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SkeeBall Identification

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That would be very helpful.  Thanks.
I got my bread boarded/cardboard display working enough to at least see the score.  It's not pretty but works.  Now I need to figure out how to make it permeant.  I laid out a pcb but the cost of having it made is a little more than I want to spend so I will probably just hand wire things up on perf board for now.  Next is to figure out the circuits for the Balls Played and what/how the decimal point is used.

Once I have that done it will be figuring out all the other questions I have that I listed above. 

Got my breadboard done for the score only.  Used 12 vdc pinball LEDs for the display and they look nice.  Still have not figured out all the rest but at least you can see your score!

@coyote460 have you figured out what the reset buttons do. I came across one of these machines and it works  but I can’t figure out what the bottom button does.

Top button triggers ball release solenoid
Middle button seems to reset (counts through ball lights)
Bottom button just sets ball played to 0 but leaves game unplayable.

Also I can’t seem to figure why the game over and alley open lights are always on


--- Quote from: neald on August 13, 2017, 02:02:50 pm ---Pinwiz, there are (5) SC141D triacs and the lower portion of the power supply board used to drive the lamps and solenoid, maybe the ticket dispenser. I can't remember but I think the middle triac was the solenoid. 2 to the right were win and display lamps I think.

--- End quote ---

Neal, you are our only direct link to FAB Electronics. I have been studying this thread for a while.
I have an Aladdin’s Castle fab u ball.
I am so close.  Do you have any pictures of the wiring in the back of the cabinet?
There is one wire that comes from the scoring (50, 40, 30,  20, 10) Where does it go?
Things were rewired in the past and It has no  molex to mate with.. ..

I'm also working on a machine and can help you Pin-out that wiring from the scoring holes.
The the yellow area is where those score holes pin to.  Which ones do you need?

Has anyone found a replacement chip for the 8pin dual drivers?

 I , well ,  did a stupid and put 120v on the wrong pin.. . Pop'ed a bunch of stuff. Working through it all now, finding what I blew up.
I noticed while trying to fix the "no release balls solenoid" that the ball counter data line and 120v triggering the Noid we're together in the same 4 core cable. I had one 4 core wire and one 2 core wire at the ball release noid. I tried moving the pins at the connector ( I have a fancy tool that can release the pins out of the connectors) and did not triple check that the swap was correct. Needless to say, I blasted the 5v line with 120v... sadness.  I had all sorts of chips pop, and stink filled the air.  It was a sad day.


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