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Main => Audio/Jukebox/MP3 Forum => Topic started by: Lilwolf on July 27, 2005, 10:38:13 am

Title: Would this be useful?
Post by: Lilwolf on July 27, 2005, 10:38:13 am
A non-graphical jukebox specific app.

I'm considering writing my own jukebox app.  Mainly because I already have written a bunch of mp3 / mpg / avi apps in java for other projects...   

The feature that I haven't really seen before is easy configuration from another computer  (I want to be able to update the song list from another computer without a keyboard or monitor). 

Also, I have large music catalog.  I want more then whats given with the A-F and 0-9 buttons (or whatever).

Also, I have kids who like kids bop.  I want to make sure that the kids don't pick their favorite song 50 times in a row... :(

So here is the idea.

I have xml file for configuration of the songs.  So that a text editor can reconfigure all songs.  So a network connection (wireless / not) should be able to configure everything.

Next.  For each song / key combination, you can have it start more then one song.  So if you press A1 once, it might play your favorite song from lets say Shawn Cassidy - The do run runn.  Then if you press it again, it will find the next song in the list from that author on that album (defined in the xml file).  It would also say out loud the name of the next song using text -> wav voice synth, or if selected in the xml file, it will play the title from another sound file...  Doing this will also stop the current song if its in the list.

So the xml file might look something like this

<list name = "basic">
  <command key="A" alt="1">

    <name priority = 2>
       c:\mysongs\shawncassidy\kill maime destroy.mp3

    <name priority = 3 announce = "c:\mysong\shawncassidy\sucksixties_voice.mp3">

  <command key="A" alt="2" name="c:\mysongs\foofighters\Tired of You.mp3"/>

so A1 can switch between 3 songs.  First one will just play (its on a tag).  The second one will first do a text->wave of "kill maime destroy", then start it afterwards.   The third will play the voice song first, then play the song.

The A2 is the default easy to setup example.

What do you think?  I haven't played with the text->wav file converters (tried the examples on the public code... seems pretty easy to use)  so I might cache the wave files somewhere to make it runnable.  I will assume that a 533 Epia as a base software (ie, if I can't get it to run on my epia via board, I probably wont continue) but it does a great job on the mp3s so the rest should be pretty simple.

Anyway, useful for others?  Anyone else doing non-video jukeboxes?
Title: Re: Would this be useful?
Post by: Chris on July 27, 2005, 11:54:44 am
Anyway, useful for others?
Title: Re: Would this be useful?
Post by: Barry Barcrest on July 27, 2005, 09:13:17 pm
I am not sure i have quite got this right here so hopefully you will bear with me. You are saying you pick the songs across the network for the jukebox pc which is sitting somewhere else. The jukebox pc has no screen or keyboard and just plays the songs...

Now that i was i think you are saying and if so i really dont see any point to it. I might be being really thick here and i do appologise if i am but why would anyone want to do this? It is basically requiring you to have 2 machines to do the job of 1? You have to be able to pick songs so you will need a machine for that come what may? Like i said i think i must be missing something here.

As for allowing or surpressing duplicate selections in the queue my software has this in already, i think most of the jukes do now to be honest. I am not trying to put your idea down far from it i just don't understand where you are going with it, hell i might not have even grasped the concept correctly. Hope you can enlighten us a little more.
Title: Re: Would this be useful?
Post by: Lilwolf on July 28, 2005, 10:20:09 am
my cab is one of the old ones without any video.  And I don't want to put a a monitor in it.  Also, no keyboard.  So I can't do any updates without tearing it down, and bringing extra complenents to it. 

So I'm going to hook it up to my internal network (because its easy) and I want to copy / update the playlist on another computer.

And chris I looked at yours quickly.  But the only way I thought I would be able to update it was going to install it on two machines.  Then copy the configurations around.  But then I was thinking of being able to play extra songs on it would be cool.  And the ideas moved from there.