can just use the down arrow on your keyboard to skip past stuff you don't need, like fighting game controls et cetera. When it asks you to configure the accelerator and brake, after configuring some other bits, Supermodel should be able to identify them when you press the pedal when prompted.
If you're still having trouble, you can press 'B' to calibrate and identify specific axes.
Thank you so much for this! I ran the batch file on my test set-up and I believe this is in my capability. Question...can I just use the bat file to map the brake pedal and bypass remapping all of the other controls which are already working great?
Much appreciated,