Main > File Repository

New category - Oscar Controls files


A while back, the owner of Oscar Controls sent me most if not all of his material that he used in producing his web site and products, including a lot of things that were conceptual drawings and/or in development. He gave me his blessing to put it online. I have a mirror of his site, of course, here:

With the addition of the File Repository I now have a good place to start putting other things of his online. Currently working on cad DWG drawings of various controls.

All work here remains his intellectual property, released for use with his permission.

--- saint

Oscar Controls restrictor plate original CAD drawings now online at as per his wishes when he sent them to me. Thought I had already uploaded this stuff but must have gotten distracted by a shiny penny. I've got a bunch more of his stuff to upload, someone bug me in a few days if it doesn't show up :)


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